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Module 1: Environmental Literacy:

Environmental Issues, Risk, Exposure, and Regulations

David Shonnard
Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Presentation Outline

 Educational goals and topics covered in the module

 Potential uses of the module in chemical engineering
 Review of environmental impacts - Chapter 1
 Environmental and health risk assessment - Ch. 2
 Exposure calculations - Chapter 6
 Environmental regulations of interest to chemical
engineers - Chapter 3
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Educational goals and topics

Students will:
 be introduced to major environmental issues related
to chemical processing
 become familiar with the fundamentals of risk
 be introduced to the major environmental regulations
of interest to the chemical industry and the chemical
 become aware of the major pathways and routes of
exposure to industrial chemicals
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Potential uses of the module in
chemical engineering courses

 Design course: Introduce environmental literacy

and regulations before assigning projects

 Freshman Engineering: Introduction to issues

regarding environment / society / industry

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Scope of environmental impacts (Ch 1)

Materials Materials Materials Materials

Energy Energy Energy Energy

Chemical Product Use, Reuse,
Processing Manufacturing Disposal

Pollution Pollution
Control Control
Wastes Wastes Wastes Wastes


global ozone smog acidifi- ecological Human health

warming depletion formation cation harm and ecosystem
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: U.S. Energy Flows, 1997
Annual Energy Review 1997, U.S. DOE, Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC, DOE/EIA-0384(97)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Global warming and related impacts
Materials Energy Cause and Effect Chain

Chemical climate change; human mortality
gas emissions
Processing CO2, CH4, N2O sea level change or life

N2 O



Contribution to global
Warming; Phipps, NPPC, Climate Change 1995, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, WMO and UNEP, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Stratospheric ozone and related impacts
Materials Energy Cause and Effect Chain

Chemical ozone depleting ozone layer loss human mortality

Processing substances increase in uv or life adjustments
CFCs, HCFCs ecosystem damage

Toxics Release Inventory Data





1995 1996 1997

Total On- and Off-site Releases

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Smog formation and related impacts
Materials Energy Cause and Effect Chain

Chemical NOx and volatile photochemical human/ecological

Processing organic substances oxidation reactions damage from O3
and other oxidants

1 - Chemical & Allied Processing

2 - Petroleum & Related Industries
NOx VOCs 6 7

NOx 2
Miscellaneous 4 3

3 - Metals Processing, 4 - Other Industrial Processes

5 - Solvent Utilization, 6 - Storage & Transportation
Transportation 7 - Waste Disposal & Recycling

7 1
2 3
Industrial Processes

VOCs 1997
Fuel Combustion

National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1997, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Acid rain / Acid deposition
Materials Energy Cause and Effect Chain

Chemical SO2 and NOx Acidification rxns. human/ecological

Processing & acid deposition damage from H+
emission to air
and heavy metals

6 7
Miscellaneous 1997
4 1 1 - Chemical & Allied Processing
2 - Petroleum & Related Industries
Transportation 3 - Metals Processing
4 - Other Industrial Processes
Industrial Processes 5 - Solvent Utilization
6 - Storage & Transportation
7 - Waste Disposal & Recycling
Fuel Combustion

3 2

National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1997, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Human health toxicity
Materials Energy

Chemical Toxic releases to Transport, fate, Human health

Processing air, water, and soil exposure pathways damage; carcino-
& routes genic & non...

All Other EPCRA

Transport- Industries Toxic Rubber All Other
ation 16%
Equipment Waste and Miscel- Industries
RCRA laneous 23%
7% Chemical
Hazardous Petroleum Plastics and Allied
Chemical / Refining 3%
Waste Allied Products
Primary 3% 27%
Metals Products
51% Paper and
8% Primary
Petroleum Electronic 22%
Refining Equipment
Transport- Electronic
9% 9%
ation Fabricated Equipment
5% Metals 6%
Allen and Rosselot, 1997 6%
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Risk assessment: important questions (Ch 2)

 What are the risks associated with a chemical,

manufacturing process, or use of a product?

 How is risk quantified by professional risk assessors?

 Is risk assessment used by government agencies to

regulate industry? (Yes!)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Risk assessment: introductory concepts

Risk = F(exposure x hazard)

Modules 1,2 Modules 1,2

Chapters 5,6 Chapters 2,5

Steps in risk assessment

» Hazard assessment
» Exposure assessment
» Dose/response relationships
» Risk characterization

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Hazard assessment
Indicators of chemical toxicology
Carcinogenic effects - Slope Factor (SF), Weight of Evidence (WOE)
Noncarcinogenic effects - No Observable Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL),
Reference Dose (RfD), Reference Concentration (RfC), Permissible
Exposure Limit (PEL), Threshold Limit Value (TLV)

Sources of Data for Health Effects

1. The Material Safety Data Sheet - MSDS
2. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (
3. Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (
4. National Library of Medicine (ToxNet) (
5. Casarett and Doull’s “Toxicology, the Basic Science of Poisons”, Macmillan
6. Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, John Wiley & Sons

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Exposure assessment (Ch 6)

 Occupational Exposure- exposure to people in the workplace

 Community Exposure- exposure outside the workplace
Different modeling approaches and assumptions

Exposure Assessment Methodology - Community Exposure

1. Identify all waste stream components and concentrations
2. Estimate release rates to the air, water, and soil
3. Choose proper exposure pathways (through environment) and routes
(into humans)
4. Determine exposure concentrations at the point of exposure to humans
using measurements or an environmental fate and transport model

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Exposure assessment - cont.

Multiple pathways
Exposure Routes are possible
1. Inhalation
2. Ingestion
3. Dermal (skin)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1:
Exposure assessment - H2S release example
x = 300 m
Model, Ca


Q  H2 
Ca  exp  2 
Q = 0.025 kg/s H2S
 y zv x  2 z 
Rural release, daytime neutral atmosphere, x<500m, v x=4 m/s yz = 0.01082 x1.78
0.025kg / s
Ca   7.17  10 6 kg / m3  1.71 mg / m3
 (.01082 (300 m) (4 m / s))

Rural release, nighttime stable atmosphere, x<500m , v x=2.5 m/s yz = 0.0049 x1.66
0.025kg / s
Ca   5.02  105 kg / m3  50.2 mg / m3
 (.0049 (300 m) (2.5 m / s))

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Dose/Response

How large a dose causes what kind of effect?

Effective Dose
(reversible) Toxic Dose Lethal Dose

Crowl and Louvar, Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications, Prentice Hall, 1990

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Risk Characterization
Risk Example
(inhalation route) Exposure Dose
(Ca  CR  EF  ED) 
Risk i =   SF 
 (BW  AT ) i
Result: # excess cancers per 106
cases in the population; Dose - Response Relationship,
10-4 to 10-6 acceptable Slope Factor (mg/kg/d)-1

Exposure Factors
CR = contact rate (m3 air breathed / day)
EF = exposure frequency (days / yr)
ED = exposure duration (yr)
BW = body weight (kg)
AT = averaging time (days) - 25,550 days for carcinogenic risk

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Environmental regulations:
the regulatory process (Ch 3)

Environmental Laws
• Clean Air Act of 1970
Rule Making
• publish proposed regulations
in the Federal Register

• receive public comment on

Administrative Agencies proposed regulations
• US Environmental Protection Agency
• publish regulations in the
Federal Register

Environmental Regulations
• National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Environmental regulations:
changes over time

Major Laws/Amendments Environmental Regulations

Bishop, “Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice”, McGraw-Hill, 2000

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
The 9 essential environmental regulations:
the manufacture of chemicals

Environmental Date Purpose of Key Provisions

Statute Enacted Legislation

Regulation of Chemical
The Toxic Substances 1976 Assess the risks of Chemical manufacturers, importers, or
Control Act (TSCA) chemicals before they processors, must test new chemicals
are introduced into and submit a Premanufacturing Notice
commerce. (PMN) to EPA.

The Federal Insecti- Enacted, Assess the risks of pes- Before any pesticide can be distrib-
cide, Fungicide, and 1947 ticides and to control uted or sold in the U.S., it must be
Rodenticide Act Amended, their usage to minimize registered with the EPA.
(FIFRA) 1972 exposure.

The Occupational 1970 Control exposure to Companies must adhere to all OSHA
Safety and Health Act chemicals in the work- health standards (exposure limits to
(OSH Act) place chemicals) and safety standards
(physical hazards from equipment).
Requires companies to develop (ma-
terial safety data sheet (MSDS).

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
The 9 essential environmental regulations :
discharges to air, water, and soil
Environmental Date Purpose of Key Provisions
Statute Enacted Legislation

Regulation of Discharges
to the Air, Water, and Soil
Clean Air Act (CAA) 1970 Establish uniform ambient air National Ambient Air Quality Stan-
quality standards / control air dards (NAAQS) for CO, Pb, NO2,
pollution discharge. Address spe- O3, particulate matter, and SO2.
cific air pollution problems (haz- States must develop source-
ardous air pollutants, stratospheric specific emission limits to achieve
ozone depletion, and acid rain). the NAAQS.

Clean Water Act (CWA) 1972 Reduce pollutant discharges into National Pollutant Discharge Elimi-
the nation’s waterways (“zero dis- nation System (NPDES) permit
charge” goal). Make water bodies program. Permit holders must
safe for swimming, fishing, and monitor discharges, collect data,
other forms of recreation (“swim- and keep records of the pollutant
mable” goal). levels of their effluents.

