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Chapter 1

Computer Users, Computer

Architecture and Computer
Note :
You are going to see and hear four people talk about how they use
Users Possible Use




• The artist is being interviewed, make questions to match the answer !
(Use the correct past form and present perfect whichever is correct)
1. A: What ………….
B: Worked on a CD of my paintings.
2. A: How many ……..
B: About a third.
3. A: What …….
B: I destroyed them.
4. A: How ……..
B: I scanned them in.
5. A: Have…….
B: Yes, I have added a sound track.
6. A: How long …….
B: It’s taken me about a week.
7. A: When…….
B: I started about ten years ago.
Put the tenses in this dialogue in the correct form :
past simple or present perfect !
1. What (do) today ?
2. I (work) on my project. I (search) the web for sites
on digital cameras.
3. (find) any good ones ?
4. I (find) several company sites Sony, Canon,
…….but I (want) one which (compare) all the
5. Which search engine (use) ?
6. Dogpile mostly. (ever use) it?
7. Yes I (try) it but I (have) more luck with Ask
Jeeves. Why don’t you try it ?
8. I (have) enough for one night. I (spend) hours
on that project.sss
9. I (not start) on mine yet.
10. Yeh? I bet you (do) it all.

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