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• Direct/Indirect Exporting
• Joint Venture
• Management Contract
• F Direct Investment
• Wholly owned subsidiary
• Franchising/Licensing/Merger/Acquisition
• Intra-corporate transfer
• Turnkey Project
Forms of Exporting
• Exporting means shipping the goods and services
out of the port of a country.
– Seller is exporter
– Buyer is importer
• Direct exporting deals with foreign companies or
agencies to sell and build a relationship
• Indirect exporting means that the firms participate
in intl. Business through an intermediary and does
not deal with foreign customers or market
Direct vs Indirect
• Advantage • Disadvantage
– Cost of manufacturing – Transport cost
– Consistent with scale – Exporting from home
economies and location base of the company
economies – Tariff Barriers
– Sony, Toyota
• International licensing is an arrangement
whereby a foreign licensee purchases the
rights to produce a company’s product in the
licensee’s country for a negotiated fee
(normally, royalty payments on the number of
units sold).
• Coca cola, Pepsico
The property licensed may include
• Patents (License)
• Trademarks
• Copyright
• Technology
• Technical know-how
• Business skills
• Brand names
• Advantage • Disadvantage
– Low development cost • Lack of control over
and risk technology
– Avoid tariffs
• Inability to engage in
global strategic
• Franchising is basically a specialized form of licensing
in which the franchiser not only sells intangible
property to the franchisee (normally a trademark),
but also insists that the franchisee agree to abide by
strict rules governing how it does business.
• MacDonald’s
– Cooking policies, staffing method, restaurant design,
management training and financial assistance.
Service companies
Four Seasons
• Advantage • Lack of control over
– Low development cost quality
and risk • Inability to engage in
– Quick global presence global strategic
Joint Venture
• Each party takes a part of ownership and team
of managers from both or primary or third
party delegation
• Grameen-Danone: shakti doi
• Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Joint Venture
• Advantage • Disadvantage
• Access to local partners • Incompatibility
knowledge • Loss of control
• Shared development • Access to information
and risk; Synergy • Distribution of Earning
• Political dependency
Wholly owned subsidiary
• A wholly owned subsidiary is one in which the
parent company owns 100% of the
subsidiary’s stock. To establish a wholly
owned subsidiary in a foreign market, a
company can either set up a completely new
operation in that country or acquire an
established host country company and use it
to promote its products in the host market.
Wholly owned subsidiary
• Advantage • Disadvantage
– Protection of technology – High cost and risk
– Ability to engage in
global strategic
– Ability to realize location
and scale-based
• Merger • Acquisition
– The combining of two or – When one compnay
more companies takes over another and
generally by offering the clearly establish itself as
stockholders of one the new owner the
company securities in purchase is called an
the acquiring company acquistion.
in exchange for the
surrender of their stock.
• Merger • Acquision
– Pran-RFL – Google and Android
– Robi-Axiata – Microsoft and Linkedin
– Nitol-Tata – Sun pharma and
– Exon-Mobil Ranbaxy
– Facebook-Whatsup – Disney and 21° century
– Facebook-Instagram Fox
• Advantage • Disadvantage
– Obtains control over the – Assumes all the
firm such as factories liabilities; financial and
and brand names managerial
– Integrate the
management of the firm
into its overall
international strategy
Strategic Alliance
• A strategic alliance is an agreement between
two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed
upon objectives needed while remaining
independent organizations. A strategic alliance
will usually fall short of a legal partnership
entity, agency, or corporate affiliate
• Functional and Comprehensive
• Joint Venture
Turnkey project

• One of the special modes of carrying out

international business is a turnkey project. It
is a contract under which a firm agrees to fully
design, construct and equip a manufacturing/
business/ service facility and turn
the project over to the purchaser when it is
ready for operation for a remuneration.
Turnkey project
• Advantage • Disadvantage
– Focus firm’s resources – Financial risk; cost
on its area of expertise overruns
– Avoid all long term – Construction risk;
operational risk Delays, Problems with
• A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an
investment made by a firm or individual in one
country into business interests located in
another country. Generally, FDI takes place
when an investor establishes foreign business
operations or acquires foreign business assets
in a foreign company.
• Wholly owned subsidiary
• Merger/Acquision
Investment Portfolio
• Thank you

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