Resource Conservation 1976 Regulate the “cradle-to-grave” Generators must maintain records
and Recovery Act generation, transport, and dis- of hazardous waste generation and
(RCRA) posal of both non-hazardous and transportation, and file this data in
hazardous wastes to land, en- biennial reports to the EPA.
courage recycling, and promote Transporters and disposal facilities
the development of alternative en- must adhere to similar require-
ergy sources based on solid waste ments for record keeping and
materials. monitoring the environment.

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
The 9 essential environmental regulations :
clean-up, disclosure, and pollution prevention
Environmental Date Purpose of Key Provisions
Statute Enacted Legislation

Clean-Up, Emergency
Panning, and Pollution
The Comprehensive 1980 Identify and clean up hazardous EPA identifies potentially responsi-
Environmental Re- waste sites at industrial com- ble parties (PRPs) and notifies
sponse, Compensation, plexes, and federal facilities. EPA them of their potential CERCLA
and Liability Act is responsible for creating the Na- liability, which is strict, joint and
(CERCLA) tional Priority List (NPL). Amended several, and retroactive.
by the Superfund Amendments
and Reauthorization Act (SARA)
of 1986.

The Emergency Plan- 1986 1) to respond to chemical release Facilities must help state and local
ning and Community emergencies, and 2) compile an entities to develop emergency re-
Right to Know Act inventory of toxic chemical re- sponse plans, and report annually
(EPCRA – part of SARA) leases to the air, water, and soil to EPA data on toxic substances .
from manufacturing facilities.

Pollution Prevention 1990 Establish pollution prevention as Owners and operators of facilities
Act (PPA) the nation’s primary pollution that are required to file a Form R
management strategy with em- under the SARA Title III to report to
phasis on source reduction. Es- the EPA information regarding the
tablished a Pollution Prevention source reduction and recycling ef-
Information Clearinghouse. forts that the facility has undertaken
during the previous year.

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 1: Recap

 Educational goals and topics covered in the module

 Potential uses of the module in chemical engineering
 Review of environmental impacts - Chapter 1
 Environmental and health risk assessment - Ch. 2
 Exposure calculations - Chapter 6
 Environmental regulations of interest to chemical
engineers - Chapter 3

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Evaluating Environmental
Partitioning and Fate: Approaches based on
chemical structure - Chapter 5

David Allen
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Evaluating Environmental
Partitioning and Fate:
Approaches based on chemical structure

 Educational goals and topics covered in the

 Potential uses of the module in chemical
engineering courses
 Overview of property estimation methods
 Software demonstration
 Case studies

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Educational goals and topics
covered in the module

Students will:
 become aware of the chemical and physical properties that
govern a chemical’s environmental partitioning and fate
 be able to estimate properties that govern environmental
partitioning and fate based on chemical structure
 be able to perform mass balances to estimate environmental
partitioning and be able to design structures that have targeted

 be aware of the limitations of structure-property estimation

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Educational goals and topics
covered in the module (cont’d)

Properties covered:
 Properties used to estimate partitioning:
boiling point, vapor pressure, octanol-water partition
coefficient, bioconcentration factor, Henry’s law
coefficient, soil sorption
 Properties that govern environmental fate:
atmospheric lifetimes, biodegradation rates
 Typical values of properties
 Environmental partitioning calculations
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Potential uses of the module in
chemical engineering courses

 Design course: Use as a preliminary screen of

chemical products and raw materials

 Materials course/thermodynamics course:

Module on estimating properties

 Mass and energy balances course: module on

estimating mass partitioning in closed systems

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Chemical properties for
environmental decision-making
Table 5.1-1 Chemical properties needed to perform
environmental risk screenings
Environmental Process Relevant Properties
Estimates of dispersion and Volatility, density, melting
fate point, water solubility,
octanol-water partition
coefficient, soil sorption

Persistence in the environment Atmospheric oxidation rate,

aqueous hydrolysis rate,
photolysis rate, rate of
microbial degradation

Uptake by organisms Volatility, lipophilicity,

molecular size, degradation in

Human uptake Transport across dermal

layers, transport rates across
lung membrane, degradation
rates within the human body

Toxicity and other health Dose-response relationships


University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Property estimation methods based
on chemical structure

 Empirical approach based on exp. Data

» Specific to chemical classes
» Termed structure-activity relationships (SARs)
 Approaches in Ch 5
» Functional Groups (KOW, kOH, PBio)
» Bond Types (H)
» Molecular Connectivity (KOC)
» Linear Free Energy (kHyd)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Property estimation methods based
on other properties

 Based on KOW, octanol-water partitioning

» BCF - bioconcentration factor
» LC50 - lethal dose 50% mortality
» S - water solubility of organic compounds
» KOC - organic carbon/water partitioning

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Functional groups

 KOW - octanol-water partitioning

Describes partitioning of organic pollutants between the
water phase and octanol

log Kow = 0.229 +  ni fi +  nj cj

n = number of functional groups of types i or

fi = contribution to log Kow of group i
cj = correction factor for functional group j

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Functional groups
1,1-Dichloroethylene example

the molecular structure, CH2= CCl2

one =CH2 group

one =CH- or =C< group
two –Cl (olefinic attachment) groups

log Kow = 0.229 + 0.5184 + 0.3836 + 2(0.4923) = 2.11

(no correction groups)

Experimental log Kow = 2.13

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Bond Types

 H - Henry’s law constant

Describes partitioning of organic pollutants between the
water phase and air in the environment

-log H =  ni hi +  nj cj

n = number of bonds of types i or j

hi = contribution to H of bond type i
cj = functional group correction

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Bond Types
1-propanol example
the molecular structure,
  
  

7 C-H bonds, 2 C-C bonds, 1 C-O bond, and 1 O-H bond

-log H = 7(-0.1197) + 2(0.1163) + 1.0855 + 3.2318 = 3.7112
w correction; - log H = 3.7112 - 0.20 = 3.5112
linear or branched alcohols
Experimental -log H = 3.55

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Molecular connectivity

 KOC - Organic carbon-water partition coeff.

Describes partitioning of organic pollutants between the
water phase and natural organic matter in soils/sediments

log Koc = 0.531 + 0.62 +  njPj

 = 1st order molecular connectivity index
nj = number of groups of type j
Pj = correction factor for group j

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Molecular connectivity
1-hexanol example
the molecular structure,
CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – O - H
 (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) - atom connectivity
(i,j) (1,2) (2,2) (2,2) (2,2) (2,2) (2,1) - bond connectivity

 = (I* j)-0.5

 = (1/2) + (1/4) + (1/4) + (1/4) + (1/4) + (1/2) = 3.41
log Koc = 0.531 + 0.62 +  njPj
log Koc = 0.53 (3.41) + 0.62 + (-1.519) = 0.91
Experimental log Koc = 1.01
aliphatic alcohol

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Correction Factors

Chemical structure provides an incomplete description of

molecular interactions leading to observable properties

Correction Factors for intermolecular forces

» Electronic interactions
» Multiple hydrogen bonding
» Substituent effects

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Software

EPIWIN collection of software programs -

Properties covered:
 Properties used to estimate partitioning: boiling point,
vapor pressure, octanol-water partition coefficient,
bioconcentration factor, Henry’s law coefficient, soil sorption

 Properties that govern environmental fate:

atmospheric lifetimes, biodegradation rates

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2, Case study 1:
Environmental partitioning case study

Water Compartment Only

1 kg Hexachlorobenzene (Hx)
105 m3 volume of water
10-3kg organic carbon / m3 water
0.1 kg fish / 100 m3 water

Human Exposure : Fish Ingestion

0.5 kg of fish consumed

Dose due to ingestion?

Concentration in the Fish (mg/kg)?

Mackay et al., “Illustrated Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate for
Organic Chemicals”, Lewis Publishers, 1992

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2, Case study 1:
Mass balance equation for Hx 118-74-1
MHx  MHx ,W  MHx ,S  MHx , F  VW CW  VW  oc KocCW   F BCF CW

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Software demonstration
Concentration in Water
MHx 6 5 kg Hx
CW   9.97  10  10
(VW  VW  ocK oc 103   F BCF 10 3 ) m3 Water
10-3 m3/L
105 m3 3,388 L/ kgOC 5,152 L/ kgF
10-3 kgOC/m3 10-1 kgF/ 102 m3

Concentration in Fish
L 5 kg Hx 3 m Water 5 kg Hx
CF  BCF  CW  (5152 )(10 3 )(10 )  5.2  10
kg Fish m Water L kg Fish

Dose to Humans
kg Hx
Dose  MF  CF  (0.5 kg Fish)(5.2  10 5 )  0.26 g Hx
kg Fish
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2, maleic anhydride 108-31-6
EPIWIN (estimates) vs ChemFate (data)

Properties EPIWIN ChemFate

Bioling Pt. (ÞC) 156.4 202
Melting Pt. (ÞC) -51.6 52.8
Vapor Press. @25ÞC (mm Hg) 2.97 .25
log KOW 1.62 -----
No data because
Water Solubility (mg/L) 4912 -----
MA hydrolyzes
H (atm•m3/mole) 1.9x10-6 ----- in 1 minute in
Biodegradation half life weeks -----
Hydrolysis half life ----- 1 minute
Atmos. Oxidation half life (d) 4.71 0.7
log KOC 0 -----
Bioconcentration Factor 0.546 -----

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2, Benzene 71-43-2
EPIWIN (estimates) vs ChemFate (data)

Properties EPIWIN ChemFate

Bioling Pt. (ÞC) 102.24 80.09
Melting Pt. (ÞC) -77.92 5.53
Vapor Press. @25ÞC (mm Hg) 34 95
log KOW 1.99 2.13
Water Solubility (mg/L) 2000 1790
H (atm•m3/mole) 5.39x10-3 5.55x10-3
Biodegradation half life weeks-months week
Hydrolysis half life ----- -----
Atmos. Oxidation half life (d) 5.5 10
log KOC 2.22 1.69
Bioconcentration Factor 0.94 1.0

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 2: Recap

 Educational goals and topics covered in the

 Potential uses of the module in chemical
engineering courses
 Overview of property estimation methods
 Software demonstration
 Case studies

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3:
Evaluation of Alternative Reaction Pathways
Chapters 7 and 8

David T. Allen
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Outline

 Educational goals and topics covered in the

 Potential uses of the module in chemical
engineering courses
 Green chemistry concepts - atom efficiency
 Tier 1 environmental impact assessment
 Green chemistry expert system (software)
 Adipic acid and maleic anhydride cases
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Educational goals and topics
covered in the module

Students will:
 understand the hierarchical design-for-environment approach
for chemical processes

 learn qualitative and quantitative methodologies for Green


 be able to evaluate feedstocks, solvents, and alternative

reaction pathways; both economically and environmentally.

