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 On a management level, policies and laws are crafted to
protect and better manage water resources. In most
continental areas, the water resources span across national
boundaries. Thus, interregional and international policies
should be implemented to better manage resources. For
example, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
(ACTO) was formed to protect and manage the Amazon
Basic Member countries included Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador,
Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Valenzuela.
In the Philippines, several law and regulations have been
enacted for the protection, conservation, and management of
freshwater resources.

1. Presidential Decree (PD) No.424 of 1974 created the

National Water Resources Council (NWRC) to coordinate
and integrate water resources development.
2. PD No.1067 (1976) instituted the Water Code which
consolidated the laws governing the ownership,
appropiatiation, utilization, exploitation, development,
conservation, and protection of the water resources subject to
regulation by the NWRC.
3. Executive Order (EO) No.222 of 1995 established the Presidential Committee
on Water Conservation and Demand Management which was tasked to prepare a
nationwide Water Conservation Plan.
4. Republic act (RA) No. 8041 or The National Water Crisis Act of 1995
addressed the country's water problems through an integrated water
management program and development of new water resources and
conservation of identified watersheds, among other provisions
5. The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 also provided a comprehensive water
quality management. Aside from these various laws, local city and municipal
ordinances are also created for the specific water resources conservation and
protection. The full implementation of these laws by concerned authorities is
crucial on the proper management and conservation of the dwindling water

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