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Inquiry-based Teaching

• Explain the relevance of inquiry in social studies education.
• Appreciate the art of questioning inside a social studies classroom.
• Create a lesson plan using Inquiry-based Teaching Strategies.

one of the major goals of social studies in the Philippines is the
developing of critical Thinking.
Critical Thinking- is the intellectually disciplined process of actively
and skillfully conceptualizing and/ or evaluating information gathered
from , or generated by, observation, experience, reflection , reasoning
or communication, as aguide to belief and action.
The Question or Inquiry is strategy that social studies teachers can use to
elicit the desired responses among the learners, however, not all
teachers can effectively facilitates such instruction technique.

Inquiry – Is defined as the process of looking and creating information or

knowledge by means of question. Inquiry is a huge part of community.
The process of Inquiry begins with the assembly of information and data
by applying the human senses such as seeing, hearing, touching, tasting,
and smelling.(kumari,Arora,&,Tiwari, Schruti,2016). In the field of
education the Importance of Inquiry has been overlooked by many once
adopted ,Teacher sometimes strictly rely on the procedures Steps leaving
the idea of the art of questioning at stake.
In, 1999, White, Shimoda and Frederiksen developed an instructional
Theory that enable scientific inquiry as a part of instructional among a
widespread variety of learners including new ones and slow learners. They
Postulated that quality education could be achieved by allowing the
learners to underatand metacognition. This could be done by constructing
an instructional methodology that develops the students’ metacognition
knowledge and skills following the process of.
a. Scaffold Inquiry
- Teachers Should guide the learners in attaining the goals of any
discussion. Hence, they must be aware of several techniques that could
allow them to surface the learners’ knowledge and skills.
b. Reflection
- capacity of teachers to direct and guide the learners.
- The most important pointbis for learners to reason out their mind and
try to assess both side of any situation that will lead to generalization.

c. Generalization
- The learners have created their own beliefs and communicated their
disposition. Teachers must know how to divert abd process misleading ideas
because it may break their motivation and self- esteem.
* Inquiry based Learnung is groubded on rational strategies sed to
motivate learners to generate responses through the queries
regarding issue/event. The learners are seen as active participants in
the teaching process. May help the learners to enhance their
instructional capacity through the significance of scientific queries.
1. Inquiry is dedicated to nurturin the schema of learners essential to
create, communicate, and assess answers coming from their
2. It helps the learners acquire and process ideas in a logical way.
3. It can encourages intelligent responses which can be practiced to
discover why issues are occuring.

To fully understand the strategy, here is the inquiry process.

Questioning Techniques
- The Art of Questioning is the most important aspects in this strategy.
The teachers must be well exposed to a various ways of posting questions to
student. Having known the different questioning techniques, teachers are
assured of successof their inquiry. Gershon (2014) identified the different
questioning techniques that social studies teacher can use.
a. Might Question
- it open up a rangeof possible responses that allows learners to
reason out. It does not limit possible responses among thr learners. The
answers may not be correctbbut their explanation might pull all things right.
The learners need to use a critical thinking to create argument relevant to
the question
• What Might history be? What might be the answer to their Social

b. What if Question
- this kind of Question bring out the creativity, speculation, and
nationality ong the learners.It allows the learners to think in a totally
different perspective that usually grounded on what they believe in. It
also allows the learners to answer based from the learning they had.
• What If there is an earthquake, What shall we do?
• What if you became the mayor, What programs shall you

C. Different roles Questions

- this type of qustion allows the learners to have glimpse of
possible roles they might portray in the real world. This strategy is nice
representation of the outside world and gives the learners the chances
to evaluate themselves.
• You are the judge, will you give verdict in favor of the suspect?
• You are a teacher and you are expected to guide your learners, If
there is naughty pupil, will you spank him/her?.
d. Socratic Questioning
- the questioning styles combines all the aforementioned form of
questioning. Socrates have been known in histroy as the master of incessant
questioning to achieve wisdom. Through out his life, he spent so much time
asking people questions for the purpse of revealing falsehoods scholars divided
socrates’ question into four types.
*Gadfly Question - this allows teachers to ask several questions to push the
learners to answer question.
- what are the elections all about?
- How important is it for people to participate in the elections?
-What if people were not allowed to vote?what will happen?
- When you reach the legal age, will you practice your right to vote?
• Stingray Questions
- These question lead to a sudden change in the course of
questions. Sometimes, this is associated to the drift in the situations.
-You said that love is the answer, will love change the situations
of the poor?
- Imagine that poverty is not applicable to your case would you
still pursue your career as an artist?
*Midwife Questions
- From the name itself, these questions are used to elicit new ideas to the
- That is a very good point, can you elaborate it further?
- How might that idea change the lives of Filipinos?
- What made you say that side?
• Ignoramus Questions
- In here, play dumb for them to elicit responses among the learners.
- I don’t understand, can you further explain it to me?
- so, do you mean that?
- What does your answer mean?
By learning to address Inquries, learners can appreciate problem- solving
and criticat Thinking. Hence,there is a need for social studies teachers to
learn how to properly use questioning skills to fully attain the gols of social
studies education in the Philippines.
Thank you so much po☺️

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