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Potential uses of the module in
chemical engineering courses

 Design course: Green Chemistry concepts and a

screening of chemical products and raw materials on
the basis of economics and environmental impacts

 Reactor design course: Waste and risk

minimization approaches

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Hierarchical design process for
pollution prevention

Design Stage P2 Tools Environmental Book

Evaluation Chapter
1. Reaction pathways, • Green Chemistry Tier 1 7, 8
conversions, and yields, • atom efficiency
raw materials, solvents

2. Flowsheet systhesis, Release estimation, Tier 2 8, 9

specific process units optimum choice of
defined • mass separating agents
• process units
• processing conditions
3. Detailed design • Process integration Tier 3 10, 11
• multimedia environmental
fate modeling
• relative risk assessment

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Green Chemistry - Ch 7

 Guiding principles for reactions

» Simplicity
» Safety
» High yield and selectivity
» High energy and atom efficiency
» Use of renewable resources
» Recyclable reagents and raw materials

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Feedstocks and solvents

 Important considerations
» Human / ecosystem health properties
– Bioaccumulative?
– Persistent?
– Toxic?
– Global warming, Ozone depletion, Smog formation?
– Flammable or otherwise hazardous?
– Renewable or non renewable resource?

» Life cycle environmental burdens? - Ch 13, 14

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3:
raw materials
• fossil fuel source
• carcinogenic

• renewable source
• non-toxic

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Alternative choices: Solvents

Supercritical CO2
Non-toxic, non-flammable, renewable sources

Selectivity enhancement with SC CO2

Water as alternative solvent (as a co-solvent with an alcohol)

Reaction rate enhancements

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Synthesis pathways

Reaction Type Waste Generation Potential

Addition Reaction • completely incorporate starting

Isobutylene + methanol  methyl tert-butyl ether material into product
C4H8 + CH3OH  (C4H9)-O-CH3

Substitution Reaction • stoichiometric amounts of

Phenol + ammonia  analine + water waste are generated
C6H5-OH+ NH3  C6H5-NH2 + H2O

Elimination Reaction • stoichiometric amounts of

Ethylbenzene  styrene + hydrogen waste are generated
C6H5-C2H5  C6H5-C2H3 + H2

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Atom and Mass Efficiency:
magnitude of improvements possible

Atom Efficiency
- the fraction of starting material incorporated into the desired product -
C6H5-OH+ NH3  C6H5-NH2 + H2O
• Carbon - 100%
• Hydrogen - 7/9 x 100 = 77.8%
• Oxygen - 0/1 x 100 = 0%
• Nitrogen - 100%

Mass Efficiency (Basis 1 mole of product)

C6H5-OH+ NH3  C6H5-NH2 + H2O
Mass in Product = (6 C) (12) + (7 H) x (1) + (0 O) x 16) + (1 N) x (14) = 93 grams
Mass in Reactants = (6 C) (12) + (9 H) x (1) + (1 O) x 16) + (1 N) x (14) = 111 grams
Mass Efficiency = 93/111 x 100 = 83.8%

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Software exploration
Green Chemistry Expert System

• Green Synthetic Reactions - search a database for alternatives
• Designing Safer Chemicals - information on chemical classes
• Green Solvents/Reaction Conditions - alternative solvents / uses
- solvent properties

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Software demonstration
Green Chemistry Expert System

search Green Synthetic Reactions for adipic acid references

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Adipic Acid Synthesis
Traditional vs. New
Traditional Route - from cyclohexanol/cyclohexanone
Cu (.1-.5%)
C6H12O+ 2 HNO3 + 2 H2O C6H10O4 + (NO, NO2, N2O, N2)
V (.02-.1%)
92-96% Yield of Adipic Acid
global warming
ozone depletion
• Carbon - 100%
• Oxygen - 4/9 x 100 = 44.4%
• Hydrogen - 10/18 x 100 = 55.6%
• Nitrogen - 0%

Product Mass = (6 C)(12) + (10 H)(1) + (4 O)(16) = 146 g

Reactant Mass = (6 C)(12) + (18 H)(1) + (9 O)(16) + (2 N)(14) = 262 g

Mass Efficiency = 146/262 x 100 = 55.7%

Davis and Kemp, 1991, Adipic Acid, in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, V. 1, 466 - 493
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Adipic Acid Synthesis
Traditional vs. New

New Route - from cyclohexene

Na2WO4•2H2O (1%)
C6H10 + 4 H2O2 C6H10O4 + 4 H2O
[CH3(n-C8H17) 3N]HSO4 (1%)

90% Yield of Adipic Acid

• Carbon - 100%
• Oxygen - 4/8 x 100 = 50%
• Hydrogen - 10/18 x 100 = 55.6%

Product Mass = (6 C)(12) + (10 H)(1) + (4 O)(16) = 146 g

Reactant Mass = (6 C)(12) + (18 H)(1) + (8 O)(16) = 218 g

Mass Efficiency = 146/218 x 100 = 67%

Sato, et al. 1998, A “green” route to adipic acid:…, Science, V. 281, 11 Sept. 1646 - 1647
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Maleic Anhydride Synthesis
Benzene vs Butane - Mass Efficiency
Benzene Route (Hedley et al. 1975, reference in ch. 8)
2 C6H6 + 9 O2 2 C4H2O3 + H2O + 4 CO2
(air) MoO3

95% Yield of Maleic Anhydride from Benzene in Fixed Bed Reactor

2(4)(12) + 3(2)(16) + 2(2)(1)
Mass Efficiency = (100) = 44.4%
2(6)(12) + 9(2)(16) + 2(6)(1)

Butane Route
C4H10 + 3.5 O2 C4H2O0 + 4 H2O

60% Yield of Maleic Anhydride from Butane in Fixed Bed Reactor

(4)(12) + (3)(16) + (2)(1)
Mass Efficiency = (100) = 57.6%
(4)(12) + 3.5(2)(16) + (10)(1)
Felthouse et al., 1991, “Maleic Anhydride, ..”, in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, V. 15, 893 - 928
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Maleic Anhydride Synthesis
Benzene vs Butane - Summary Table
Chapter 8 Stoichiometry 1 $/lb 2 TLV 3 TW 4 Persistence 5 log
Material BCF 5
Air Water
(d) (d)
Benzene Process

Benzene [71-43-2] -1.19 0.184 10 100 10 10 1.0

Maleic Anhydride 1.00 0.530 0.25 ---- 1.7 7x10-4 ----

Butane Process

Butane [106-97-8] -1.22 0.141 800 ---- 7.25 ---- ----

Maleic Anhydride 1.00 0.530 0.25 ---- 1.7 7x10-4 ----

1 Rudd et al. 1981, “Petroleum Technology Assessment”, Wiley Interscience, New York
2 Chemical Marketing Reporter (Benzene and MA 6/12/00); Texas Liquid (Butane 6/22/00)
3 Threshold Limit Value, ACGIH - Amer. Conf. of Gov. Indust. Hyg., Inc. ,
4 Toxicity Weight, and
5 ChemFate Database -, EFDB menu item

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Maleic Anhydride Synthesis
Benzene vs Butane - Tier 1 Assessment

(TLV Index)
Environmental Index (non - carcinogenic) = |
i |  (TLVi )1

Benzene Route
TLV Index = (1.19)(1 / 10) + (1.0)(1 / .25) = 4.12

Butane Route
TLV Index = (1.22)(1 / 800) + (1.0)(1/ .25) = 4.00

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 3: Maleic Anhydride Synthesis
Benzene vs Butane - Tier 1 Assessment

EPA Index
Environmental Index (carcinogenic)= |  |  (Maximum toxicity weight)
i i

Benzene Route
EPA Index = (1.19)(100) + (1.0)(0) = 119

Butane Route
EPA Index = (1.22)(0) + (1.0)(0) = 0

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Module 3: Recap

 Educational goals and topics covered in the

 Potential uses of the module in chemical
engineering courses
 Green chemistry concepts
 Tier 1 environmental impact assessment
 Green chemistry expert system (software)
 Adipic acid and maleic anhydride cases
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Module 3: Explore
Green Chemistry Expert System

search Green Solvents/Reaction Conditions

Designing Safer Chemicals

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Module 4:
Environmental Evaluation and Improvement
During Process Synthesis - Chapters 8 and 9

