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factual report text is text which presents some information
about thing, person, animal, scientific phenomena, or
social condition.

//Teks berita faktual adalah teks yang menyajikan suatu

informasi tentang benda, orang, hewan, fenomena ilmiah,
atau kondisi sosial.//
Social Function

1 2
explain facts about something. Support in Scientific Work.

//menjelaskan fakta tentang //Pendukung dalam Karya

sesuatu.// Ilmiah.//
Generic 1 General Clasification

Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek

laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.

2 Description

Gambaran fenomena yang terjadi: bagian,

sifat, kebiasaan, maupun tingkah laku.

1 Menggunakan general noun
dan tidak menggunakan
particular noun

Language Example: hunting dogs (benar)

our dog (salah)

Features 2 Menggunakan relating verb

atau linking verb
Example: sea turtles are reptile.

3 Menggunakan present tense

Untuk menginformasikan general truth.

Example Text 1
A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone, cell phone, or cellular telephone) is a very small portable radio telephone.The first mobile
phone networks were created in the late 1970s in Japan. A cell phone combines technologies, mainly telephone, radio, and computer. Cell phones
work as two-way radios. They send electromagnetic microwaves from base station to base station. The waves are sent through antennas. This is
called wireless communication.
There are different kinds of phones. A flip phone flips open, and is best for calling. A bar phone is shaped like a candy bar, and the keys and
screen are on one face. A slate phone is a phone that has almost no buttons, and uses a touchscreen. Most smartphones are slates. A slider phone
slides on rails. It can slide out number keys or a mini keyboard, but some do both. A swivel spins on an axle.
Many 21st century mobile phones are smartphones. These phones can be used for email, browsing the internet, playing music and games,and
many other functions that computers can perform. This is because mobile phones basically are small computers. Older phones also used computer
technology, but lacked many of the parts of a computer that were too big to fit into a phone. Modern phone makers have been able to use smaller
parts. Most smartphones are also GPS receivers and digital cameras.
Example Text 2
OThey can perform calculations and process data. Computers can
Computer are machine that handle information automatically.
work with numbers to solve problems in afew seconds. Computers can remembers a great deal of information. That is why
computers are widely used in places, such as banks, offices, dan companies.
Computers work like calculators. But most calculators can do only one thing at a time. We tell them to do by pressing various
buttons. To do the same work, we can give a series of instructions to a computer. We call this a computer program. If we set up a
program, the computer can provide a program, the computer can do all this work automatically without further help or instruction.
A computer stores and handles numbers. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or columns of figures. The numbers may
also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, words, or instructions to the computer.

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