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Business to Business Marketing

By – Deepak Bhattacharya
Deepak Bhattacharya
Chetan Shirasi
Deepali Sawant
Nitin Sakla
Ganesh Shaoji
Swapnil.S.Wargaonkar 120
Topics covered
Customer knowledge: Individualised customer

The Relationship Policy: Relationship in data

Video 1
Customer Knowledge

Individualized customer Proposition

C.K.M of customers with whom firm enjoys high value
What is customer knowledge.???


Market research

Market intelligence

Customer Relationship Management

Steps in Individualized customer proposition

Ta rge t S p e c i fi c c u s to m e r

Collect data

Provide customization

Case Study
 The flagship hospital of a large multi-hospital system
decided to purchase an electronic medical record (EMR)
module for anesthesia documentation.

Three vendors A,B & C submitted proposals for the project.

1. Company A and Company B are large vendors of EMRs
looking to enhance market share in intra-operative
documentation. Both offer discounted pricing on the
module .
2. Company C is a smaller, more specialized vendor. The
price for its module is 10 percent higher than its two
competitors for the project. Despite the higher price, the
hospital purchases the Company "C" module.
Case Study Inferences
Co A- Included improved billing capabilities for
anesthesiology services, as well as enhanced charge
capture of supplies for the hospital

Co B- Individualized customized documentation


Co C- It sends anesthesiologists and operating room

operating room nurses to operating rooms of potential
customers to discover where value is needed.
-Provide seamless, coordinated pre-operative and
intraoperative documentation to prevent operating room
But where is this data
Distributed around an organization in a fragmented

In the heads of sales or customer services people

In the data in accounting systems

Companies web-site

Customer feed back and complaints

Why is it important to B2B

It helps to

Build sustainable business relationships with their


Focus on the customers needs and wants for each

customer individually(micro), and for all
customers together(macro)
How is the data…….

Structured unstructured data



Video 2
The concept of knowledge:

Knowledge is richer, deeper & valuable than information.

Tacit knowledge:
- In peoples head or heads of group of people such as an
- It is what makes people act smart and intelligently.

Explicit knowledge:
- Rendered explicitly to a community of people and is
what they deem to know.

- Subjective n difficult to transit
- Difficult to capture as it is subtle n sticky

 Explicit:
- Objective n easy to communicate
- Easy to capture but limited in depth &
Category of knowledge

Knowledge is corporate resource and classified as

3 types:

1) Human capital –People based

2) Structural capital-Process n technology based

3) Customer/Market capital - Customer data

/ transaction based
Customer knowledge Management

Acquisition and use of customer-related knowledge

to create value for both the organization and the
purchasers of its products and services.

Focuses on the human aspects of customer


Knowledge gained by direct interaction with the

customer & quantitative transactional data
Steps in Customer knowledge management…….
Collection of data

Customer data is often best collected close to the

customer due to greater familiarity with customer

Interactive technologies, conversations with

customers and user groups used to create
knowledge-sharing and collect data
Structuring and storing customer knowledge

Database rigid

Structured as well as unstructured and open end

Means used be able to cope with complexity of

customer knowledge

Software like Notanant,Nethzah

The database made available to across an
1) Intranet

2 )Extranet or even across the web

3)Available to a mobile technical and sales force via

mobile devices

4)Addition to desktop call-centre approaches.

Database allows for documents to be published to
customer records

Complete history of information is captured

Flexible as it allows structured data such as from

questionnaires or ad hoc data to be added and be
accessible whenever required
Video 3 explanation of NETHZAH software
knowledge base services.
How do I analyze
Structured Data analysis

Investigate customer's revenue is increasing, static or

declining. Combine this with an overview of the
strategic value of each customer, to identify key
customers and key segments
What will I get from these…..??

• Group and harmonise customers with similar needs

• Business has streamlined operations

• Meet the needs of a large group of customers at the same
time serve customers who are most important to you.
• More flexible products and production
• Increased and better communication for cross-sale and
up-sale opportunities.
Proper individual attention to cases worthy of extra care
and attention
Data Analysis

Unstructured data
Simple historic approach
Diary approach looking for key dates and
moments that occur regularly
Customer's network of relationships who are
their strategic partners, customers and
Talk to staff member dealing directly with customer
What will I get……..

• Ad hoc data, by its nature has the potential to be extremely

rich in content.

• By uncovering common truths which signals potential for

new products and services.
Sharing customer knowledge

Be shared with those people who need to know

Designed properly so that it can push key information to

relevant parties.

Each employ handle different customers and subjects that

they are interested in, and has different levels of security
access to different pieces of information so database needs
to match appropriate information to each user
Customer value proposition (CVP)

Sum total of benefits which a vendor promises a customer will

receive in return for the customer's associated payment.

