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Pronouns possesive,

body parts and

Isabela Ossa Bolívar
Santiago Vanegas Suarez
Sara Londoño Machado
Lesson Plan

Date: 16/03/2021

Topic: Pronouns possessive and the human body.

Objetive: Explain what they are and the use of possessive pronouns, and review the parts of the
human body and some illnesses.

Activities: - Use, Errors and Examples of possessive pronouns.

- Review the body parts and Illnesses (Vocabulary) and examples with possessive
- Games

Evaluation: Qualitative
Use, grammar, errors and examples
Video de ayuda: (el más largo) ( 4 minutos) ( el más corto)

Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. The possessive pronouns are:
- Mine = My
- Yours = Your
- His = His
- Hers = Her
- Its
- Ours = Our
- Yours = Your
- Theirs = Their
Possessive pronouns are never spelled with apostrophes. Posseive pronouns slimplify contructions that show possession of a noun.
( Se suelen confundir con los Adjetivos Posesivos)

Typical Errors:

• We don‘t use -‘s- after possessive pronouns

Bad: are those gloves her‘s?
Good: are those gloves hers?

• -‘s- is not used with the possessive pronoun its

Bad: …Proud of it‘s ability…
Good: the team is proud of its ability to perform consistently well.

• We don‘t use another determiner with a possessive determiner

Bad: … get the my hair cut…
Good: i‘m going to gey my hair cut this afternoon
• We don‘t use possessive determiners on their own. They are always at the beginning of nouns phrases.
Bad: …it‘s your….
Good: That‘s not my book, it‘s yours

• We don‘t use possessive pronouns before nouns.

Bad: Lots of ours friends…
Good: Lots of our friends were at the party.


- That room is mine

- These recors are yours
- The gloves is his
- The huge wardrobe is hers
- These house are ours
- The book are yours
- Did you know that labrador is mine?
- The house on the corner is hers
Body Parts
Vocabulary and examples

Video de ayuda:

Human Body
Human body, the physical substance of the human organism, composed of living cells and extracellular materilas and
organized into tissues, organs and systems.
Human anatomy and physiology are treated in many different parts. For detailed discussions of specific tissues, organs, ans
systems, see human blood, cardiovascular system, digestive system, endocrine system, nervous system, skin, reproductive
system, sensory recepction, etc.

For deteiled coverage of the body¨s biochemical constituents, see protein, carbohydrate, lipid, nucleic acid, vitamin and

- Did you know?

• The human femur can support a weight thirty times that of the human body, making it even stronger than steel.
• The evolution of the human eyebrows is believed to have prevented the influx of sweat into the eyes.
• Chronic stress produces high levels of cortisol, which may cause damage to the hippocampus in the brain, leading to
memory loss.
• The human nervous system can relay electrochemical messages at a rate of 249 mph (400 kmhr)
• The human body contains nearly 100 trillon cells.
• Water makes up more than 50 percent (%) of the average adult¨s body weight.
The human body (Parts, Vocabulary and examples)
- Head = Cabeza
- Ankle = Tobillo
- Writs = muñeca
- Chin = Mentón
- Ears = Orejas
- Eyes = Ojos
- Hair = Cabello 1. This hair is yours
- Lips = Labios 2. That ankle bandage is mine
- Mouth = Boca 3. That gold watch on her writs is mine
- Nose = Nariz
- Tongue = Lengua
- Neck = Cuello
- Trunk = Tronco
- Abdomen = Abdomen
- Back = Espalda
- Belly = Vientre
- Chest = Pecho
- Hip = Cadera
- Waist = Cintura
- Arm = Brazo
- Leg = Pierna
- Knee = Rodilla
- Elbow = Codo
Health and Illness
Vocabulary and Examples

Videos de ayuda:
- What is a Health and Illness?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (The World Health
Organization, 1947)
Illness is a condition of being unhealthy in your body or mind
• Enfermedad en especifico: Disease
• Enfermedad en general: Illness - This Sleeping pills is mine
- That band-aid is his+The bandage are yours
- Physical Illnesses - These Sertraline is his

 Asma = Asthma - Mental Illness

 Varicela = Chickenpox
 Viruela = Smallpox - Depresion = Depression
 Infarto = Heart attack - Bipolar = Bipolar disorder
 Gripe = Flu - Esquizofrenia = Schizophrenia
 Herida = Injury - Demencia = Dementia
 Nariz constipada = Runny nose - Ansiedad = Anxiety
 Dolor de garganta = Sore throat - Autismo = Autism
 Dolor de oído = ear ache - Narcisismo = Narcissistic personality Disorder
 Dolor de cabeza = Head ace - Indentidad de la integridad corporal = Boby integrity
 Dolor de estomago = Stomachache disorder
 Hepatitis = Hepatitis - Anorexia y bulimia nerviosa = Anorexia and Bulimia
 Ulcera = Ulcer Nervosa
 Paperas = Mumps - Borderline o TLP = Borderline
 Tos= Coughing - Estrés post traumatico = Post traumatic stress
 Fiebre = Fever
Possessive Pronouns:

Boby Parts:

Health and Illnesses:

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