David R. Shonnard
Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Outline
After the Input-Output structure is established, an environmental
evaluation during process synthesis can identify large sources
of waste generation and release; directing the attention of the
designer to pollution prevention options within the process

 Educational goals and topics covered in the module

 Potential uses of the module in chemical engineering
 Identify and estimate emissions from process units -
Chapter 8
 Pollution prevention strategies for process units -
Chapter 9
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Module 4: Educational goals and topics
covered in the module

Students will:
 estimate air emissions and other releases from process units
after developing a preliminary process flowsheet, using software
and hand calculations

 have a better understanding of the mechanisms for pollutant

generation and release from process units

 become familiar with practical pollution prevention strategies for

process units

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Module 4: Potential uses of the module in
chemical engineering courses

Mass/energy balance course:

• criteria pollutant emissions from energy consumption
• emission of global change gases from energy consumption
• calculate emission factors from combustion stoichiometry

Continuous/stagewise separations course:

• evaluate environmental aspects of mass separating agents

Design course:
• pollution prevention strategies for unit operations

Reactor design course:

• environmental aspects of chemical reactions and reactors
• pollution prevention strategies for chemical reactors

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Chapter 8

Identifying and estimating air emissions

and other releases from process units
1. Identify waste release sources in process flowsheets

2. Methods for estimating emissions from chemical processes

3. Case study - Benzene to Maleic Anhydride process evaluation

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Typical waste emission sources
from chemical processes - Ch 8

1. Waste streams from process units

2. Major equipment - vents on reactors, column separators, storage tanks,
vacuum systems, ..
3. Fugitive sources - large number of small releases from pumps, valves,
fittings, flanges, open pipes, ..
4. Loading/unloading operations
5. Vessel clean out, residuals in drums and tanks
6. Secondary sources - emissions from wastewater treatment, other waste
treatment operations, on-site land applications of waste, ..
7. Spent catalyst residues, column residues and tars, sludges from tanks,
columns, and wastewater treatment, …
8. Energy consumption - criteria air pollutants, traces of hazardous air
pollutants, global warming gases,

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Module 4: Process release estimation methods

1. Actual measurements of process waste stream contents and flow

rates or indirectly estimated based on mass balance and
stoichiometry. (most preferred but not always available at design
2. Release data for a surrogate chemical or process or emission
factors based on measured data
3. Mathematical models of emissions (emission correlations, mass
transfer theory, process design software, etc.)
4. Estimates based on best engineering judgement or rules of thumb

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Emission estimation methods:
based on surrogate processes

Waste stream summaries based on past experience

1. Hedley, W.H. et al. 1975, “Potential Pollutants from Petrochemical

Processes”, Technomics, Westport, CT

2. AP-42 Document, Chapters 5 and 6 on petroleum and chemical industries,


3. Other sources
i. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 1991-
ii. Hydrocarbon Processing, “Petrochemical Processes ‘99”, March 1999.

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Emission Factors -
major equipment

Table 8.3.2 Average Emission Factors for Chemical Process Units

Calculated from the US EPA L&E Database

Process Unit EFav ; (kg emitted/103 kg throughput)

Reactor Vents 1.50
Distillation Columns Vents 0.70
Absorber Units 2.20
Strippers 0.20
Sumps/Decanters 0.02
Dryers 0.70
Cooling Towers 0.10

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Module 4: Emission factors -
fugitive sources; minor equipment

Ei (kg i / yr)  mi  EFav  N s  24  365

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Module 4: Emission factors -
criteria pollutants from energy consumption

EFav (lb i / 10 3 gal)  ED(Btu / yr)

Ei (lb i / yr)  3
HV(Btu / 10 gal)  BE
AP-42, Chapter 1, section 1.3, Air CHIEF CD,
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Emission factors -
CO2 from energy consumption

EFav (lb i / 10 3 gal)  ED(Btu / yr)

Ei (lb i / yr) 
HV(Btu / 103 gal)  BE
AP-42, Chapter 1, section 1.3, Air CHIEF CD,
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Emission correlations/models -
storage tanks and waste treatment

Software Tools

Storage tanks
TANKS 4.0 - program from EPA -

Wastewater treatment
WATER8 - on Air CHIEF CD -

Treatment storage and disposal facility (TSDF) processes


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Module 4:
Benzene to MA Process
2 C6H6 + 9 O2 ----------> 2 C4H2O3 + H2O + 4 CO2

AP-42, Chapter 6, section 6.14, Air CHIEF CD,

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Module 4: Air emission and releases sources:
Benzene to MA Process

Source Identification
1. Product recovery absorber vent
2. Vacuum system vent
3. Storage and handling emissions
4. Secondary emissions from water out, spent catalyst,
fractionation column residues
5. Fugitive sources (pumps, valves, fittings, ..)
6. Energy consumption

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: emissions from energy consumption:
Criteria pollutants (SO2, SO3, NOx, CO, PM)

Process data for energy consumption

• 0.15 lb fuel oil equivalent per lb Maleic Anhydride
• fuel oil #6 in a Normally Fired Utility Boiler
• 1% sulfur
• Boiler efficiency included in the energy usage data

AirCHIEF Demonstration

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Module 4: emissions from energy consumption:
SO 2
 157 lb SO2   1 gal # 6 0.15 lb # 6  lb SO 2 lb SO 2
1%S 
 = 3.53x10 = 3.53
%S 10 gal #6
6.68 lb # 6  lb MA  lb MA 10 3 lb MA
SO 3
 5.7 lb SO3   1 gal # 6 0.15 lb # 6  lb SO 3 lb SO 3
1%S 
 = 1.28x10 = 0.13
%S 10 gal #6
6.68 lb # 6  lb MA  lb MA 10 3 lb MA

67 lb NOx  1 gal # 6 0.15 lb # 6  -3 lb NOx lb NOx
 3  = 1.50x10 = 1.50
10 gal # 66.68 lb # 6  lb MA  lb MA
10 lb MA
 5 lb CO  1 gal # 6 0.15 lb # 6  -4 lb CO lb CO
 3  = 1.12x10 = 0.11
10 gal # 66.68 lb # 6  lb MA  lb MA
10 lb MA
 9.19 lb PM   1 gal # 6 0.15 lb # 6  = 2.06x10 lb PM lb PM
1%S 
 = 0.21
%S 10 gal #6
6.68 lb # 6  lb MA  lb MA 10 3 lb MA
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Uncontrolled Air emission / releases
Benzene to MA Process (lb/103 lb MA)
Release Source Maleic Benzene Xylene Criteria CO2 Tars and
Anhydride Pollutants oxygenates
Methods used (MA)
Venting from
1 0.03 0.14
storage tanks
Absorber column
2 100 700 (CO) 972 20
Vacuum system
2 0.02 0.02
3 0.2 0.2 0.1
4 0.2 2.0
Wastes from
5 3.8 26.5
vacuum columns
Energy use
6 5.5 562
Total 4.2 102.3 0.1 705 1,534 46.5
1 Vertical fixed-roof tank; surrogate for MA is perchloroethylene; Ta nks 4.0 program from EPA –
2 Hedley et al. 1975. Potential Pollutants from Petrochemical Processes. Technomic, West Port, CT
AP-42 chapter 6 section 6.14, Air CHIEF CD,
3 Typical chemical industry emission factor from Berglund and Hansen, 1990.
4 Equation 8.3-4, chapter 8, Green Engineering textbook.
5 Hedley et al. 1975. Potential Pollutants from Petrochemical Processes. Technomic, West Port, CT
6 AP-42, Chapter 1, section 1.3, Table 1.3-11, Air CHIEF CD,
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Flowsheet evaluation -
n-butane to maleic anhydride

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 15, pp. 893-927. 1991

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Uncontrolled Air emission / releases
n-butane to MA Process (lb/103 lb MA)
Release Source Maleic n-butane Criteria CO2 Tars and
Anhydride Pollutants oxygenates
Methods used (MA)
Venting from
1 1.0
storage tanks
Absorber column
2 8.0 251.4 761 (CO) 1033
Vacuum system
3 9.6
4 0.2 0.2
5 0.2
Wastes from
6 3.8
vacuum columns
Energy use
7 2.9 600
Total 22.6 251.6 764 1,633
1 Vertical fixed-roof tank; Tanks 4.0 program within the Environmental Fate and Risk Assessment Tool (EFRAT)
(see module 6)
2 from stream information using a commercial process simulator, HYSYS
3 from emission estimation program in EFRAT using the emission factor for a vacuum distillation column.
4 Typical chemical industry emission factor from Berglund and Hansen, 1990.
5 Equation 8.3-4, chapter 8, Green Engineering textbook.
6 Hedley et al. 1975. Potential Pollutants from Petrochemical Processes. Technomic, West Port, CT
7 from emission estimation program in EFRAT using emission factors for energy consumption, AP-42, Chapter 1,
Air CHIEF CD, , bituminous coal for electricity demand only 88
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4:
Tier 2 environmental assessment indexes

1. Energy: [total energy (Btu/yr)] / [production rate (MM lb/yr)]

2. Materials: [raw materials (MM lb/yr)] / [production rate (MM


3. Water: [process water (MM lb/yr)] / [production rate (MM lb/yr)]

4. Emissions: [total emissions and wastes (MM lb/yr)] / [production

rate (MM lb/yr)]

5. Targeted emissions: [total targeted emissions and wastes (MM

lb/yr)] / [production rate (MM lb/yr)]

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Benzene to MA Process
Conclusions from emissions summary

