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Learning activity 3

Evidence: Environmental issues

By: Sonia Andrea Ruiz


What do you think about the problem?

I think this is a really serious problem. Forests cover 31% of the land
area on our planet, purifying water and air and providing people with
jobs. Many animals live in forest, also play a critical role in
mitigating climate change because they act as a carbon sink.
Deforestation is a particular concern in tropical rain forests because
these forests are home to much of the world’s biodiversity.

Deforestation happens to make way for more “profitable” ventures, such as

agriculture, cattle grazing and logging.

The big mining companies and the livestock ranch is finished with the forests,
the animals and the settlers. If you do not stop deforestation in the Amazon
region, all the ecosystem services that this region offers to the whole world will
end. When there is deforestation for livestock we end up with an entire
What would be a possible solution for it?
If corporations have the power to destroy the world’s forests, they also have the
ability to help save them.

Reduce your consumption of beef and dairy products

Avoid buying furniture and paper products that come from the Amazon.

Get your food from local, sustainable farmers


Stop purchasing food and other products made with palm oil.

 When election time comes, VOTE for leaders who understand the
urgency of the. climate crisis.
Do you see this problem in your community? What do
people do about it?

This problem is common in my country. Every day in the

Colombian Amazon there is a defortestación. Especially for
livestock, agriculture and illicit crops. Although the state has
laws that protect the rainforest, there are armed groups that are
in charge of deforesting.

When armed groups deforest to grow illicit crops, there are war
in the region.

There are groups of environmentalists who fight to

take care of the Colombian Amazon.
What will you do in the future to help solve this
Support from the Colombian state to indigenous communities
that live in the rainforest. They are part of the Amazon and are
also affected.


AGRICULTURE and the conservation of the Colombian


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