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Where to go 去

Chapter 12 K-9
Lijing Zhang
World Language Content Standards
• Content: Stage III -3.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge of
other disciplines.

Communication: Stage III -3.4 Describe, narrate, explain, and state an opinion. 3.5 Demonstrate understanding of the
main idea and key details in authentic texts. 3.6 Produce and present a written, oral, or signed (ASL) product in a
culturally authentic way.

Cultures: Stage III -3.2 Describe similarities and differences in the target cultures and between students’ own cultures.

Structures: Stage II - 2.0 Students use sentence-level elements (morphology or syntax or both) to understand concrete and
factual topics. Stage III -3.0 Students use knowledge of text structure to understand topics related to the external

Settings: Stage III -3.0 Students use language in informal and some formal settings. 
Warm up • When you go to a new place, you
need to ask for direction. For
example, you may need to ask
where is xxx market or you may
want to know where to find the
entrance to the subway… So…..
• In this unit, students will learn
to describe directions in Chinese
and be able to use the dialogues
in daily life.
Dialog 1 part 1
• Jack: qǐng wèn , cè suǒ zài nǎ lǐ ?---Where is the restroom, please?
( 请问,厕所在哪里?)
• Wang: zuǒ zhuǎn , yī zhí zǒu.---Turn left, and go straight ahead.
• Jack: qù shū diàn zěn me zǒu ?---How can I get to the book store?
• Wang: yī zhí wǎng qián zǒu , rán hòu zuǒ zhuǎn.--- Go straight
ahead, then turn right. (一直往前走,然后右转)
Dialog 1 part 2
• Jack: yóu jú zài nǎ lǐ ? --- Where is the post office? (邮局在哪里?)
• Wang: zài nǎ lǐ , xué xiào de páng biān. --- It’s there, next to the school.
• Jack: yī yuàn zài nǎ lǐ ? --- Where is the hospital? (医院在哪里?)
• Wang: zài lǚ guǎn de hòu biān.--- It’s behind the hotel. (在旅馆的后
Please work with your partner and
practice the dialogs.

Now You Remember, take turns!

After 10 mins, each group will
present 1 or 2 dialogs in front of
the class.
• 一直往前走 yī zhí wǎng qián zǒu
(Go straight ahead)

• 在学校的旁边 zài xué xiào de

páng biān (It’s next to the school.)

• 在旅馆的后边 zài lǚ guǎn de hòu

biān (It’s behind the hotel.)
Now you try
• Work with partner, pretend you are fresh man, this is your first
day to our school. And ask your partner where is the bathroom,
classroom etc. The other student should use the sentence structure
we learned today to provide the correct answer.
• Take turns and be ready to present in front of the class.
New words
• 去 qù
• 往 wǎng 哪里 / 那
哪儿 nǎ 一直 yī
里 nǎ lǐ nà
• 走 zǒu ér zhí

• 转 zhuǎn
然后 rán 邮局 yóu 学校 yóu
• 前(面) qián ( miàn )
hòu jú jú
• 后(面) hòu ( miàn )
• 左(边) zuǒ ( biān ) 医院 yī 旅馆 lǚ
• 右(边) yòu ( biān ) yuàn guǎn
• 旁边》 páng biān
Now you • Use this link to test your

try • TEST-----Click it!

• Make your own flash cards, and
work with your friends to go over
• 厕所 cè suǒ
• 洗手间 xǐ shǒu jiān
• 卫生间 wèi shēng jiān
Extend • 十字路口 shí zì lù kǒu

vocab • 红灯 hóng dēng

• 绿灯 lǜ dēng
• 黄灯 huáng dēng
Dialog 2 part 1
• Jack: qǐng wèn , xiù shuǐ jiē zài nǎ lǐ ? 请问,秀水街在哪
• Wang: zài běi jīng de dōng biān. 在北京的东边。
• Jack: tiān tán gōng yuán ne ? 天坛公园呢?
• Wang: zài běi jīng de nán biān . 在北京的南边。
Dialog2 part 2
• Jack: běi jīng dà xué ne ? 北京大学呢?
• Wang: zài běi jīng de xī biān . 在北京的西边。
• Jack: guó jiā tǐ yù chǎng ne ? 国家体育场呢?
• Wang: zài běi jīng de běi biān . 在北京的北边。
Please work with your partner and
practice the dialogues.

Now You Remember, take turns!

After 10 mins, each group will
present 1 or 2 dialogs in front of
the class.
New words
• 东(边) dōng ( biān ) • 东北(边) dōng běi ( biān )
• 西(边) xī ( biān ) • 西南(边) xī nán ( biān )
• 南(边》 nán ( biān • 东南(边) dōng nán ( biān )
• 北(边) běi ( biān ) • 西北(边) xī běi ( biān )
Xxx 在哪里? xxx zài nǎ lǐ

Grammar 去 xxx 怎么走? qù xxx zěn

me zǒu
在 xxx 的前 / 后 / 左 / 右。 zài
xxx de qián/hòu/zuǒ/yòu
一直往前 / 后 / 左 / 右走,然后…… yī zhí
wǎng qián/hòu/zuǒ/yòu zǒu , rán
hòu…… 。

在 xxx 的旁边。 zài xxx de páng biān

2 在 xxx 的东 / 西 / 南 / 北边。 zài xxx de

往 xxx 走 xxx 米。 wǎng xxx zǒu xxx mǐ

• Work as a group of 4, one
of students is a tour guide,
and the others are visitor.
• Use the sentence structure
and all the words we

Now you try

• Visitor can ask guide
anything, and tour guide
needs to provide the
correct answers.
• Take turns!
Using the basic “how do I go to….” sentence below, first
choose a starting location and a destination from the diagram,
then ask how to go there. Next, use the 4 “Symbols” to say the
directions to that destination.

Follow this example:

--How do I go to the park? --Turn left, and then go straight
---qù gōng yuán zěn me zǒu ? ---wǎng zuǒ zhuǎn , rán hòu yī
zhí zǒu .

Where is the bathroom?

Now you How can I get to the bookstore?
try Where is Beijing Hospital?
How can I get to the National
Stadium? ___________________
• Try to draw a map of your favorite
place. For example,
Short country/hometown/park/museum….
• Based on the map, please introduce
essay this place to pen pal Amy.
• No less than 300 words.
Thank you!

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