Pre-Session Tasks

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Pre-Session Tasks:

Read one of the following papers:

Maggie MacLure, Rachel Holmes, Christina MacRae & Liz Jones (2010) Animating classroom
ethnography: overcoming video‐fear, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,
23:5, 543-556

de Freitas, E. (2016). The moving image in education research:Re-assembling the body in

classroom video data Re-assembling the student body in classroom video data. International
Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(4), 553-572.

Macrae, Christina (2019) Grace taking form: re-animating Piaget’s concept of the sensori-
motor through and with slow-motion video. Video Journal of Education and Pedogogy 4 (2019) Bring some reflections on the paper. Think about
the following questions: 
• In what ways did these approaches
challenge your assumptions about

• How did the researchers resist more

traditional research processes?

• You may wish to consider some of the

stages of the conventional research process.
Doing •A practical workshop examining:

classroom •What we presently do with video in

Education research

Video Data •Why we do it this way

Differently: •How we could do it differently in the future

Encountered some existing studies about
video methods in education

By the end of
Reflected on the place of video in the
this workshop educational context using archive materials

will have: Engaged in some ‘hands on’ practical
video/visual research

Drawn on some experimental ‘artists' film’

methods to diffract and open up possibilities
of video research
Me, My Positionality and
My Film and TV Diet

Who am I? What
do I research?

My favourite film
as child was…

If my research What is my
was a film it methods
would be… comfort zone?
A few Film
concepts for
Sound off/on Activity:


•Watch the 1973 archive film with the sound only.

•Take some rough and general notes about first impressions based on the sound alone.

•Any predictions for the whole clip? 

•Discuss: Think creatively- which genre would you place this film in based on the sound alone and why? 

•N.B prior arrangements would consider inclusion for disabilities

relating to these senses.
Specific Details Its impact or
from clip: effect on me:


Watch the same clip

again. Editing
With sounds and vision
in unison this time. 
Camerawork – you
can discuss shot
Whilst you watch, fill in sizes here
Grid the grid.
Group Activity: Constructing a Narrative
Steps 1- 4

1.You have still images 2.Use the cut out stills 3.Is there a key event in 4.Leave the images in the order
from 2 archive films. and arrange them to your story?  you have decided. Now visit the
These are broadly show a sequence of other group’s images. Predict what
themed around events. Do this within their narrative and ‘key event’
education and learning your group (10 mins)  might be. 
Group Activity: Constructing a Narrative
Steps 5-8

5. Once you have predicted the other 6.How did you agree upon the ‘key 7.Was your story based on or 8.We are then going to watch the
group's narrative, reveal your  ‘true’ event’?​ inspired by another story or a life first part of each film…​
narratives and discuss. event for someone in your group?  ​
• Property of Screen Archive South East

• Property of nefa North East Film archive

Now watch the first part of the
What stories might have these
professionals constructed?

Discuss in Present day Psychologist 

Present day Health and Safety
Going into the
Education ‘Field’
with Cameras
Field Notes 1.Find a learning environment. 
Activity Sheet: This can be interpreted broadly.

2.Use the senses to take written notes about this

environment (you can include ones beyond the
typical 5 senses) 

3.Each sketch your learning environment using a

pen or pencil and paper. Share and discuss these.

4. Shoot 10-15 seconds of original film footage

of this learning environment.
Creative Constraints:
For this task you can only manipulate one
technical aspect of your footage. Choose
from one of these 3 film elements:

Manipulating with • The colour and saturation

Software: Creative • The speed and duration

Constraints • The sound

Remember you can only pick one for this

Doing it differently:

1.Plan and shoot a 10-20 second video piece of data about one of the
following themes: 
• Classroom Engagement
• Learning styles

Post- Session • Teacher relationships

(make sure you do not feature people in the recordings)

Activity Steps 1- 2.Use The Artists' Film Wheel

3: (next slide)
to select an experimental film makers’ processes .

Work in pairs. 3.Plan how you could use or extend these processes and techniques to
Typically you may be asked to do a ‘open up’ some of the film data. 
literature review first. In this case please You can actually do this if you have time.
avoid doing this.



Len Lye

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4.Capture some reflections on
this process and the ‘data’ you
Post- Session have created (e.g an audio
recording, vlog …)
Activity Steps 4-
5: 5.Now… do a retrospective
brief literature review about
your theme. Does your
experimental data align in any
ways with any of the assertions
in any research on that theme? 
Post- Session Activity
Further FollowFinal
Up Tasks:
Steps :

6.Take a screen shot from your film. How could you code this
image as ‘data’?
7.‘Dip into’ this book Rose G (2001). Visual methodologies:
an introduction to the interpretation of visual materials.
Which of the methodologies outlined by Rose work?   London, Sage

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