A customer value proposition is a business or marketing

statement that describes why a customer should buy a
product or use a service

It is specifically targeted towards potential customers

Designed to convince customers that particular product or

service will add more value or better solve a problem than others

Personalization involves using technology to accommodate the

differences between individuals

In simpler term its the process of allowing the customers to

design and have the product to their choice For example, a
furniture manufacturer that manufactures based on the
customer needs also know as Tailor Made

Once confined mainly to the Web, it is increasingly becoming a

factor in education, healthcare (i.e. personalized medicine), and
both "business to business" and "business to consumer" settings
Flitra catalsyt & chemical ltd

Manufactures 3,5 XYLENOL using same process of different

purity viz 98 % and 99.9% purity.

3,5 xylenol of 99.9% purity is required by pharma company to

produce 3,5 xylidine used as muscle relaxant.

3,5 xylenol of 98.8% purity is used by other chemical

manufacturer to produce floor cleaner and disinfectants.

So here FCCL has got customer base belonging to different

sector and thus provide customized product i.e as per
different purity requirement.
FCCL who believes in customization

A- “Hey we have been manufacturing and selling 3,5 Xylenol to

many companies since last 5 years and the market for this
product is growing @ 15%”

B-“But I heard that market for it is growing @ 10%”

A-“Yes you are right but that’s for pharma grade 3,5 XYLENOL,
our cos produces 3,5 Xylenol of disinfectant grade which is of
98% purity as well as pharma grade which is 99.9% purity”

B-“So do you mean that our cos produce 3,5 xylenol as per the
customer base of different sector.
FCCL who believes in customization

A- “Yes, initially we produced only disinfectant grade product

but later we got customer base(pharmaceutical cos)
who were interested in buying pharma grade 3,5
XYLENOL which is produced using the same raw
material and process with modification to improve the
quality and purity.

This process can be altered to produce the final

product that suits the requirement of individual
customer if material is to be supplied in bulk.”
A company which does not believe in customization…

“ All our good are sold… then y do we need

“What customization can we give in primary
“Our products are selling like ‘Hot cakes’, if sales goes
down then we may think about customization….to
push sales”
“it must give some value…….immediate realization of
“how can we customize goods for a buyer who buys in
small quantities… he is not that important”
What customers say
“Nalco Supplies the best quality available and there are
hardly any other companies better than Nalco. We
have to adjust without customization”
Lack of customization increases our cost…..
The movement of truth
Company relies solely on its quality!!!!!
Foreign Players may enter market and give better
Quality and Customized products.
The rolled products….(explanation)
Benefits of customization

No overstock, waste or risk

No discounts
Fewer rejections
Higher willingness to pay
Higher customer loyalty
Cross selling opportunities
Acess to market research information
To support core competencies
Maintain competitive advantage
Video 6 ADIDAS

• Relationship policy means setting some rules & regulations

for the company.
Types of Relationship Policy

Employee Relationship Policy :

Employee relations is defined as those policies and

practices which are concerned with the management and
regulation of relationships between the organization, the
individual staff member, and groups of staff within the
working environment.

Customer Relationship Policy:

All Employees deal with the customers! Every employee
impacts the customer in some way.
Contd …
The ways in which employees can enhance customer
relationships are to answer phones before three rings,
transfer office calls correctly, follow through on promises,
give updates if necessary, greet walk-in customers or just
smile and say hello. Treating others as you expect to be
treated goes a long way in customer service relationships.

Personal Relationship Policy: 

Today Companies have recognized the increased potential

for conflicts of interest, appearance of favoritism and risk
of claims of sexual harassment when employees develop
close personal relationships with each other.
Contd ..
In order to protect the company and its employees, the
personal relationship policy provides directions on how to
manage situations when employees develop close personal
relationships with each other.
Relationship Data Management

As companies grow and evolve, it becomes essential to

manage master data across information silos that result
from mergers and acquisitions, departmental initiatives, or
legacy system proliferation.

Data consistency, integrity, quality and accuracy suffer.

Data Relationship Management, helps enterprises to

build consistency within master data assets despite endless
changes within the underlying transactional and analytical
Contd ….
Oracle Hyperion Data Relationship Management
provides the industry's first data model-agnostic master
data management solution built to enable financial and
analytical master data management in dynamic, fast-
changing business environments.
Contd ….
There are two types of master data management:

1. Financial Master Data Management:

Create an enterprise view of financial chart of accounts,

cost centers and legal entities with a view to govern on-
going financial management and consolidation
Contd ….
2. Analytical Master Data Management

 Create an enterprise view of analytical dimensions,

reporting structures, performance measures and their
related attributes and hierarchies .

 Synchronize master data with downstream systems

including business intelligence (BI)/enterprise
performance management (EPM) systems, data
warehouses and data marts to gain trustworthy insight.
Contd ….

 Change management and control

Unify cross-functional perspectives to a master

record while giving users the freedom to make changes
and construct alternate departmental views of the data
that are consistent and accurate.
Contd …
 Best-of-breed hierarchy management

Streamline master data changes using drag-and-drop

hierarchy maintenance. Enable side-by-side
comparison and one-click navigation across both,
balanced and ragged hierarchies, with built-in
referential integrity.

 Workflow integration

Hot-pluggable integration with workflow tools using

web services.
Contd …
 Audit and compliance
Provide a framework for query, comparison, and full history
of all master data changes, including documented
versioning and roll-back at any point in time or recorded
modification to master data elements.

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