What Is Important? Innocence or Experience

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Date: 21/2/2011

What is Important?

Innocence Or Experience
Submitted to
Miss Veenu

Presented By:
Loveneesh Devgan
Roll No. : RV8904A09
Regd. No.: 10901630
Course: B.H.M CT
Innocence is defined as :

• Lack of cunning, or deceit.

• Person with simplicity or artlessness.

• Lack of worldliness or sophistication.

• Lack of knowledge or understanding; ignorance.

• Freedom from harmfulness; inoffensiveness.

Experience is defined as:

• Active participation in events or activities, leading to th

e accumulation of knowledge or skill.

• The knowledge or skill so derived.

• An event or a series of events participated in or lived th

• Innocence is a precious gift.
In the days of our youth, everything is much simpler &

• Some people however, feel that innocence is the worst time

of anyone’s life. This brings up the question whether or not i
nnocence is important in life or not.

• A child doesn’t know any better during the stage of

innocence and is unable to reasonably distinguish the
differences between right and wrong.
• On other hand some people tells that innocence is best time
of their lives, which shows that the innocence does play an
important part in everyone’s life.

• Being Innocent gives benefit to humanity i.e. there will be

the lack of hatred among the world.
• By keeping innocence alive another benefit to humanity will
be the constant craving for fun and adventure.

• The simple ambitions of joy & laughter would never depart

from our lives. There will be no race among humans to win
or to become rich/ popular which gives birth to greed and
even to evil crimes.
• But if innocence is there, people will be jealous free just as
children, People would feel that work is simply something
they need to do to raise money.

• But In reverse if we think, As long as innocence is kept

alive, no one would be terribly angered at the lack of effort
people put out in the workplace, resulting in a strong declin
e in production and quality of needed goods.

• With the ongoing life of innocence, a large portion of

individuals would never have the urge to learn, work, and
act upon the necessary needs for humanity to survive.
• Without a proper education which is usually provided by
those who no longer live in a world of innocence, people
would not have the mental abilities to get a good job in life,
thus providing little income for families and hurting the live
s of children.
• The lack of a good education and career would also harm
the economy.

• So, Perhaps Innocence is not needed when considered such

• Experience plays an important role in one’s life.
• A person’s life is full of experiences, right from the day he c
omes into life.

• From right inside the mother’s woomb till the man survives
he gain experiences in life.

• Some experience accumulates over a period of time, though

one can also experience a single specific momentary event.

• In general it can be said, Experience comes by direct person

al participation.
• Some experiences gives us to learn from a single event of its
happening, for example: When a child first time accidently t
ouches a hot iron & get burnt. He is more likely to remembe
r not to do such a thing in future than another who is told ti
me and time again not to touch it.

• Many times, when a teacher teach a pupil something on one

day and he nods his head and says "yes I know", and ask hi
m the next day, there is a high chance that he has forgotten.
However if he has learned it by an experiment or by experie
nce, he is likely to remember for a very long time, sometime
s even to adulthood. There is nothing better than experience
– Hence it is often said that experience is the best teacher.
• We gain experience through our lives and by putting
ourselves in different live situations to get it.

• Another example is if one person has to give a debate, then he

can read about how to debate but it is never as adequate as the
experience of it.
• Standing in front of an attentive audience, conscious of
saying the right thing, even feeling self-conscious and
embarrassed but having done this several times, gaining the
experience to deal with it and to improve from it.

• That person may rehearse by try saying the debate to himself,

to his colleagues and family before coming to participate just
to get the experience before actual performance.
• Experience is important, it is being proved at every stage of

• One cannot be a barrister, a doctor or an engineer or a hotel

manager as soon as he/she finish the University qualification.

• The student have to become an articles clerk, an intern or an

apprentice or undergo practical training to get sufficient
experience first to gain the complete degree.
• Hence, experiencing things completes our knowledge.

• We test and confirm our theoretical knowledge by

experimenting /experiencing those lively.
• Experience tells us about good and bad.

• It gives us ability to differentiate between the right and the

• Bad experiences comes by committing mistakes and we
correct ourselves in future from those mistake.
Hence here experience has proved to be helpful while the
making of one individual into a good human being.
• Experience of being hated by someone explain us
importance of being love and therefore teaches us to spread

• All above examples shows that experience is needed, to kno

w life better,
• Sometimes Both, Innocence and experience are needed to
formulate new aspect of life or a new invention.

• When one is conscious in observing and capable of relating

certain facts to daily circumstances and respond to facts out
of his own past experience of things and is capable to try a
new way, which is extracted from the guidance given by
previous experiences can give birth to a new experience and
therefore, triggering new unknown reactions.

• Such was the way, of all the famous scientist who had
their previous experiences to give us new inventions.
• One cannot completely enjoy the life’s events without
knowing the innocence of the joy what it contain and
similarly, one cannot know the events better without
experiencing those themselves.

• Both are needed, Innocence to enjoy life, and experiences to

understand life better
• Innocence is needed to find new ways of life, and to
explore the unknown aspects of life.
• Whereas, New Experiences are needed to confirm
the old facts which are already experienced by some
one else.
• Hence, In conclusion it can be said that both,
“Innocence & Experience” , have their own
importance in life.

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