1. Chemical profile:
CO2 > CO > benzene > tars-oxygenates > MA
2. Toxicity profile:
Benzene > MA > CO > tars-oxygenates > CO2
3. Unit operations profile:
Absorber vent > energy consumption > vacuum system vent

- Pollution prevention and control opportunities are centered

on benzene, the absorber unit, and energy consumption -

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Chapter 9

Pollution prevention strategies

for process units
1. Material choices for unit operations
2. Pollution prevention for chemical reactions and reactors
3. Separation units: reducing energy consumption and wastes
4. Preventing pollution for storage tanks and fugitive sources
5. Case study applications -
• VOC recovery/recycle: effect of MSA choice on energy consumption
• Maleic anhydride from n-butane: MA yield vs reaction temperature

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Important issues regarding pollution
prevention for unit operations

1. Material selection: fuel type, mass separating agents (MSAs), air,

water, diluents, heat transfer fluids

2. Operating conditions: temperature, pressure, mixing intensity

3. Energy consumption: high efficiency boilers, operation of units to

minimize energy usage

4. Material storage and fugitive sources: storage tank choices and

equipment monitoring and maintenance

5. Waste generation mechanisms: understanding this will lead to

pollution prevention strategies

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention through
material selection - fuel type
Example Problem:
Calculate the annual uncontrolled SO 2 emissions to satisfy a steam energy demand of 10 8
Btu/yr with a boiler efficiency of .85 assuming Fuel Oil #6, #2, and Natural Gas.

#6 Fuel Oil #2 Fuel Oil Natural Gas

Emission Factor, EF
(lb/103 gal) 157S 143S 0.6 lb/106 scf

Sulfur Content, S % 0.84 0.24 ----

Heating Value, HV 8 8
(Btu/103 gal) 1.48x10 1.30x10 Btu/106scf
Annual Emission, E
(lb SO2/yr) 105 31 .07

EFav (lb i / 10 3 gal)  ED(Btu / yr) EF(lb i / 10 6 scf )  ED(Btu / yr)

Ei (lb i / yr)  3 Ei (lb i / yr)  6
HV(Btu / 10 gal)  BE HV(Btu / 10 scf)  BE

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention through
material selection - water pretreatment

Reverse Osmosis

to prevent
10 kg sludge/kg ppt
RCRA waste 94
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention through
material selection - reactor applications

1. Catalysts:
• that allow the use of more environmentally benign raw materials
• that convert wastes to usable products and feedstocks
• products more environmentally friendly - e.g. RFG / low S diesel fuel

2. Oxidants: in partial oxidation reactions

• replace air with pure O2 or enriched air to reduce NOx emissions

3. Solvents and diluents :

• replace toxic solvents with benign alternatives for polymer synthesis
• replace air with CO2 as heat sinks in exothermic gas phase reactions

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention
for chemical reactors

1. Reaction type:
• series versus parallel pathways
• irreversible versus reversible
• competitive-consecutive reaction pathway

2. Reactor type:
• issues of residence time, mixing, heat transfer

3. Reaction conditions:
• effects of temperature on product selectivity
• effect of mixing on yield and selectivity

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4:
Pollution prevention for chemical reactions
1st Order Irreversible Parallel Reactions R 
 P
1.0 R 

0.8 kp/kw = 100 High

[P]/[R]o Conversion
0.7 t > 5(kp+ kw)-1
kp/kw = 10
0.5 Selectivity
kp >> kw
kp/kw = 1
[W]/[R] o
0.2 of residence
0.1 kp/kw = 10
kp/kw = 100
0 1 2 3 4 5
 = (k p+k w) t
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4:
Pollution prevention for chemical reactions
1st Order Irreversible Series Reactions k kw
R 
 P 
 W
[R]/[R]o kp/kw = 100 kp/kw = 1
[P]/[R]o High
0.8 Conversion
kp/kw = 10 kp/kw = 2
t > 5 kp-1

0.6 High
kp/kw = 2
kp >> kw
kp/kw = 1 Selectivity
kp/kw = 10
0.2 on residence
kp/kw = 100 time

0 1 2 3 4 5
= k p t

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4:
Pollution prevention for chemical reactions
Reversible Series Reactions CH4 + H2O  CO + 3H2
Steam reforming of CH4 CO + H2O  CO2 + H2
R = CH4
P = CO
W = CO2

Separate and recycle waste to extinction

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4:
Pollution prevention - reactor types

1. CSTR:
• not always the best choice if residence time is critical

2. Plug flow reactor:

• better control over residence time
• temperature control may be a problem for highly exothermic reactions

3. Fluidized bed reactor :

• if selectivity is affected by temperature, tighter control possible

4. Separative reactors:
• remove product before byproduct formation can occur: series reactions

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4:
Pollution prevention - reaction temperature
1st Order Irreversible Parallel Reactions R 
 P
R 
For Ep > Ew, Ep was set to 20 (k
p /k w) and Ew to 10 kcal/mole.

12 for Ep > Ew,

Ew>Ep Ep = 20 kcal/mole
Ew to 10 kcal/mole

6 for Ew > Ep,

Ep = 10 kcal/mole
Ew to 20 kcal/mole

0 E = activation
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
T (K)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution Bo CSTR

prevention - mixing effects Ao

Irreversible 2nd order competitive-consecutive reactions A  B 
  P
1 P  B W
Y = yield
0.9 = P/Ao
Yexp = expected
0.85 yield
 = mixing time
Y/Yexp 0.8 scale

0.75 Increased
mixing will
0.7 increase
observed yield

1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01
(k 1 Bo )(Ao /Bo )

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention -
other reactor modifications
1. Improve Reactant Addition:
• premix reactants and catalysts prior to reactor addition
• add low density materials at reactor bottom to ensure effective mixing
2. Catalysts:
• use a heterogeneous catalyst to avoid heavy metal waste streams
• select catalysts with higher selectivity and physical characteristics
(size, porosity, shape, etc.)
3. Distribute flow in fixed-bed reactors
4. Heating/Cooling:
• use co-current coolant flow for better temperature control
• use inert diluents (CO2) to control temperature in gas phase reactions
5. Improve reactor monitoring and control

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention -
for separation devices
1. Choose the best technology:
• take advantage of key property differences (e.g. volatility for distillation)
2. Choose the best mass separating agent:
• consider operability, environmental impacts, energy usage, and safety
3. Separation Heuristics
• combine similar streams to minimize the number of separation units
• separate highest-volume components first
• remove corrosive and unstable materials early
• do the most difficult separations last
• do high-purity recovery fraction separations last
• avoid adding new components to the separation sequence
• avoid extreme operating conditions (temperature, pressure)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention -
example of mass separating agent choice
Gaseous Waste Stream
Toluene & Ethyl Acetate Vent ; 21 -Vent;
Absorber 99.8 %90%
recovery MSA Screening
of Toluene and Ethyl Acetate
193.5 kg/h each; 12,000 recovery of VOC 1. 857 chemicals
scfm, balance N2 2. Hansen Sol.
11.8  d  22
0  p  9.3

Absorption Distillation
0  h  11.2
Column Column 3. Tbp > 220 ˚C
50/50 Mass
Mixed Product 4. Tmp < 26 ˚C
5. 23 chemicals

Absorber oil
Make-up oil 10 – 800 kgmole/h
Conditions for simulations
1. 10-stage columns,
2. 10 ˚C approach temperature for heat integration,
3. absorber temperature = 32 ˚C

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Chemical Utility Rank
Module 4: o-Dibromobenzene 1.37x10

Butyl benzoate 1.39x10 2
Pollution Nitrobenzene 1.41x10

o-Bromoanisole 1.42x10 4
prevention - Dibenzyl ether 1.42x10

results of
Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether 1.46x10 6
Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate 1.46x10 7

Octanioc acid 1.47x10 8
Ethyl cinnamate 1.48x10 9

1-Bromo-4-ethoxy benzene 1.49x10 10
trans-Anethole 1.62x10 11

agent Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether

1-Methyl naphthalene
choice p-Chlorobenzoyl chloride
Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate 1.83x10 16
Quinoline 2.30x10 17
1-Decanol 2.37x10 18
2-Decanol 2.55x10 19
Hexadecane 3.39x10 20
Tetradecane 3.94x10 21
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 3.95x10 22
Dodecane 5.35x10 23

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Pollution prevention -
Storage Tanks

Emission Mechanisms; Fixed Roof Tank


Vapor pressure of liquid drives emissions

T - Weather, paint color/quality

P - Weather

Liquid - liquid throughput, volume of

Roof Column Level tank

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Storage tank comparison -
TANKS 4.0 Demonstration
Gaseous waste stream flowsheet ; pg 37
• Toluene emissions only
• 516,600 gal/yr flowrate of toluene
• 15,228.5 gallon tank for each comparison
Storage Tank Type Vertical Internal Domed External
Fixed Roof Floating Roof Floating Roof

Annual Emissions (lb)

White Paint 337.6 66.2 42.8

Grey (Medium) Paint 489.1 85.1 52.4

Heated (White) 313.5

Poor (Grey/Medium) 509.7 81.0 51.5

Pollution prevention strategies

• replace fixed-roof with floating-roof tank
• maintain light-colored paint in good condition
• heat tank to reduce temperature fluctuations
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Fugitive Sources -
pollution prevention techniques

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Flowsheet evaluation -
maleic anhydride from n-butane

