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J a n / 2 0 1 1/ 1 1

First semester 1431/1432

} Project {
Team Members
Member 1 : Ali Al-Ruqaiy
Member 2 : Omar Al-Mohaileb
Member 3 : Fahd Al-Mutary

: Introduction of this Final Project

Today in the celebration, the final class in
GE213, we will try to explain the work that we
done on the project.

So we hope that you all enjoy our presentation


Power From RLC Circuit

5 Introduction-1
The project idea is about how to find the
maximum power that we can take from an
RLC circuit using different frequencies. There
is a single frequency in each circuit that gives
the maximum power.

The Objectives is to find the resonance

frequency which at this frequency the power
from the circuit will be the maximum.

? Q: Why do we have to find this frequencies

A: the answer to that question is simple, high
Frequencies means high speeds from the
generator, and making the generator rotate
at high speeds means consuming more fuel.
And since at high frequencies the power from
the electrical devises is low then the fuel is
wasted for nothing.
7 Main Body-2
Useful Heuristics )2-1(

1) Develop some steps that would lead to the solution.

2) Identifying all variables at the beginning helps
. making good model.
3) To fully understand the problem present it as a
. graph.
4) A good model is to find a solution that gives a
. maximum profit with less charges.
.Graphs is the language of all engineers )5
(2-2) Modeling
(A) Problem definition:
In almost all the electrical devices around us there
are an equivalent RLC circuits as shown in Figure-1.
Each circuit has its own frequency range. There is a
single frequency in each circuit that gives the
maximum power for the circuit this frequency is
.called Resonant frequency

)RLC Circuit (
(2-2) Modeling ( continue )

The problem is to find this frequency which has the

maximum power for each circuit that we want. Se
Figure-2 .

(2-2) Modeling ( continue )
(B) Assumptions:

We will assume that the circuit that we will
find the maximum power has the following
1- A small resistor R, and it is about 100 Ω.
2- the inductor L has a 18.5 mH .
3- The capacitor C has a 1µF .
4- The voltage on the circuit is 5 V.
(2-2) Modeling ( continue )

(C) Equation:

Where Z is the Impedance.

R is the resistance.
XL is the inductance.
XC is the capacitance.
f is the frequency.
I is the current.
V is the input voltage.
.P is the Power
(2-2) Modeling ( continue )

(D) Model implementation and getting solution:

  We did solve this problem by numbers, as shown in
Figure (3) :-

Figure (3)
{The entire work}
13 (2-2) Modeling ( continue )
Table (1) shows the power of the circuit with the frequency :-

Table (1) { power with frequency }

14 (2-2) Modeling ( continue )
Table (1) { Continue }
(2-2) Modeling ( continue )
Figure (4) shows the chart of the work that
represent the power of the circuit in (mW) with the
frequency in (Hz). As we can see there is a point
where the power is at the maximum. This is the
point of the resonance frequency and it is around
(1100 – 1200) Hz.

Figure (4)
{Power vs Frequency}
(2-2) Modeling ( continue )

(E) Evaluation of the solution:

  Using the Solver analysis we will complete
the following Table(2):
 Table(2) { Solver Analysis }
P (mW) I(A) Z(Ω) XC ( Ω ) XL ( Ω ) f ( Hz )

250.000 0.050 100.000 136.015 136.015 1170

Like we expected the value of resonance

frequency is between 1100 and 1200 and it is
1170 Hz and gives a power of 250 mW.

At end of this project we did find out The change
in power of the circuit with respect to the frequency
from 100Hz to 4000Hz. And we did find that at the
frequency 1170Hz the power will be the maximum
power for this circuit.
Also the maximum power for this circuit is 250 mW.
:The Final Conclusion of the Project
This course did help us understand many
methods and techniques to define and solve many
problems, and also this project did help us work as a
team, and in this project, we learned some
information about the Power variation with



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