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AP Economics

Mr. Bernstein

Module 29:
The Market for Loanable Funds

February 2019
AP Economics
Mr. Bernstein

The Market for Loanable Funds

• Objectives - Understand each of the following:
• How the loanable funds market matches savers and
• The determinants of supply and demand in the
loanable funds market
• How the two models of interest rates can be reconciled

AP Economics
Mr. Bernstein

Equilibrium in the Loanable Funds Market

• D is downward sloping
• as rates fall, projects
become more profitable
• S is upward sloping
• Must earn higher rates
to forego consumption
• Based on indiv. decisions,
unlike vertical MS line
• Y axis: Real Interest Rate
AP Economics
Mr. Bernstein

Shifts in Demand, Supply of Loanable Funds

• Shifts in Demand
• D in perceived business opportunities
• D in government borrowing (“Crowding Out”)
• Shifts in Supply
• D in private saving behavior
• D in capital inflows
• All shifts in Demand or Supply D Interest Rates…but…
• Real interest rates are not affected by changes in expected
inflation (only nominal rates are affected…”The Fisher
Effect”) 4
AP Economics
Mr. Bernstein

Inflation and Interest Rates

• D in Expected
Inflation causes
upward shift in D
and in S
• New equilibrium
at higher nominal
rate but same
expected real rate

AP Economics
Mr. Bernstein

Reconciling LPF with Loanable Funds Model

AP Economics
Mr. Bernstein

Reconciling LPF with Loanable Funds Model

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