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Business School
of Institution

Course Title: Professional Ethics And Social

Responsibility For Sustainability
Credit Units: 2
Course Code : PFE701

Faculty In Charge- Dr Jaideep Kaur

Business School
of Institution

Module III: Ethical Considerations

•Basics of Intellectual Property Rights
•Unintentional breaches of Confidentiality
•Principles of Natural Justice
•Redressal Mechanism
•Organizational Complaint Procedure

Business School
of Institution

Session Objectives
• To understand the Basics of Intellectual
Property Rights
• To know about the Confidentiality and
Unintentional breaches of Confidentiality
• To clarify the Principles of Natural Justice
• To explicate the Redressal Mechanism
and Organizational Complaint Procedure

Business School
of Institution

Basics of Intellectual Property Rights

•Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons
over the creations of their minds. refers to creations of the
mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works;
designs; and symbols, names and images.

•Intellectual Property rights provide protection for

creations and inventions, to enable creators and inventors
to earn recognition and financial benefit from their work.

•Intellectual property protection is critical to fostering

innovation. Without protection of ideas, businesses and
individuals would not reap the full benefits of their
inventions and would focus less on research and
development. 4
Business School
of Institution

There are four types of intellectual property rights

Trade Secrets- Trade secrets refer to specific, private

information that is important to a business because it
gives the business a competitive advantage in its
marketplace. If a trade secret is acquired by another
company, it could harm the original holder.
Examples of trade secrets include recipes for certain
foods and beverages new inventions, software,
processes, and even different marketing strategies. 

Patents -a patent is a type of limited-duration protection

that can be used to protect inventions (or discoveries) that
are new, non-obvious, and useful, such a new process,
machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter. 5
Business School
of Institution

Copyrights - A copyright is a type of intellectual

property protection that protects original works of
authorship, which might include literary works, music,
art, and more. Today, copyrights also protect computer
software and architecture.

Trademarks -the fourth type of intellectual property

protection is a trademark protection. Remember,
patents are used to protect inventions and discoveries
and copyrights are used to protect expressions of ideas
and creations, like art and writing For example, the Nike
symbol–which nearly all could easily recognize and
identify–is a type of trademark.
Business School
of Institution

Advantages of Intellectual Property Rights

•Provides exclusive rights to the creators or
•Encourages individuals to distribute and share
information and data instead of keeping it
•Provides legal defense and offers the creators
the incentive of their work.
•Helps in social and financial development.

Business School
of Institution

Unintentional breaches of Confidentiality

A breach of confidentiality happens when data
or information provided to you by the client is
disclosed to a third-party without the approval of
the client.
Even though the breach of confidentiality was
unintentional; a client can still suffer financial
losses due to this.

Business School
of Institution

Why is confidentiality important?

Protecting confidential information is vital. If
you're in a position where you have access to
or are given this type of data at work, your
career relies on your ability to keep patient or
client confidentiality.

If you don't, you could lose trust and integrity in

the eyes of your existing (and potential future)
clients, who could terminate your contract and
take legal action against you.
Business School
of Institution

Principles of Natural Justice

• Natural justice has found its origin in the early
Greek and Roman empires, being
acknowledged even in Kautilya’s Arthashastra
• Principles of natural justice can be said to be
the rules of fair play. It is a common law concept
that represents higher procedural aspects
developed by courts which every judicial, quasi-
judicial, and administrative body must abide by.

Business School
of Institution

• Natural justice equates with fairness,

equality and equity. The concept also
extends to a general duty to act fairly and to
ensure that fair decision is reached by an
objective decision maker. 
• The chance to be heard by an impartial
judge is what lies at the heart of the
principle and procedural fairness. Ensuring
procedural fairness protects individual rights
and enhances public trust in the process.
Business School
of Institution

Redressal Mechanism
• A grievance mechanism is a procedure that provides a
clear and transparent framework for addressing
grievances related to the process in the workplace. This
typically takes the form of an internal procedure for
complaints, followed by consideration and management
response and feedback.
• The grievance procedure is the method by which a
grievance is filed and carried through different steps to
an ultimate decision.

Business School
of Institution

Objectives of Grievances
• To enable the employee to air their grievance
• To clarify the nature of the grievance
• To investigate the reasons for dissatisfaction
• To obtain, where possible, a speedy resolution
to the problem
• To take appropriate actions and ensure that
promises are kept

Business School
of Institution

Benefits of Grievance Handling Procedure

• It encourages employees to raise concerns without fear of
• It provides a fair and speedy means of dealing with
• It prevents minor disagreements developing into more
serious disputes.
• It serves as an outlet for employee frustrations and
• It saves employer’s time and money as solutions are found
for workplace problems. It helps to build an organizational
climate based on openness and trust.

Business School
of Institution

Organizational Complaint Procedure

• The formal complaints procedure is
intended to ensure that all complaints are
handled fairly, consistently and wherever
possible resolved to the complainant's
• Responsibility will be to: deal reasonably
and sensitively with the complaint; take
action where appropriate.
Business School
of Institution

Complaints handling procedure

• Listen to the complaint. Thank the for
bringing the matter to your attention. ...
• Record details of the complaint. ...
• Get all the facts. ...
• Discuss options for fixing the problem.
• Act quickly. ...
• Keep your promises. ...
• Follow up.
Business School
of Institution

Session Outcome
• Explain the Basics of Intellectual Property
• Explain Confidentiality and Unintentional
breaches of Confidentiality
• Explain the Principles of Natural Justice
• Explain the Redressal Mechanism
and Organizational Complaint Procedure


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