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Research Ethics

GROUP ---- 1
Introduced to
Ethics are norms or standard Ethics
of behavior that guide moral
choices about our
relationships with others.
The goal of ethics in research
is to ensure that no one is
harmed or suffers adverse
consequences from research
 Benefits
 Deception
Ethical Treatment
 Informed Consent
of Participants
 Debriefing Participants
 Rights to Privacy
 Whenever direct contact
is made with a participant,
the researcher should
discuss the study’s Benefits
benefit, being careful to
neither overstate nor
understate the benefits.
 Deception occurs
when the participants
are told only part of
the truth or when the
truth is fully
 Securing informed
consent from participants
is a matters of fully
disclosing the procedures
of the proposed survey or Informed Consent
other research design
before requesting
permission to proceed
with the study.
 Debriefing involves
several activities following
the collection of data:
 Explanation of any deception. Debriefing
 Description of the hypothesis,
goal of the study.
 Post study sharing of results.
 Post study follow-up medical or
psychological attention.
 All individuals have a right
to privacy, and
researchers must respect
that right.
 The privacy guarantee is Rights to Privacy
important not only to
retain validity of the
research but also to
protect participants,
 There are also ethical
considerations to keep in
mind when dealing with
the research client . They Ethics and the
are as follows: sponsor
 Confidentiality
 Right to quality research
 Sponsor’s Ethics
 Some sponsors wish to
undertake research
without revealing
themselves. They have a
right to several types of Confidentiality
 Sponsor nondisclosure
 Purpose nondisclosure
 Findings nondisclosure
 This right entail sponsor
 Providing a research design
appropriate for the research
question. Right to quality
 Maximizing the sponsor’s value
for the resources expanded.
 Providing data-handling and
reporting techniques
appropriate for the data
 Occasionally , research
specialist may be asked by
sponsor to participate in
Sponsor’s Ethics
unethical behavior.
 Safety
 Ethical Behavior of Researchers and
Assistants Team members
 Protection of Anonymity
 It is the researcher’s
responsibility to design a
project so that so that the
safety of all interviewers,
surveyors, experimenters
is protected.
 Researcher should require
ethical compliance from
team member just as Ethical Behavior
sponsor expect ethical of Assistants
behavior from the
 Researcher and assistants
protect the confidentiality
of the sponsor’s Protection of
information and the Anonymity
anonymity of the
Thank you

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