Evolution of Marketing Science: Presented By: Dr. Syed Hasnain Alam Kazmi

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Evolution of Marketing Science

Presented By: Dr. Syed Hasnain Alam Kazmi


There is a growing interest amongst marketing scholars to examine the

evolutionary bases of a wide range of consumer phenomena.
While specific evolutionary hypotheses are typically tested using tools that
marketing researchers are familiar with (e.g., experiments or surveys), the
method of evolutionary psychology is rooted in its unique epistemology (the
manner in which knowledge is generated and organized
• Over the past two decades, evolutionary psychology and more generally
evolutionary theory have made important inroads across the humanities,
social sciences, and the natural sciences.
• The infusion of evolutionary theorizing is now increasingly taking place
within the marketing discipline, as researchers seek to explore the
evolutionary bases of consumer phenomena
• The field of marketing science has a rich history of modeling marketing
phenomena using the disciplines of economics, statistics, operations
research, and other related fields.
Road to Marketing

Neuromarketing is an effective new discipline to improve sales and marketing

results by applying discoveries from neuroscience.
Your brain is made of approximately 100
billion nerve cells, called neurons. 

Neurons have the amazing ability to gather

and transmit electrochemical signals -- think
of them like the gates and wires in
a computer.
Neuromarketing is a field that applies the principles of neuroscience
to marketing research, studying consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive,
and affective response to marketing stimuli.
Researchers use technologies such as functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) to measure changes in activity in parts of the
brain, electroencephalography (EEG) and Steady state topography (SST) to
measure activity in specific regional spectra of the brain response; sensors to
measure changes in one's physiological state, also known as biometrics,
including heart rate, respiratory rate, and galvanic skin response
Applications of Neuroscience in Marketing
Neuro science can help Marketers by :

• Providing confirmatory evidence about the existence of a phenomenon,

• Generating more fundamental (i.e., a neurallevel) conceptualization and understanding of

underlying processes,

• Refining existing conceptualizations of various phenomena, and

• Providing methodologies for testing new and existing theories

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

It allows observation of deep brain structures suitable for neuromarketing


It combines magnetic field and radio waves, producing a signal that allows
viewing brain structures in detail

It allows measuring brain activity while subjects perform certain tasks or

experience marketing stimuli& searching for patterns
Electroencephalography (EEG)

EEG measures electric product of the brain activity, when brain undergoes any

It captures variations in brainwaves, and the amplitudes of the recorded brainwaves

correspond to certain mental states, such as wakefulness , relaxation, calmness and

For the analysis, voltage and frequency are measured for each subject and
compared to the data that was recorded without using marketing stimuli.
Eye Tracking

It is a tool for the analysis of visual attention

From the perspective of neuromarketing, it seeks to associate visual

attention with the cognitive and emotional responses of consumers.

This makes the measurement process more subtle, with very little or no
interaction between the researchers and their subjects
Expected Results

Help to understand the brand recall pattern of individuals after viewing the
advertisements with and without social messages

Impact of advertisement with and without social messages on the short term and long
term memory of human beings

Managers would be able to choose better advertising strategy for their advertisements
Thank you

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