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Athletics for Individuals

Athletics in the Olympics is the most prestigious athletics

contest there is, and many of its events aare among the most
watched at the Summer Olympics. The International
Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) is the world
governing body of athletics. It was formed in 1913 and it
established the standard rules for the sport approved world
records, and saw that the amateur code for athletes was
followed. In the Philippines, the Philippines Amateur Track
and fields Association or PATAFA is the national governing
body for the sport.
Individual sports are athletics or physical activities where
the participants compete as individual.

Athletics is a collective term which refers to sporting events

which involve track and field or road running, jumping,
throwing and race walking.
Track Events

Running and hurdling are events performed in a sports track oval

or oval which can be indoors or outdoors. It allows athletes to gain
indispensable endurance and have the needed all-important
stamina for competitions of diverse magnitude.
Competitors may vary from kids to adults of any age for as long as
they are good physical condition.
Officials are vital for these track events to be valid and successful.
They include the announcer, chief judge at the finish, lap recorder,
umpire, timekeeper, marksman, starter and overall referee.
The Start
A. Even Start with the Crouch
When the starter signals:
1. “On your mark…”
2. “Get set…”
3. when the starting pistol is fired, the athletes accelerates as
quickly as possible from the starting line.
B. Staggered start with a Crouch
In the long sprints like 200 and 400 meters, the starting line of
each runner is staggered. The runners who are father out of the
inner lane are positioned father ahead of the other runners to their
C. Mass Start or Standing Start
Runners position in the same starting line for the mass start.
This kind of start is used in middle and long distance races and
expect to hear only two commands: “Take your Marks” and the

Sprints. Sprinters use a crouch start and starting blocks to help

them get to a full and rapid running motion. It includes 100-, and
200- and 400-meter dashes.

Middle Distance Races. These are the 800, 1000 and 1500 meters
and one mile runs.
Long Distance Races. These includes all distance greater than a
mile such as 3000, 5000 and 10000 meters, marathon and 3000-
meter steeplechase.

Relay Race. These races are performed by teams of four members

each. They run individually one after another. Holding a baton that
is passed from the first up to the fourth player.

Note: the passer holds the baton with the right hand. The receiver
gets it with the left hand, then transfer it to the right.
Hurdles. Hurdling races are footraces in which runners must jump
over 10 barriers.
Field Events

Field events in athletics have two categories: throwing and

jumping. In these events, an athlete is allowed to take three
attempts. An athlete is disqualified if he or she fails after three
the initial series of attempt in the field events are called
qualifying rounds. Three preliminary attempts are given to the
athletes for horizontal jumps and throws.

High Jump. The athletes jump over the horizontal cross bar
suspended between two upright poles. The height is
measured from the ground to the top of the central point of
the crossbar.
Pole Vault. The vaulter, carrying a flexible 15 to 17 foot pole
weighing 10 to 12 pounds, thrust the pole into wooden or
metal slot set beneath the crossbar. He or she passes over the
crossbar without knocking it off.
Long Jump. This is formerly known as broad jump. The
athlete sprints down a run away at top speed and jumps from
a wooden takeoff board, 20 cm angle from the board to the
nearest point of contact in the sand.
Triple Jump. This is formerly known as hop, step, and jump
event. An athletes leaps from the take-off with one foot land
on the same foot. Takes a long step with the other foot, and
finishes as in a long jump.

Discus Throw. The discus is made of wood encircled by a

metal rim and inset with the metal plate in the center.
Javelin Throw. The javelin is a light hollow circular metal
shaft tapered at both ends with a sharp metal point.

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