P XV - Pengelolaan Referensi

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND


Dr. A. A. Putu Susastriawan

 Memuat daftar pustaka yang digunakan sebagai bahan acuan
materi penyusunan proposal atau laporan pelaksanaan

 Aturan penulisan daftar pustaka dan sitasi bermacam-macam,

Harvard reference style;
IEEE style;
Vancouver style

 Sangat penting untuk mengikuti aturan penulisan referensi sesuai

dengan Guidelines
Dr. AAPS | DoME| IST. AKPRIND Penulisan Proposal
Contoh Gaya Sitasi & Daftar Pustaka

 Harvard reference stye

Utilization of biogas as SI engine fuel has been reported by (Verma, Das and
Kaushik, 2017) and (Reddy, Aravindhan and Mallick, 2016)………..

Daftar Pustaka (Reference)/(Bibliography)

Reddy, K. S., Aravindhan, S. and Mallick, T. K. (2016) ‘Investigation of performance and
emission characteristics of a biogas fuelled electric generator integrated with solar
concentrated photovoltaic system’, Renewable Energy. Elsevier Ltd, 92, pp. 233–243.
Verma, S., Das, L. M. and Kaushik, S. C. (2017) ‘Effects of varying composition of biogas
on performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine using
exergy analysis’, Energy Conversion and Management, 138, pp. 346–359.

Dr. AAPS | DoME| IST. AKPRIND Penulisan Proposal

 IEEE stye
Utilization of biogas as SI engine fuel has been reported Verma et al. 2017 [1]
and Reddy et al. 2016 [2]…………….

Daftar Pustaka (Reference)/(Bibliography)

[1] S. Verma, L. M. Das, and S. C. Kaushik, “Effects of varying composition of biogas on
performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine using exergy
analysis,” Energy Convers. Manag., vol. 138, pp. 346–359, 2017.
[2] K. S. Reddy, S. Aravindhan, and T. K. Mallick, “Investigation of performance and
emission characteristics of a biogas fuelled electric generator integrated with solar
concentrated photovoltaic system,” Renew. Energy, vol. 92, pp. 233–243, 2016.

Dr. AAPS | DoME| IST. AKPRIND Penulisan Proposal

 Vancouver stye
Utilization of biogas as SI engine fuel has been reported by Verma et al. 2017 (1) and
Reddy et al., 2016 (2).

Daftar Pustaka (Reference)/(Bibliography)

 1. Verma S, Das LM, Kaushik SC. Effects of varying composition of biogas on performance
and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine using exergy analysis. Energy
Convers Manag. 2017;138:346–59.
2. Reddy KS, Aravindhan S, Mallick TK. Investigation of performance and emission
characteristics of a biogas fuelled electric generator integrated with solar concentrated
photovoltaic system. Renew Energy. 2016;92:233–43.

Dr. AAPS | DoME| IST. AKPRIND Penulisan Proposal


 Artikel dalam jurnal, majalah, seminar, atau kumpulan artikel :

Cary, A. M., Weinstein, L. M. & Bushnell, D. M., 1980, “Drag Reduction Characteristics
of Small Amplitude Rigid Surface Waves”, in Progress in Astronautics and
Aeronautics, (Ed.: G. R. Haugh), Vol. 72, hlm 143-167.

Mochizuki, S. & Osaka, H., 1998, “Drag Reduction with Submerged Ribs and its
Mechanism in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Over D-Type Roughness”, Proc Int
Symp on Seawater Drag Reduction, Newport, Rhode Island, 22-23 July, hlm 121-126.

Moffat, R. J., 1982, “Contributions to The Theory of Single Sample Uncertainty

Analysis”, J Fluids Engg., Vol. 104, hlm 250-260.

Dr. AAPS | DoME| IST. AKPRIND Penulisan Proposal

 Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, Laporan Penelitian :
Yuli, T. S., 2003, Studi Eksperimen Identifikasi Kavitasi Pada Elbow 90 o Berdasarkan
Spektrum Getaran dan Tingkat Kebisingan, Tugas Akhir Teknik Mesin, IST AKPRIND,

 Buku, Buku terjemahan :

Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C. & Razavieh, A., 1976, Pengantar Penelitian Pendidikan. Terjemahan oleh
Arief Furchan, 1982, Usaha Nasional, Surabaya.
White, F. M., 1994, Fluid Mechanics, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.

 Internet: (jangan dari web-blog)

Rahmeyer, W. J. & Chain, F., 2005, “Calibration and Verification of CavitationTesting
Facilities using an Orifice”, termuat di: www.engineering.usu.edu/cee/, diakses 21
Juli 2005.

Dr. AAPS | DoME| IST. AKPRIND Penulisan Proposal


• Software untuk pembuatan sitasi dan daftar pustka

• Sitasi dan pembuatan daftar pustaka secara otomatis bisa
dilakukan dengan software ini
• Contoh reference software adalah Mendeley Dekstop and Endnote

Dr. AAPS | DoME| IST. AKPRIND Penulisan Proposal

That’s all. Any Question?

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