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~Computer Virus~

The things you MUST know

Brought to You By
Sumanta Majumdar
Dept. Of Electrical Engg.
• About Virus
• Computer virus have become
today’s headline news.

• With the increasing use of the

internet, it has become easier for
virus to spread.

• Virus show us loopholes in


• Most virus are targeted at the MS

Windows OS
~ Classifying
Computer Virus ~
• A program designed to • File Virus: A computer virus that
attach itself to a file, infects executable files, that is
programs with exe filename
reproduce, and spread from extensions
one file to another, • Payload: The disruptive
destroying data, displaying instructions or message delivered
an irritating message, or by a computer virus. Payloads
otherwise disrupting can range from just being
computer operations. annoying to destroying data and
files on a computer system.
• Boot Sector Virus: A computer
virus that infects the sectors on a
disk that contain the data a
computer uses during the boot
process. The virus spreads every
time the infected disk is in the
computer when it boots.
• Macro Virus: A computer virus
that infects the macros that are
attached to documents and
• Trojan Horse: A computer
program that appears to perform
one function while actually doing
something else, such as inserting
* Virus through the
Internet *

Today almost 87% of all viruses

are spread through the internet.
Transmission time to a new host
is relatively low, on the order
of hours to days
“Latent virus”
Symptoms of Virus Attack
• Computer no longer boots up.
• Screen sometimes flicker.
• Computer runs slower then usual.
• PC speaker beeps periodically.
• System crashes for no reason.
• Files/directories sometimes disappear.
• Denial of service (dos)….. & Many More.
~Computer Virus~
How They Spread
• A virus runs first when a legitimate • Unfortunately, the virus has now
program is executed. reproduced itself, so two programs
• The virus loads itself into memory are infected.
and looks to see if it can find any • The next time either of those
other programs on the disk. programs gets executed, they infect
• If it can find one, it modifies it to add other programs, and the cycle
the virus's code to the new program. continues.
• Then the virus launches the "real • When the infected program
program“. o is distributed by
• The user has no way to know that  floppy disk
the virus ever ran.  uploaded to a bulletin board
 zipped and delivered as an

• then other programs get infected.

~Computer Virus~
How To Prevent Them
• Security features keep viruses away.
• Buy virus protection software.
• Avoid programs from unknown sources (like
the Internet).
• Stick with commercial software purchased on
~Computer Virus~
How To Prevent Them
• With E-mail viruses
o defense is personal discipline
 Never double-click on an attachment that contains
an executable program
 Attachments that come in as
 Word files (.DOC), spreadsheets (.XLS), images (.GIF
and .JPG), etc., are data files
 and they can do no damage
~Computer Virus~
How To Prevent Them
• Don’t victimize yourself
o learn where to find legitimate information on
hoaxes, myths etc.
 do not forward warnings if you haven’t personally
checked them out!
~Computer Virus~
How To Prevent Them
Don’t fall for the
• "False Authority Syndrome”
o Most people who claim to speak with authority
about computer viruses have little or no genuine
 The person feels competent to discuss viruses because of
 his job title,
 because of expertise in another computer field,
 simply because he knows how to use a computer.
~Computer Virus~
How To Prevent Them
• E-mail is clearly the predominant vulnerability
point for viruses
o Current viruses are spread via security holes in
Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express
 Free patches are available from Microsoft to address these
 many people are reluctant to apply them.
• First, update your system with Windows Update
and Office Update
o or, buy a Mac
• Buy virus protection software
~Computer Virus~
How To Scan?
~Computer Virus~
Anti-Virus Is Scanning
~Computer Virus~
Finding Out A Virus
Computer Virus
• Acknowledgement
• My special thanks goes to Sri Supriyo Ghosh
(Dept. of BCA,Techno India, Sec. V) for
helping & suggesting me about different kind
of computer viruses & their characteristics.
Computer Virus
• Be Original Kill Piracy.

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