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Ram a student visited a university . He observed that in the university

there are separate department and each department is lead by dean of
that respective department who is expert in that particular field having
knowledge .training and experience of that particular area only. He could
relate it to one of the principle of management. Identify and explain.

ANSWER: Division of work

Harsh a manager has to a deal with a buyer. He finds that if he can offer credit period of 30 days she is likely to
clinch the deal which is supposed to fetch the company a net margin of Rs. 50,000. Now the company gives power to
the manager to offer a credit period of 20 days due to which he could not get the deal Identify the principle of
management violated above.
ANSWER: Authority and Responsibility
Case 3
In xxx limited labour union entered into an agreement whereby workers have agreed to put in extra hours
without any additional payment to revive out of loss. In return the company has promised to increase
wages of the workers when the mission is accomplished But afterwards they refused to fulfill its
commitment. Identify the principle of management violated by the management of xxx Ltd..
ANSWER: Discipline
Akash was asked to deal with a buyer and is allowed to give 20% discount by marketing team. But finance
team tells him not to offer more than 10% discount Due to which Akash is confused. Which principle of
management is violated? Identify.

ANSWER; Unity of Command

An Industry is engaged in manufacturing Clothing and shoes. It has two separate departments for both
the products. Each department has its own in charge. plans and execution resources which leads to
focused efforts of all the employees. Identify the principle of management followed by this Industry .

ANSWER: Unity of Direction

Aman is working as Plant superintendent in xx Industries. But he is given a salary of a clerk as his
compensation. Which act as a demotivator for Aman and he does not feel like working whole heartedly for
the company. Identify the principle of management violated by the industry.

ANSWER: Remuneration of Employee.

Ram and Sita are working in xx Ltd at the same position. But Ram is paid salary of Rs. 4,000 pm and Sita
is paid salary of Rs. 5,000 pm. After knowing this Ram got discouraged and started thinking of shifting the
job. Which principle of Fayol is violated in above case?
ANSWER : Equity
Raj joined XX Ltd. As training manager. After joining he observed that employees are Lacking the sling of
belongingness with the company. To encourage the feeling of belongingness and self -motivation he
decided to apply one of the principle of Fayol and started employee suggestion system whereby
employees are encouraged to give suggestion and whereby suggestions which result in substantial cost/
time reductions will be rewarded. Identify the principle.

ANSWER: Initiative.
In XX Ltd. there is discord among all the employee’s due which objectives are not realized and there is no
coordination among employees. there is no mutual trust and belongingness among employees . So
managers have apply penalties on employees which further increases the inefficiency . What do you think
is wrong with the above organization. Give your answer in respect to Principle of Fayol

ANSWER; Espirit Be Corp is violated.

In XX Ltd. Losses are pouring. So, for their rescue Raj vice CEO of the company decided to hire Amit an expert
at higher salary. Maximum directors opposed this decision in company's Isis period when company is already
going into losses, but at last he was hired. After taking charge of the Job Amit advised the company to eliminate
superfluous varieties, sizes and dimensions . because these are the reason for undue high cost expenditures.
Which concept of principle of management is applied above?

ANSWER: Simplification of work

The plant superintendent of a company is very sad. When he was on leave he was expecting his subordinates to
take the remaining work to the finish. However he finds a new way of dealing with this problem. He develops a
system of suggestion building from the side of workers. For this a suggestion/complain box is to be kept where
the workers can drop their advice and hence take steps from their side.
Which principle of management has been implemented here off late by the plant superintendent?
Answer: initiative
Suresh works in a bulb manufacturing company. Each bulb which is manufactured is of standard size and quality. Further if there is any unrequired
type of bulb manufactured then its production is stopped. Last month when the company came to know that 10 watt bulbs were no more liked by
customers, their production was stopped. He works in the purchase department. His job is to purchase the filaments required to make bulbs. This
time when he purchases the filament he gets the instruction from the seller that some special care needs to be taken in the first hour of fixing the
filaments inside the bulb. Suresh knows this information should be given immediately to the production department before the assembling process
starts. However he finds that his company’s policies only allow him to give the message to his immediate boss who will further pass this message
to his boss. The passing of this message will continue till it reaches the desired person in the production department.
Which technique of management is followed here? Also name the principle of management followed here by the company? Which option is now
available to Suresh since the company is not allowing him to interact with the concerned worker in the production department?
The technique of management which is followed here is Standardisation (Each bulb which is manufactured is of standard size and
quality) and Simplification (Further if there is any unrequired type of bulb manufactured then its production is stopped).
The principle of management which is followed here is Scalar Chain. However he finds that his company’s policies only allow
him to give the message to his immediate boss who will further pass this message to his boss.
The option which is now available to Suresh is the use of Gang Plank as this is an emergency situation. Suresh knows that this
information should be given immediately to the production department.

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