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 15, pp. 893-927. 1991

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Reaction rate parameters -
Maleic anhydride from n-butane
Principal Reaction
1. C4H10 + 3.5O2  C4H2O3 + 4H2O-HR,1 = 1.26x106 kJ/kmole
2. C4H10 + 4.5O2  4CO + 5H2O -HR,2 = 1.53x106 kJ/kmole
3. C4H10 + 6.5O2  4CO 2 + 5H2O -HR,3 = 2.66x106 kJ/kmole

Activation Energies Rate Equations

E1/R = 8,677 K
E2/R = 8,663 K (KDiss pO2 )1/2
r1  k1 1/ 2 pBut.
E3/R = 8,940 K 1  (KDiss pO2 ) K Sorp pO2
r3  k3 pBut.
KSorp pO2 1  KSorp pO2
r2  k2 pBut.
1 KSorp pO2

Schneider et al. 1987, “Kinetic investigation and reactor simulation…”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 26, 2236-2241

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Fixed-bed reactor section -
100 MM tons/yr maleic anhydride process

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Case Study - reactor temperature:
Maleic anhydride from n-butane





(%) 50





370 380 390 400 410 420 430
Reactor Temperature (C).
n-butane conversion MA Yield MA-CO2 selectivity MA-CO selectivity

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 4: Summary/Conclusions

1. Methodologies/software tools - process synthesis:

• emission factors
• surrogate process information from historical sources
• emission estimation software: TANKS 4.0, AirCHIEF 7.0, process
simulator packages,
• Tier 2 environmental assessment
2. Case studies:
• VOC recovery/recycle from a gaseous waste stream - effects of MSA
choice on energy consumption
• Maleic anhydride from n-butane - effect of reaction temperature on
conversion, MA yield, MA selectivity

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Process Integration of Heat and Mass
Chapter 10

David R. Shonnard
Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Outline
The environmental performance of a process depends on both the
performance of the individual unit operations, but also on the level
to which the process steams have been networked and integrated

 Educational goals and topics covered in the module

 Potential uses of the module in chemical engineering
 Review of heat integration concepts
 Introduction to the tools of mass integration and
synthesis of mass exchange networks - Chapter 10
 Cast study - heat integration of the MA flowsheet

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Educational goals and topics
covered in the module

Students will:
 learn about efficient utilization of waste streams as raw
materials through application of source/sink mapping

 are introduced to graphical tools of mass exchange network

synthesis, composition interval diagrams and load line

 apply mass exchange network synthesis to simple flowsheets

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Potential uses of the module in
chemical engineering courses

Mass/energy balance course:

• dilute contaminant balance calculations around process units
• source/sink matching of energy streams

Continuous/stagewise separations course:

• applications to in-process recovery and recycle of contaminants

Design course:
• graphical design tools for mass integration of waste streams

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Analogies between process heat
and mass integration

Heat Integration
the optimum use of heat exchangers and streams internal to the
process to satisfy heating and cooling requirements.
Tools: 1. Temperature interval diagram
2. Heat load diagram (pinch diagram)

Mass Integration
the optimum use of mass exchangers and streams internal to the
process to satisfy raw material requirements, maximize production and
minimize waste generation (water recycle/reuse applications).
Tools: 1. Source/sink mapping and diagrams
2. Composition interval diagram
3. Mass load diagram (pinch diagram)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Heat exchange networks -
key features
T - Heat Load Diagram
Heat exchange network • composite curves
• internal • pinch analysis
• external • minimum external utilities

[(mCp)1 + (mCp) 2]-1

89% reduction in
external utilities

Seider, Seader, and Lewin, 1999, “Process Design Principles”, John Wiley & Sons, Ch. 7

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Heat exchange networks -
Illustrative example - before heat integration

per sec

1 kg/s, Cp = 1 kJ/(kg-˚C)

2 kg/s, Cp = 1 kJ/(kg-˚C)

per sec

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Heat exchange networks -
per sec Temperature - load (pinch) diagram

Placement of
each load line 2 kg/s
vertically is Cooling load for
arbitrary external network,
160 kJ/s

Heat transfer
load by internal
1 kg/s
140 kJ/s

Heating load for

external network,
30 kJ/s

10 ˚C minimum temperature
difference defines the pinch

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Heat exchange networks -
Illustrative example after heat integration
82.4% reduction
in cooling utility per sec

140 kJ/s

per sec 46.7% reduction

in heating utility

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Mass integration:
objectives and methods
Methods objective is to prepare source streams to be
acceptable to sink units within the process or to waste
1. Segregation treatment
avoid mixing of sources Pollutant-rich Pollutant-lean
streams streams
2. Recycle
direct sources to sinks

3. Interception
selectively remove
pollutants from source

4. Sink/generator
adjust unit operation
design or operation

El-Halwagi, M.M.1997, “Pollution Prevention Through Process Integration: Systematic Design Tools”, Academic Press
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Motivating example:
Chloroethane process before mass integration

Mass balance in
terms of CE, the
minor component

C 2 H5 OH  HCl  C2 H5Cl  H2 O
Chloroethanol (CE) is byproduct
C 2 H5 OCl

Objective is to reduce the

concentration of CE sent to
biotreatment to < 7 ppm and
a load of < 1.05x10-6 kg CE/s
El-Halwagi, M.M.1997, “Pollution Prevention Through Process Integration: Systematic Design Tools”, Academic Press
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Motivating example:
Chloroethane process after mass integration

CE load to biotreatment =
2.5x10-7 kg/s


El-Halwagi, M.M.1997, “Pollution Prevention Through Process Integration: Systematic Design Tools”, Academic Press
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Mass Integration Tools:
Source-sink mapping
the purpose of source-sink mapping is to determine if waste streams
can be used as feedstocks within the process - direct recycle

Recycle source
“a” directly
A range of
flowrates and
for each sink ,
“S” or mix sources “b”
and “c” to achieve
the target flowrate
- composition
using a Lever Rule
- like calculation

El-Halwagi, M.M.1997, “Pollution Prevention Through Process Integration: Systematic Design Tools”, Academic Press
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Source-sink mapping:
acrilonitrile (AN) process before recycle
C3 H6  NH3 + 1.5 O2 
 C 3 H3 N  3 H 2O
0 ppm NH3
≤ 10 ppm NH3 0 ppm AN
may contain AN

450 ˚C,
2 atm

2-phase stream
always with 1
kg/s H2O but no
H2O in the AN
mass fraction
of AN always
equal to 0.068
NH3 equilibrium NH3 partitioning
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Source-sink map
acrilonitrile (AN) process

Sinks for
for water

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Flow rates of condenser and fresh
water sent to Scrubber
Water Mass Balance
kg kg
0.5  x  y  6.2
s s
NH3 Balance
0.8  0 ppm  x  14 ppm  y  0 ppm
s  10 ppm
0.8  x  y
x = flow rate of condensate stream sent to Scrubber
kg kg H2 O kg AN
= 4.4 = 4.0 + 0.4
s s s
kg H 2 O
y = flow rate of fresh water sent to Scrubber = 1.0

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Mass balances on AN units for
remaining flow rates and compositions

Aqueous streams
from condenser
and distillation
From fresh
water supply
4.7 kg/s H2O
1.0 kg/s H2O
0.5 kg/s AN
0 kg/s AN
12 ppm NH3
0 ppm NH3

Gas stream
from condenser
0.5 kg/s H2O
to decanter
4.6 kg/s AN ? kg/s H2O
39 ppm NH3
? kg/s AN
? ppm NH3

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Flow rates and compositions
from Scrubber to Decanter

Water Mass Balance

kg kg kg kg kg H2 O
0.5  1.0  4.0  0.7  6.2
s s s s s
AN Mass Balance
kg kg kg kg AN
4.6  0.4  0.1  5.1
s s s s
NH3 Balance
kg kg kg kg
5.1  39 ppm  0.8  0 ppm  1.0  0 ppm  4.4  14 ppm
s s s s  23 ppm
kg kg kg kg
5.1  0.8  1.0  4.4
s s s s

And similarly for other units

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
acrilonitrile (AN) process after recycle
freshwater feed AN production rate
30% of original increased by 0.5
kg/s; $.6/kg AN and
350 d/yr = $9MM/yr

rate of AN sent to
biotreatment is 60% of original
85% of original
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Mass exchange network (MEN) synthesis

1. Similar to heat exchange network (HEN) synthesis

2. Purpose is to transfer pollutants that are valuable from
waste streams to process streams using mass transfer
operations (extraction, membrane modules, adsorption, ..
3. Use of internal mass separating agents (MSAs) and external
4. Constraints
i. Positive mass transfer driving force between rich and lean process
streams established by equilibrium thermodynamics
ii. Rate of mass transfer by rich streams must be equal to the rate of
mass acceptance by lean streams
iii. Given defined flow rates and compositions of rich and lean streams

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Mass integration motivating example
- Phenol-containing wastewater
El-Halwagi, M.M.1997, “Pollution Prevention Through Process Integration: Systematic Design Tools”, Academic Press

for recycle
or sale

to waste
- Minimize transfer to
waste treatment -
to wastewater
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Outline of MEN synthesis

1. Construct a composition interval diagram (CID)

2. Calculate mass transfer loads in each composition interval

3. Create a composite load line for rich and lean streams

4. Combine load lines on a combined load line graph

5. Stream matching of rich and lean streams in a MEN using the


University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Hypothetical set of rich and lean
streams - stream properties

