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Nestle company

social projects and corporate values

Nestlé is the largest food producer in
the world, working on the principles
of sustainable nutrition and healthy

``We believe that in order for the company to be successful

over a long period of time and of low value to shareholders, it
must be of value to society. For Nestlé, this means offering
products and services that allow people to improve their
nutrition, health and well-being, and thus will provide even
more value to shareholders. Henry Nestle started the company
in 1866, based on the success of a vital infant formula and
today we plan to increase quality of life, offering a more
delicious and healthy food and drink at all stages of a person's

Ansgar Bornemann
CEO of Nestlé in Ukraine and Moldova
core values
Creating shared values ​is a business strategy,
which enables Nestlé to focus on activities that
will help optimize value creation for shareholders
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and society. Adopting an approach Creating a
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and manage strategies for business benefit and
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progress by presenting 2012 commitments to a
society that is committed to continuous
Consultations of
improvement. Positive impact on society is
01 Ukrainian farmers and
reflected in key priority areas.
assistance with export
One of Nestle's largest social projects is the Healthy Kids project.
Healthy kids
Its purpose is to promote the health of children.

Key facts about the global Nestlé Healthy Kids program, part of which is the
Ukrainian Alphabet Nutrition Education Program:
- Implemented in 84 countries
- 8 million children worldwide are learning the basics of eating and eating
healthy each year
- 100% complies with national and international recommendations
- Approved by the local Ministries of Health, Education
and Sports
- 67 countries have added physical development to
the program.
- Complete lack of advertising and commercial interest
290 partners (state organizations, national sports
organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities, academies,
healthcare associations)
more projects

Less sugar tastes just as Nestlé is recognized as a Nestlé and Samsung are
good thanks to Nestlé leader in the fight on climate working together on digital
science change nutrition and health
Using only natural Nestlé is one of the 9%
ingredients, Nestlé Nestlé and Samsung
of companies that
researchers have found it participated
have announced a study
possible to structure sugar and was to explore the potential
differently. So, even if it is awarded the of nutrition science.
much smaller in chocolate, highest A rating Businesses are
for the receptors in your for recognizing their developing a new digital
tongue, the chocolate will work to reduce health platform to give
remain almost as sweet as emissions and combat
before. individuals more
climate change.
nutritional advice.
Nestlé is recognized as an international leader in reducing carbon
emissions and combating climate change throughout the supply

CDP, an international nonprofit organization that has launched a

system to manage the impact of companies, countries, regions and
cities on the environment, has included Nestlé in its first list of
leaders. CDP evaluated the actions taken to reduce carbon
footprint and reduce the climate-related risks in the supply chain
over the past reporting year. CDP evaluated 3,300 companies and
selected only 29 companies in the supply chain climate change.
Nestlé became one of these 29 companies, accounting for up to 1%
of the awardees.
Life Foundation: Nestlé invest in
Amino Acids
The Nestlé Research Unit is investing 42.3 million Swiss francs
in the US startup of Proutria Biosciences. This platform develops
products on different amino acids, which in their work, it is
possible to use serious medical problems.

Amino acids are important for human life. As for amino acids,
they create proteins and are of great importance for all functions.
Amino acid deficiency, which has to expand the nervous system,
should be blocked, the problem with the use of replaceable and

The inside verifies the effects of a deeper study of amino acids,

including the use of a new compound PN-107. This mixture is
potentially capable of overcoming mass loss due to aging, visual
duration, or immobilization.
Nestlé research can help produce effective
Nestlé scientists have shown that some of the probiotics that have undergone
pasteurization act on cells and provide a better balance of the immune system than their
"living" equivalents. This will help scientists develop more effective probiotic products,
such as infant formulas and long-lasting beverages.

Probiotics are the bacteria needed for the human immune system. They are mainly used
in food. Probiotics with heat treatment lose the ability to reproduce. Nestlé wanted to
investigate whether they continue to provide health benefits in this form.

A Nestlé study published in the journal Allergy and Clinical Immunology reveals how
living and probiotic forms after heat treatment of strain Lactobacillus paracasei NCC
+2461 affect immune cells through epigenetic: the way our genes are expressed is the
result of our environment.
To build a business, it is able to maintain the highest value for
shareholders while helping
to improve their nutrition, health and wellness
Nestlé's well-being uses the Sharing Approach
values ​to the business as a whole. In addition to food, they focus on
water and rural issues
development, given their importance not only to businesses, but to all
workers, farmers, suppliers, distributors and communities.
The company continues to actively fulfill its obligations
on the environment, social and economic sustainable development
necessary for the operation of our factories and the sustainable growth
and development of communities and countries of production. This
requires considerable preparation and training
people inside the company and beyond, and more investment in
technology to reduce environmental impact.
any questions?

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