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Bengkel Pembinaan Item Berasakan OBE

21 April 2017
Bilik Mesyuarat 1
2:30 petang
Bengkel Pembinaan Item Berasakan OBE


Outcome-Based Education.
Modul 1 : OBE

1. Planning the curriculum

2. Designing the curriculum

Modul 2 : Implementing OBE

3. Implementing of curriculum

4. Evaluating and analysing evidences

Questions to Ask yourself in Designing a Test

• What outcomes will ( should) I be testing?

• What types of items will be included in the test?

Questions to Ask yourself in Designing a Test

• How long will the test be in terms of time and number of


• How much will each outcomes be worth in terms of

weighting and numbers of items?
Test as Diagnostic Tools

• Students demonstrate learning

• Instructor effectiveness - modify teaching strategies

or activities

• Assignment of letter grades

Different Types of Test & Learning

• Paper & Pencil/online Testing

- Limited Choice Questions (MC, T/F, Matching)

- Open-Ended Questions (Short Answer, Essay)

Different Types of Test & Learning

• Performence Testing

- Acquisition of skills that can be demonstrated through

action ( e.g Practical Tests, OSCE)
Translating Course Outcomes / Competencies into Test


- what was taught/weight areas to be tested

Translating Course Outcomes / Competencies into Test
• Creating a Test Blueprint

- Blueprinth- this is the test plan, i.e. which questions, test

what concepts

- plotting the outcomes / competencies againts some

hierarchy respresenting levels of cognitif difficulty or depth
of processing
Thinking Skills

• What level of learning corresponds to the course content

• Bloom's Taxonomy of educations Objectives
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
Practical Considerations

• Repersentative sample of the course content, not random

- purposeful; based on blueprint

• Representative sample of skill or cognitive levels across


• Analyse results by level AND content area

Planning a Test

Step 1:
Outline learning outcomes or major concepts to be
covered by the test
- Test should be representative of outcomes and material
- Major student complaint: Tests don't fairly cover the
material that was supposed to be canvassed on the test.
Planning a Test

Step 2:

• Refer to test blueprint (from course syllabus)

Planning a Test

Step 3:

• Create question based on blueprint

- Match the question type with the appropriate level of
Planning a Test

Step 4:
• For each check on the blueprint, jot down 3-4 alternative
question on ideas and item types which will get at the
same outcomes
Planning a Test

Step 5:

• Organise questions and/or ideas by items types

Planning a Test

Step 6:

• Eliminate similar questions

Planning a Test

Step 7:

• Walk away from this for a couple of days

Planning a Test

Step 8:

• Reread all of the items - try doing this from the standpoint
of a student
Planning a Test

Step 9:

• Organise question logically

Planning a Test

Step 10:

• Time yourself actually taking the test and then multiple

that by about 3-4 depending on the level of students
Planning a Test

Step 11:

• Analyse the result (item analyses)

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