Rich Stream Lean Stream

in out Stream in out

Flow y y Flow x x
Rate, kg/s Rate, kg/s

R1 5 0.10 0.03 L 15 0.0 0.14

R2 10 0.07 0.03
R3 5 0.08 0.01

Equilibrium of pollutant between

rich and lean streams

y = 0.67 x

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Composition interval diagram -
a tool for MEN synthesis

x scale matched to y scale using

y = 0.67 x
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Mass transfer loads in each interval

Rich Streams
Region 1 and 2 = (yout  y in )   Ri = (0.08 - 0.1)  5 kg / s = - 0.1 kg / s
Streams i

Region 3 = (0.07 - 0.08)  (5 kg / s + 5 kg / s) = - 0.1 kg / s

Region 4 = (0.03 - 0.07)  (5 kg / s + 10 kg / s + 5 kg / s) = - 0.8 kg / s

Region 5 = (0.01- 0.03)  (5 kg / s) = - 0.1 kg / s

negative mass load denotes

transfer out of the stream

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Composite load line for the rich stream

Region 1 & 2

Region 3

Region 4

Region 5

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Combined load line for rich and lean streams
mass load to be
added to lean
stream externally

mass load to be

Rich Stream can

be moved

mass load to be
removed from rich
stream by external
University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Stream matching in MEN synthesis

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Heat integration of the MA flowsheet

-9.23x107 Btu/hr
9.70x107 Btu/hr 2.40x107 Btu/hr

Reactor streams
generate steam
-4.08x107 Btu/hr

Without Heat Integration

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Heat integration of
reactor feed and product streams
 min = 10 ūF

1.E+08 (795 ūF, 9.72x107 Btu/hr)

Internal load
9.251x107 Btu/hr
Q (Btu/hr)

6.E+07 (805 ūF, 9.72x107 Btu/hr)


(165.3 ūF, 0 Btu/hr)


(215 ūF, 0.468x107 Btu/hr)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
External load Temperature (F)
0.468x107 Btu/hr
Hot Stream Cold Stream

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Heat integration of
absorber outlet and recycle streams

(400 ūF, 4.05x107 Btu/hr)


Internal load
3.E+07 2.321x107 Btu/hr (445.6 ūF, 4.05x107 Btu/hr)
Q (Btu/hr)


(228.1 ūF, 1.73x107 Btu/hr)

1.E+07 External load

 min = 15 ūF 1.73x107 Btu/hr

(100 ūF, 0 Btu/hr)

100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (F)

Hot Stream Cold Stream

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Maleic anhydride flowsheet
with heat integration

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Energy Duty Energy (Btu/hr)
Heat No HI HI

integration Compressor 1.52x107 1.52x107

-9.40x107 -9.40x107
summary Reactor (Er1)
Reactor (Er2) -9.40x107 -9.40x107
Reactor (Er3) -9.40x107 -9.40x107
Greater energy Rxn. prod. cooler (E4) -9.23x107
reductions are
Abs. out heater (E5) 2.40x107
possible when
steam generated Purge heater (E6) 2.36x106 2.36x106
from the reactors Condenser (E7) -8.81x106 -8.80x106
is used for the
reboiler, purge Reboiler (E8) 1.28x107 1.28x107
and feed heaters Recycle pump (E9) 2.50x104 2.50x104
Recycle cooler (E10) -4.08x107 -1.68x107
Feed heater (E11) 9.70x107 4.69x106
76.8% reduction Total Inputs 15.1x107 3.51x107
27.4% reduction Total Outputs 42.4x107 30.8x107

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Recap

 Educational goals and topics covered in the

 Potential uses of the module in chemical
engineering courses
 Review of heat integration concepts
 Introduction to the tools of mass integration and
synthesis of mass exchange networks - Chapter
 Cast study - heat integration of the MA flowsheet

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6:
Flowsheet Environmental Impact Assessment
Chapter 11

David R. Shonnard
Hui Chen
Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Outline
After the flowsheet input output structure, unit operation designations,
and mass/heat integration have been completed, the last step in the
process to improve the environmental performance of a chemical process
design is to perform a detailed environmental impact assessment

 Educational goals and topics covered in the module

 Potential uses of the module in chemical engineering
 Review of environmental impact assessment methods
 Application of Tier 3 environmental impact
assessment to a detailed flowsheet - Chapter 11

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Educational goals and topics
covered in the module

Students will:
 learn to apply a systematic risk assessment methodology to the
evaluation of chemical process designs

 integrate emission estimation, environmental fate and transport

calculation, and relative risk assessment to rank process design

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Potential uses of the module in
chemical engineering courses

Process Design course:

• develop and use environmental objective functions to rank process
design alternatives
• rank process designs quantitatively based on environmental criteria

Transport phenomena course:

• Module on interphase mass transfer in the environment

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Essential features of environmental
impact assessment for chemical process design

Computationally efficient
 Environmental performance metrics quickly calculated using
output from commercial process simulators

Link waste generation and release to environmental impacts

 Environmental metrics linked to process parameters

Impacts based on a systematic risk assessment methodology

 Release estimates  fate and transport  exposure  risk

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6:
Systematic risk assessment methodology
National Academy of Sciences, 1983

1. Hazard Identification (which chemicals are important?)

2. Exposure assessment (release estimation, fate and transport, dose assessment)

3. Toxicity assessment (chemical dose - response relationships)

4. Risk Characterization (magnitude and uncertainty of risk)

Result: Quantitative risk assessment (e.g. excess cancers)

Model, Ca

Thibodeaux, L.J. 1996, Environmental Chemodynamics, John Wiley & Sons

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Quantitative risk calculation

Carcinogenic Risk Example (inhalation route)

Exposure Dose

(C  CR  EF  ED) 
Risk i =  a  SF 
 (BW  AT ) i

Dose - Response Relationship,

Slope Factor

Result: # excess cancers per 106 cases in the population; 10-4 to 10-6 acceptable

Disadvantage: Only a single compartment is modeled / Computationally inefficient

Highly uncertain prediction of risk

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Relative risk calculation

Carcinogenic Risk Example (inhalation route)

(Ca  CR  EF  ED) 
  SF 
 (BW  AT ) i
Relative Risk =
(Ca  CR  EF  ED) 
  SF 
 (BW  AT ) Benchmark

Ca  SFi
Ca  SF Benchmark
Result: Risk of a chemical relative to a well-studied benchmark compound

Advantage: If C is calculated for all compartments using a multimedia

compartment model, computationally efficient

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6:
Tier 3 Relative risk index formulation
Chemical Specific

Exposure Inherent Impact Parameter

Dimensionless Risk Index ( Ii* ) =
Benchmark Compound Chemical “i”

Process N
Process Index (I)   (Ii )  (mi )
Rate of

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Airborne emissions
 Unit Specific EPA Emission Factors

Distillation/stripping column vents

Reactor vents

Fugitive sources

 Correlation (AP- 42, EPA)

Storage tanks, wastewater treatment

Fugitive sources (pumps, valves, fittings)

 Criteria Pollutants from Utility Consumption

Factors for CO2, CO, SO2, NOx,

AP- 42 (EPA) factors

 Process Simulators (e.g. HYSYS)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Release estimates
based on surrogate processes

Waste stream summaries based on past experience

1. Hedley, W.H. et al. 1975, “Potential Pollutants from Petrochemical

Processes”, Technomics, Westport, CT

2. AP-42 Document, Chapters 5 and 6 on petroleum and chemical industries,


3. Other sources
i. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 1991-
ii. Hydrocarbon Processing, “Petrochemical Processes ‘99”, March 1999.

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Multimedia compartment
model formulation
Multimedia compartment model Processes modeled
• emission inputs, E
• advection in and out, DA
• intercompartment mass transfer,
• reaction loss, DR

Model Domain Parameters

• surface area - 104 -105 km2
• 90% land area, 10% water
• height of atmosphere - 1 km
• soil depth - 10 cm
• depth of sediment layer - 1 cm
• multiphase compartments

Mackay, D. 1991, ”Multimedia Environmental Models", 1 st edition,, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Multimedia compartment
model input data

Environmental Property Unit Location Benzene Ethanol PCP
Molecular Weight g/mole C6 78.11 46.07 266.34
Melting Point °C C7 5.53 115 174
Dissociation Constant log pKa C8 4.74
Solubility in Water g/m3 C11 1.78E+2 6.78E+5 14
Vapor Pressure Pa C12 1.27E+4 7.80E+3 4.15E-3
Octanol-Water Coefficient log Kow C13 2.13 -0.31 5.05
Half-life in air hr C33 1.7E+1 5.5E+1 5.50E+2
Half-life in water hr C34 1.7E+2 5.5E+1 5.50E+2
Half-life in soil hr C35 5.5E+2 5.5E+1 1.7E+3
Half-life in sediment hr C36 1.7E+3 1.7E+2 5.50E+3

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Multimedia compartment
model typical results

Chemical Percentage (%)

(emission scenario) Total mass Air Water Soil Sediment

Benzene (a) 1.98x104 99.59 0.29 0.12 1.0x10-3
Benzene (b) 1.41x105 4.48 95.17 5.5x10-3 0.35
Benzene (c) 6.86x104 20.61 1.61 77.78 5.8x10-3
Ethanol (a) 4.56x104 92.87 3.85 3.28 2.9x10-3
Ethanol (b) 7.35x104 0.22 99.7 7.8x10-3 0.08
Ethanol (c) 7.84x104 0.92 5.64 93.42 0.02
Pentachlorophenol (a) 2.07x106 0.26 2.56 97.07 0.11
Pentachlorophenol (b) 4.59x105 7.2x10-5 96.19 0.03 3.78
Pentachlorophenol (c) 2.39x106 2.9x10-4 0.54 99.44 0.02

(a) 1000 kg/hr emitted into the air compartment

(b) 1000 kg/hr emitted into the water compartment
(c) 1000 kg/hr emitted into the soil compartment

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Multimedia compartment
model typical results - interpretations

1. The percentages in each environmental compartment depend

upon the emission scenario
a) the highest air concentrations result from emission into the air
b) the highest water concentrations are from emission into water
c) the highest soil concentrations are from emission into soil
d) highest sediment concentrations are from emission into water

2. Chemical properties dictate percentages and amounts

a) high KH results in high air concentrations
b) high KOW results in high soil concentrations
c) high reactions half lives results in highest pollutant amounts

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Nine Environmental Impact /
Health Indexes

R ela tiv e R isk In d e x E q u a tio n

G lo b a l W a r m in g
I G* W , i  GWP i

I G W ,i  N C
MW i

O zo n e D ep letio n
I O* D,i  ODP i

S m o g F o rm a tio n * MIR i
I S F,i 
A cid R a in ARP i
I A* R, i 
G W P = g lo b al w a rm in g p o ten tia l, N C = n u m b er o f c arb o n s a to m s, O D P = o zo n e
d e p letio n p o te n ta l, M IR = m a x im u m in c re m e n ta l rea c tiv ity , A R P = a cid rain p o ten tial.

