Advance Object Oriented Programming (Lecture 1) : Ms. Sehresh Khan Lecturer Numl-Rwp

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Advance Object Oriented Programming

(Lecture 1)

Ms. Sehresh Khan

Administrative Details
 Title
◦ Advance Object Oriented Programming
 Credit Hours
◦ (3,1)
 Prerequisite
◦ FoP, OOP
 Google classroom id:
◦ Section A: jnwemio
◦ Section B: himcuj3
Course Contents
 Object Oriented Programming Techniques
◦ Encapsulation, Composition, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, Templates, Interfaces, Exception

 Event driven Programming

◦ Graphical user interface programming, Events,
Event handlers

 Advanced topics of OOP

◦ Serialization, multithreading, MVC Architecture
Object Oriented Programming
 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is
a programming model where programs are
organized around 
◦ Objects and data
 rather than
◦ Action and logic. 

 OOP allows decomposition of a problem into a

number of entities called objects and then
builds data and functions around these objects.
 A class in C++ is the building block, that
leads to Object-Oriented programming.

 It is a user-defined data type, which holds its

own data members and member functions,
which can be accessed and used by creating
an instance of that class.

 A C++ class is like a blueprint for an object.

 Anything which possess some
charachterstocs and functionalities is called
 Can be a person, place or concept
 An Object is an instance of a Class. When a

class is defined, no memory is allocated but

when it is instantiated (i.e. an object is
created) memory is allocated.

 Encapsulation is defined as
wrapping up of data and
information under a single
unit. In Object Oriented
Programming, Encapsulation
is defined as binding
together the data and the
functions that manipulates
Access Specifiers
In C++, there are three access
 public - members are accessible

from outside the class

 private - members cannot be

accessed (or viewed) from

outside the class
 protected - members cannot be

accessed from outside the class,

however, they can be accessed
in inherited classes. (You will
learn more about it in
Inheritance later.)
A constructor is a special type of member function that is
called automatically when an object is created.

 Its purpose is Initialization

 No return type...not even void
 Its name should be same as of class name
 It can not be called explicitly, only will be called by complier
whenever an object is created.
 Every class must have a no-argument constructor
◦ when programmer do not create any constructor then a no-
argument constructor is always created by compiler which is known
as default constructor
 Can be overloaded for different number/type of parameters
Classes and main function
 public class Student {
     int id;
     String name;
 }

 class Main {
     public static void main(String[] args)
     {
         Student myObj = new Student();
         System.out.println(;
 //syso ctrl+space
     }
 }
Class Constructor
 public class Student {
     int id;
     String name;
     public Student()
     {}
     public Student(int i, String n)
     {
         id=i;
         name=n;
     }
 }

 class Main {
     public static void main(String[] args)
     {
         Student myObj = new Student(1234, "Ahmad");
         System.out.println(;
     }
 }
Class member function
 public class Student {
     int id;
     String name;
     public Student()
     {}
     public Student(int i, String n)
     {
         id=i;
         name=n;
     }
     public void show()
     {
         System.out.println(id);
         System.out.println(name);
     }
 }
 class Main {
     public static void main(String[] args)
     {
         Student myObj = new Student(1234, "Ahmad");
     }
 }
Access Specifiers
 public class Student {
     private int id;
     private String name;
     public Student()
     {}
     public Student(int i, String n)
     {
         id=i;
         name=n;
     }
     public void show()
     {
         System.out.println(id);
         System.out.println(name);
     }
 }
 class Main {
     public static void main(String[] args)
     {
         Student myObj = new Student(1234, "Ahmad");
     }
 }

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