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Present to:

Jafrin Jafor
Department of Business Administration,
Uttara University
Presented by:
Name ID
Ariful Islam Rony 2161011279

Md.Sirajdulla 2161011254
Presentation on:

What is Application software? And types of

Application software.
What is application software?
Application software or computer application refers to a
special type of computer program that helps people
perform a particular type of task. A computer software
that helps the user to perform specific tasks according to
the needs of the user. It is just called application or app.
Types of application software:
Presentation Software
Spreadsheet Software
Database Software
Multimedia Software
Word Processing Software
Simulation Software
Presentation Software
In Presentation software, we can show the information
in the form of slides and also we can add text, graphics
video and images to slides to make them more
informative and interactive.
For example Microsoft's PowerPoint.
Spreadsheet software
In Spreadsheet software, we can perform modifications
and calculations. In spreadsheet software data is
stored in table format. The intersecting area of row
and column is called a cell. we can define the type of
data going to enter that field such as text, date, time,
number. Also, it provides many formulas and
functions to perform calculations like arithmetic
operations, logical operations, text operations.
For example Microsoft Excel, lotus 1-2-3 for windows.
Database Software
The database is a collection of files. It contains related
data. Applications have some database. Whenever we
operate the application, data is fetched from the
database, and after modification, it is stored back in
the database.

Database Management System (DBMS) software tool

is used for storing, modifying extracting and searching
for information within a database
For example: MySQL, MS Access, and Oracle.
Multimedia software
Multimedia software is used in the editing of video,
audio, and text. Multimedia software is used in
business, educations, information, remote system and
Word Processing Software
It is used to format and also manipulate the text, to
create memos, letters, faxes, and documents. It
provides many features such as find and replaces,
checking spelling and grammar, synonyms and
antonyms, different Font options and word art options.
For example: MS Word, Word Perfect.
Simulation Software
To represent the similar behavior, function and key
nature of the real world, it provides a physical
environment. It is a technology for education,
engineering, testing, video games, etc. It is used in
the real world where the real system cannot be
accessible or maybe dangerous or unacceptable
For example in the area of flight system, economics,
Robotics, Space Shuttle Navigation, and weather
forecasting, etc.

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