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Nine Environmental Impact /
Health Indexes

R e la tiv e R is k In d e x E q u a tio n
H u m a n T o x ic ity * C W , i LD 5 0, To lu en e
I IN G 
In g e s tio n R o u te C W , To lu en e LD 5 0,i
H u m a n T o x ic ity * C A , i LC 5 0 , To lu en e
In h a la t io n R o u t e
I IN H 
C A , To lu en e LC 5 0, i
Hum an C W , i HV i
I * C IN G 
C a r c in o g e n ic it y C W , B en zen e HV B en zen e
In g e s tio n R o u te
Hum an C A , i HV
C a r c in o g e n ic it y I * C IN H  i

C A , B en zen e HV B en zen e
In h a la t io n R o u t e
F is h T o x ic it y C W , i LC 5 0 f , P C P
I * FT 
C W , P C P LC 5 0 f , i
L D 5 0 = le t h a l d o s e 5 0 % m o r t a l it y , L C 5 0 = l e t h a l c o n c e n t r a t io n 5 0 % m o r t a l it y ,
a n d H V = h a z a r d v a l u e f o r c a r c i n o g e n ic h e a lt h e f f e c t s .

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Process Simulator Output
or Conceptual Design

List of Chemicals, Equipment specifications,

Utility consumption, Annual throughput
Physical Properties, Toxicology,
Weather, Geographical,
and Emission Factors Databases

Chemicals, Chemicals, Chemicals,

Equipment specifications, KH, KOW , LC50, HV,
annual throughput MIR…

Air Emission Chemical Partition Relative Risk Index

Calculator Calculator Calculator

Chemical I1 I2 In Rate Report
A . . . . .
B . . . . . MS Excel®
C . . . . .
n . . . . .

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Software tools for environmental
impact assessment of process designs

Environmental Fate and Risk Assessment Tool (EFRAT)

• links with HYSYS for automated assessments

WAste Reduction Algorithm (WAR)

• reported to be linked with ChemCAD
• US EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Cincinnati, OH
Dr. Heriberto Cabezas and Dr. Douglas Young
US Environmental Protection Agency
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
26 W. Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Absorption - distillation process:
analysis of an existing separation sequence

Gaseous Waste Stream

Toluene & Ethyl Acetate Vent ; 21 - 99.8 % recovery
193.5 kg/h each; 12,000 of Toluene and Ethyl Acetate
scfm, balance N2

Absorption Distillation
Column Column
50/50 Mass
Mixed Product

Absorption oil (C-14)

Make-up oil 10 – 800 kgmole/h
HYSYS Flowsheet

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Unit-specific emission summary
UNIT OPERATION Mass Emission rate (kg/hr)
Flow Toluene Ethyl C-14 SOx NOx CO2 CO TOC
"METHOD" (kg/hr) Acetate

Column "HYSIS" 19,840 0.002 128 4.23

Distillation "emission
Column factor" 259.1 0.019 0.007

Fugitive "emission
Sources factor" 259.1 0.062 0.062

Tank "correlation" 259.1 0.0014 0.0014

Energy (10 Btu/hr) 6.16 3.93 0.52 499 0.129 0.007

Total Emissions (kg/hr) 0.088 128.07 4.23 3.93 0.52 499 0.129 0.007

Where are the centers for energy 100 kgmole/hr Oil Flow Rate;
consumption and emissions? Oil Temperature = 82˚F; T=180˚F

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Risk index summary

Relative Risk Index (I*)

Compound I* GW I* OD I* SF I* AR I* ING I* INGC I* INH I* INHC I* FT

Toluene 3.34 0 0.9 0.0 1 0 1.0 0 0.02

Ethyl Acetate 2 0 0.3 0.0 9.7 0 3.3 0 0.04
SOx 0 0 0.0 1.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00
NOx 40 0 0.0 0.7 0 0 0.0 0 0.00
CO2 1 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00
CO 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 141.2 0 0.00
C-14 3.1 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00
TOC 3.1 0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00

Which chemicals have the

highest impact indexes?

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Process environmental summary
100 kgmole/hr Oil Flow Rate; N

Oil Temperature = 82˚F; T=180˚F Process Index (I)   (Ii *)  (mi )


All units in kg /yr

Emis s ion from IFT IING IINH IGW IS F IAR
utility 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.44E+05 5.21E+06 1.70E+02 1.27E+04
a bso rbe r 4.67E+04 1.08E+07 3.73E+06 2.36E+06 3.74E+05 0.00E+00
ta nk 3.36E+00 6.43E+02 2.55E+02 2.95E+02 1.09E+02 0.00E+00
distilla tio n c o lum n 5.06E+00 6.43E+02 3.60E+02 6.82E+02 3.12E+02 0.00E+00
fug itive 3.12E+01 5.30E+03 2.35E+03 2.90E+03 1.12E+03 0.00E+00


Ethyl Ac e ta te 4.68E+04 1.09E+07 3.73E+06 2.24E+06 3.72E+05 0.00E+00
To lue ne 1.92E+01 1.22E+03 1.22E+03 4.07E+03 2.11E+03 0.00E+00
Te tra de ca ne 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.15E+05 1.14E+03 0.00E+00
Ca rbo n dio x ide 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.87E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Ca rbo n m o no x ide 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.44E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Nitro g e n dio x ide 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.40E+05 0.00E+00 6.39E+03
S ulfur dio x ide 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.36E+03
TOC 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.51E+02 1.35E+02 0.00E+00

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: VOC recovery by
absorption into tetradecane (C14)


% Recovery of VOCs




Toluene Ethyl Acetate
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Absorber Oil Flow Rate (kgmole/hr)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Environmental index profiles



Inde xe s
(kg /hr)



10 100 IAR
200 IGW
Abs o rbe r Oil Flo w Ra te (kg mo le s /hr)

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Interpretation of environmental
assessment results

Risk reductions at 50 kgmole/hr flow rate

 Global Warming Index - 41% reduction
 Smog Formation Index - 86 % reduction
 Acid Rain Index - small increase
 Inhalation Route Toxicity Index - 78 % reduction
 Ingestion Route Toxicity Index - 18 % reduction
 Ecotoxicity (Fish) Index - 19 % reduction

Absorber oil choice is not an optimum

 Oil selectively absorbs toluene, but ethyl acetate has a higher

Multiple indexes complicate the decision

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Maleic anhydride from n-butane
process flowsheet evaluation

 Use of EFRAT : evaluate the MA process

 Basecase (Dibutyl phthalate absorber oil) with and
without heat integration
 Simulate 3 case studies using heat integrated
» Dibutyl phthalate absorber oil
» Dibenzyl ether absorber oil
» Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate absorber oil

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Maleic anhydride from n-butane:
Use of EFRAT on basecase flowsheet

 Follow the tutorial instructions given in the notebook!

 The SCENE file has been linked to a HYSYS case


 Add three additional emission sources

 Complete the relative risk assessment calculations

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5:
Heat integration of the MA flowsheet

-9.23x107 Btu/hr
9.70x107 Btu/hr 2.40x107 Btu/hr

Reactor streams
generate steam
-4.08x107 Btu/hr

Without Heat Integration

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 5: Maleic anhydride flowsheet
with heat integration

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Maleic anhydride from n-butane:
effect of heat integration on risk indexes

1.E+09 72.2%
Indexes are
1.E+07 unchanged


Heat Integration
ISF No Heat Integration
30.4% IINH
reduction Relative Risk Indexes IFT

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Maleic anhydride from n-butane:
effects of absorber oil choice
16.3% 42.1%
reduction 85.1%
reduction reduction



(kg/yr) 1.E+08

1.E+06 reduction


1.E+04 DGBEA
Dibenzyl Ether
ISF Dibutyl Phthalate
Relative Risk Index IFT

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University
Module 6: Summary / Conclusions

 Educational goals and topics covered in the module

 Potential uses of the module in chemical engineering
 Review of environmental impact assessment
 Application of Tier 3 environmental impact
assessment to a detailed flowsheet - Chapter 11
» Heat integration of the Maleic Anhydride flowsheet
» Effects of absorber oil choice for the MA flowsheet

University of Texas at Austin Michigan Technological University

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