Haber Process Task 1

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The graph shows

worldwide ammonia
production and world
population from 1950
to 2010. Use the figure
above and your
knowledge to explain
the relationship
between ammonia
production and world
(3 marks)
The Haber process – 3 minute reading card
The Haber process combines nitrogen and hydrogen to form the compound ammonia.
Nitrogen is obtained from the air (which is 78% nitrogen)
Hydrogen is obtained from reacting methane (from natural gas) with steam to form hydrogen and carbon

The gases enter a reaction vessel and are passed over an iron catalyst. A high temperatures (450°C) and high
pressure (200 atmospheres) are needed.

The reaction is reversible so some of the ammonia produced will be converted back to nitrogen and hydrogen
The Haber process – write down the missing words
The Haber process combines _______________ 1 and hydrogen to form the compound ammonia.
Nitrogen is obtained from the air (which is ____________ nitrogen)
Hydrogen is obtained from reacting ___________________ (from natural gas) with steam to form hydrogen and
4 and are passed over an ___________ catalyst. A high temperatures
The gases enter a reaction vessel
(_____________) and high _______________ (200 atmospheres) are needed.5
The reaction is ____________________ so some of the7ammonia produced will be converted back to nitrogen
and hydrogen 8
The Haber process
What do we mean by a reversible reaction? How do we show that a reaction is reversible?

Write a word equation for the Haber process

Write a balanced symbol equation for the Haber process

3 2
Review questions
Q1. The Haber process is named after the German
chemist, Fritz Haber.
The diagram shows the main stages in the Haber

a) Complete the word equation for the reaction that takes place in the reactor.
nitrogen        +       _______________ → _______________

b) What does the symbol mean?

c) What is the purpose of the iron in the reactor?

d)  Ammonia is separated from unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen. What physical property
allows this to happen?

e) What is done with the unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen?

Q2. The flow diagram shows how ammonia is made.
a) What is the role of the cooler?
  a liquid.
The cooler turns the a solid.
ammonia into
  an element.

b) In the reaction only a small amount of

nitrogen and hydrogen is changed into
ammonia. What is the reason why?

Reason why
Ammonia is formed from two elements.  
Nitrogen and hydrogen are gases.  
The reaction is reversible.  
Q3. The flow diagram shows the Haber process. In the Haber process ammonia is
produced from nitrogen and hydrogen.
Nitrogen + hydrogen ammonia
The symbol   in the word
equation shows the reaction is

(b) The iron speeds up the reaction because it is a


(c)     What happens to the unreacted nitrogen and

Q4. The sentences describe how ammonia is produced in the Haber process.
The sentences are in the wrong order.
P        Ammonia is separated as a liquid.
Q        Nitrogen and hydrogen are mixed together.
R        A mixture of gases enters the condenser.
S        Nitrogen and hydrogen react to produce ammonia.

Complete the boxes below to show the correct order of the sentences.
The first box has been done for you.
Review questions
1. Write down a word equation and balanced symbol equation for the Haber process
2. Recall the 3 conditions needed in the Haber process
3. Describe how nitrogen for the Haber process is obtained
4. Describe how hydrogen for the Haber process is obtained
5. The reaction is reversible. What does this mean?
6. Why is a catalyst used in the reaction?
7. Describe what happens to the raw materials nitrogen and hydrogen during the Haber
8. How is the ammonia removed from the mixture of gases?
9. What is done with the unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen from the process?
10. Suggest a substance that could be electrolysed to produce hydrogen gas. Explain your

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