When Should I Apply To A Graduate School?

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When should I apply to a

graduate school?
 Right after undergrad

 Work in industry first

 Apply, then defer for a year

 Didn’t get into the schools you wanted? Take

a year to get more research experience as a
lab tech in a lab.
What do I need to apply?
1. Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose (SOP)
• Why are you applying to grad school?
• What activities are important to your story?
• What is your research story (if you have one)?
2. Resume
3. Transcripts
4. Recommendations
5. GRE score
7. Application Fee
How to write an SOP?

 two pages long

 uses a maximum
of 12 point font
and is double
spaced in normal

 Hence,
depending on the
font type, a
standard SOP w
ould be about
800 to 1000
1. How long it took for you to read it?

2. Did you have any difficulty in reading it?

3. Did it sound like a complete story?

4. Was there any unknown or difficult word

that you were not familiar with?
SOP writing strategy
1. Keep your sentences simple and short. The first sentence is the most important
part of the paragraph. First paragraph should not be very long (5-6 sentences)
and will give a summary of the entire SOP.

2. Be specific. Focus on what you are planning

to do with that university's education after
your graduate study.

3. Make good logical derivation.

4. Do NOT make one general SOP, change university name and send it out.
Every SOP should be customized for that university.

5. There are no right and wrongs in these cases. Some essays compel a reader to
read from first to last, and some are plain boring and informative. A good SOP is
always standing out and has a punchline.

6. The admission committee is reading hundreds of SOPS. So, it is courteous to

thank them for their time.
Some Tips
1. Get a good friend or trusted person to
read it. Good writing is ALWAYS
accompanied by good editing
2. Do not use passive voice!
3. Talk up your accomplishments and take
credit where deserved
4. Craft a narrative (not a list of
Additional Tips
 Go back and read your SOP again and again

 Put it away for a bit and come back to it later

 Don’t be afraid to ‘start over’

 Trim down your essay and omit unnecessary


 Convey the same message but with less


Best letters are almost

always subsequent re-writes
What research topic do I want to

How many advisors at a

certain school research in
that area?
Materials Engineering

e repair
SOP during the COVID19 pandemic
• If you had plans to do • Reflect on how the pandemic has
research/internships that were changed/will change the world.
cancelled due to COVID19, still What issues, current or future,
indicate that you were accepted have you thought about during the
for a position and/or planned a pandemic? How will you as a
project! This is a significant researcher make an impact
achievement! towards tackling these issues,
either during or after your
MS/PhD? Some examples may
• If your time in lab as an undergrad
researcher was impacted by
COVID19, think creatively about – Health disparities
your outside-of-lab research – Climate change
activities. Some examples may • Consider sharing how COVID19
be… has impacted you personally, and
– Conducting literature searches how these events have shaped
– Doing a computational project your dream about being a
– Interviewing other grad

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