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By: Emily Kemp
Grade: 3
Influenced by: Yetta Goodman
o The teacher will ask the students to “Find a Friend
Find a Friend Who Who….” Find a Friend
Likes the same o The students will then go around and find a Who likes the
sport as you
classmate that has the same answer as them. same type of
o Once they have found this friend, they will greet each pizza as you

other and then share something with this new friend.

o The Students will all come back into a circle and the
teacher will choose two students to introduce the
Find a Friend
friend that they made and the new thing that they Find a Friend who
learned. has the same
Who has the same
number of siblings
kind of pet as you o This can be repeated as many times as the teacher
as you
wants with different questions each time!

Source: 7 Fun Ideas for Morning Meeting Greetings (

Greeting:Questions And Answers
How does the teacher
How does the introduce the What social skills are
greeting set a positive greeting? children learning
tone and provide a and/or practicing
sense of recognition? To introduce the greeting the teacher should during greeting?
demonstrate to the students what they are being
asked to do. Once the teacher has explained all
This greeting sets a positive tone The social skill that the students are
of the steps for this greeting, they will then ask a
because it encourages the students to practicing during this greeting is caring
starter question such as “Find a Friend who is
find what they have in common with about more than just the name of whoever it
wearing the color blue” (the teacher should ask a
their classmates. It allows for the is they are greeting. The students are being
question where they can easily identify a friend)
greeting to be a little more than just asked to find out more from their friends
Once this question has been asked the teacher
recognizing the name of your than just their name which encourages the
will walk over to a student that match's this
classmates but also recognizing what students to be more interactive with people
question, demonstrate the greeting and then sit
they enjoy to do or who they are as a that they greet.
back down. These students should then
understand what they are suppose to do and the
greeting can begin!
If you were a superhero, what would
● Have all the students in a circle your name be? What would your powers
● Ask one question that each student will get the be?

opportunity to answer.
● Once the student has shared what their answer is What Makes you Happy?
to the question allow for the other students to
respond with questions or comments. (limit this
to only two questions or comments per student) If you could give one gift to every
single child in the world, what gift
● To change it up a little you can ask two different would you give?
questions and have half of the class answer one
and the other half answer the other.
What do you like to do outside?

Source: 105 Morning Meeting Sharing Ideas - Learn Grow Blossom (
What routines and behaviors do What routines and behaviors do
How does this sharing help the children need to learn and
Children need to learn and
academic curriculum? practice in order to be successful
practice in order to be successful
during dialog sharing? with around the circle sharing?
This sharing would help the academic The routines and behaviors that students need to
curriculum because the teacher can choose learn and practice to be successful sharers is to
what question they want to ask every In order to be successful dialog wait their turn. The teacher should ensure that
morning. This means the teacher can frame sharers, the students should be told the students know that everyone will have the
the question towards what the students are to sit up straight and speak loudly opportunity to answer so they should be patient
learning. For example, if the students were and listen to what their classmates have to say.
going to learn about plants and the with their hands away from their They should also learn to be engaged with other
photosynthesis cycle the question could be mouth. They should be able to share students answers and be able to ask questions or
“what is your favorite plant/flower and their answer to the question in a big make comments about what they have said. The
why?” The teacher could ask the question enough voice that everyone can her teacher should also ensure that the student who
“What do you like most about school so far? is sharing feels like they are being listened too,
and understand what the student has
What would you like to see changed?” by making sure all of the students are looking at
which would help the teacher establish what said.
whoever is talking.
to adjust to allow the children to learn the
• The teacher will choose a category such as rivers, state capitals or
• Working as small groups (which the teacher will assign prior to
begging this activity) the students have a limited amount for time to CATEGORI
brainstorm as many examples as they can for that category. (if the E IS….
category is capitals than the students can put Austin, Sacramento,
Olympia, etc.) Someone in the group should write these things
• When time is up the teacher will stop the action
• Students should return to the circle
• A spokesperson from each group will say how many items they
produced. The group with the most items will read everything they
got out loud. The other groups will check off any of the first group’s
items that appear on their list. Once the first group has finished
reading theirs, other groups may add any additional items that
weren’t on the first groups list.
Source: (
What routines and behaviors
did children need to learn in What academic skills are children
order to be successful with practicing?
this activity?
What are the
community-building The academic skills that
The routines and behaviors that children elements of this children are practicing include
need to learn in order to be successful with activity? writing out words and
this activity are the children must utilize recalling previous information
teamwork. They should not try and do that they have learned. This
everything themselves and instead allow for The community-building elements of
idea of recall is very
every person in the group to contribute to the this activity are the fact that students
must work collaboratively in order to important. The teacher can use
list. This means the students will have to
give their peers a turn to talk and listen to produce the most items. This means the a topic that they students have
what they are saying. Another behavior the students are relying on each other and been going over in class such
students will have to master is talking encouraging others to be successful. as state capitals and discover
quietly so they are not overheard. This is not how well the students have
a loud activity and students must learn to learned by their ability to
control their excitement and keep their
voices down.
• Let's talk about one of your biggest
accomplishments, proudest moments, or
the time you conquered one of your
biggest fears

• Before the meeting (either the day before

or in the morning before the meeting
starts) have the students write out their
answer on a post it note and stick to the
message board.

Source: @Selebrateyou on Instagram

Morning Message: Questions and Answers
What social skill are children
practicing as they read and What academic skills are What does the teacher do to
work with the message before children practicing as they read manage behavior during the
the meeting? During the and work with the massage work with the messages?
meeting? before the meeting? During the

When the students read these postit

In order to manage behavior during
notes on the board they can begin to doing things, they may have found
the work with the message the
see what it is that make their peers feel challenging or scary and this message board teacher should ensure that no one
proud of themselves. This can lead to gives students the opportunity to show off makes fun of what anyone has
students being more invested in the what they have accomplished. Although written. It is important that this be a
subjects that people feel proud of. most of the answers may not be safe environment for students to
Meaning when someone starts talking academically focused, encouraging the
about how they were able to ride a
share their true feelings so any joke
students to be proud of themselves and their
roller coaster for the first time, peers work will create an environment where the
or unkind comment about what
know that this is important to the students want to work hard and accomplish someone has written should be
speaker and they should listen and their goals. immediately dealt with and fixed.

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