Muzammil Muhammad Sukd1701378: Issues Have To Deal Olympic Games Before, During and After Event

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Issues have to deal Olympic
games before ,during and after
The Olympic Games as the largest and most prestigious mega sport event in the world have
been perceived as a catalytic force in driving tourism. This is due to their ability to create
high profiles for the host cities and to attract tourists long after the Games have been
staged. Usually, because of the Olympic Games, the host city upgrades the infrastructure
of the tourism sector, improves tourism services, launches new tourist products, and
applies marketing strategies. Those strategies aim not only to boost tourism demand, but
also to attract new investors and reposition the host city in the global tourism map. This
paper focuses on the effects of the Olympic Games on the tourism industry of three
previous host cities, Atlanta, Sydney, and Athens. Olympic Games on the tourism industry
of the host city. Hosting the Olympics is rarely profitable, especially in emerging countries,
although some host countries have been successful in making a profit and boosting their
economy. In 1984, for example, Los Angeles was the first city to profit from hosting the
Olympics since 1932 because it used mostly existing structures and took advantage of
corporate sponsorships. Seoul announced a profit from the Olympics in 1988, but excluded
$1.5 billion in government spending on stadiums, roads, transportation, and other facilities.
With that included, Seoul nearly broke even. In 1992, Barcelona made a profit from hosting
the Olympics and the games helped to revitalize the once struggling city.
Purpose of the essay

 The objective of the Essay is to discuss the Olympic Game as an opportunity

through which countries infrastructure will be largely improved. Nowadays,
the Olympic Game is considered as a Mega-event, and Mega-events always
play an important role in a city’s development process, especially in
infrastructure improvement. As the host, one of the aims of a city during the
period of a Mega-event is to display itself to the world; every host city hopes
to give the world a perfect impression. In order to achieve this purpose, the
host city’s government always makes a lot of effort to improve infrastructure.
Impacts during the event

 tourism and economic impacts, expenditures on facility and infrastructure

preparation, as well as revenues from visitors spending, event receipts and
media exposure, from the baseline of much Mega-event analysis” (Getz,
1997:15). It is easy to see lots of things are related to a
 mega-event. Mega-events influence infrastructure, tourism and economy in
the host city
 importantly, hosting Mega-events has already become a strategy for city
development, especially for some big cities, which would like to be global
cities. Mega-events can play an important role in city changes and
Traffic conditions
 During the Olympic Game, thousands of people will gather in the host city
from each part of the world. They are athletes, journalists or tourists. No
matter whom they are or what they do, they will live in the host city for a
while. So traffic conditions, housing conditions and stadium conditions have
close relationships with their standard of living in the host city. Infrastructure
faces the biggest challenge and it will give all people their first and last
impression of the city
Traffic control

 Traffic jam is the most important reason why they have to spend lots of time on
the wayal city.(Etiosa, 2012)
 Venues play an important role in the Olympic Games. As the Olympic Games
developed and its influence became broader, the request for venues is not solely
for a basic function. People want venues to be more modern, beautiful and
convenient. As the host city, before the Olympics, the sport setting was far from
sufficient from
 both a quantity and quality perspective. Cities always invest lots of money and
hope these stadiums would give people a lasting special impression. “People would
like to enjoy the games and care more about the quality of the stadium. A stadium
usually has an entertainment room, rest room and dining room” (Zoltak, 2001). In
the long run, the stadiums built for the Olympic Games can be used in different
ways in the future and they can become a kind of beautiful view of the city.

 infrastructure improvements in host city. For an example we can take

Beijing’s preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games as an example to see how
these improvements in transportation and venues happens in host cities.
Infrastructure is the main weakness, which stops Beijing developing much
further and becoming a glob Traffic jams are very common and can happen at
any time in Beijing. Traffic problem is one of the most serious problems that
have influenced people’s daily lives. Compared to other global cities,
transportation is Beijing’s absolute weakness. From the answer of
questionnaire in my fieldwork, about 75% of respondents spend more than
half an hour on their way to work every day. Other respondents spend less
than half an hour on the way

 The Olympic and Paralympic Games should be a healthy and safe environment
for everyone involved. To achieve this, a holistic approach is necessary,
paired with close collaboration among the OCOG, its delivery partners and the
local authorities, throughout the planning, preparation and hosting of the
A real life example
 In 2010, the first leg of Malaysia Cup quarterfinal match between Selangor
and Kelantan at Shah Alam Stadium was marred by spectator scuffles at the
stands. In that incident, one of the Kelantan supporters died due to breathing
complications and another one Selangor supporter suffered head and facial
injuries. The spectators from both teams were lighting firecrackers even
before kick-off. Consequently, it got worse when the game started as the fans
were throwing bottles, firecrackers and even went to the extent of ripping off
stadium seats. Despite the tight security by the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU)
and People’s Volunteer Corps to control the unruly spectators, the spectators
managed to throw firecrackers which accidentally hit a group of medics on
Smoking ban

 In the past, a notable amount of cigarette butts and other garbage has been
left on surrounding roads and elsewhere after matches at the stadium. There
are fears that smoking in the streets will increase during the Games.
 The organizing committee for the 2020 Tokyo Games announced at the end of
February that smoking would be prohibited in the grounds of all competition
venues, and that smoking areas in existing facilities would also be closed.
misleading of advertisement

 Another legal issue has to be noticed during the event is to be misleading of

advertisement such as a real life example, Telstra is being taken to the
Federal Court by The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) over allegations its
adverts are misleading and imply the telco is an official Olympic sponsor.
 The AOC claims Telstra's "I go to Rio" ad is an attempt to deceive Australians
into believing it is a sponsor of the Australian Olympic Team and breaches
section 36 of the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987.
 Last year, Optus replaced Telstra as the official telecommunications sponsor
of the AOC. Demand for official Olympic sponsorship is stronger than ever
with the AOC signing up a record number of partners for Rio 2016. The value
of such sponsorship deals can range from $250,000 for a lower-tier
sponsorship package to upwards of $5 million.
After the event

 The Olympic Games is often been hailed as the greatest sports show on earth,
the stage on which some of the world’s biggest sporting stars have made
names for themselves – with success, or failure.
 To make that show run smoothly, there is a massive team of workers, making
sure that everything is kept on track. On average, around 50,000 people work
at a winter Olympic games. That covers everything from volunteers to
journalists, staff representing the Olympic sponsors, to general managers at
each Olympic venue. Some 80,000 volunteers alone are expected to work at
the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic & Paralympic games
Constructed stadiums

 Construction of these new stadiums is not only for the Olympics, but also for
the future development of the city.(MATHESON & BAADE, 2005) How to use
the stadiums after the Olympic Games is a tough issue for every host city.
From previous experience, most cities faced lots of difficulties on this issue.
Let us take Athens as example to observe this problem. “After more than one
year after the Athens Olympics, utilization of stadiums was negative. Until
2006, most stadiums have not been used well”8. Similar situations occurred in
Sydney and Barcelona. In Athens, lack of big events becomes the main
obstacle stopping these stadiums fulfilling their roles. The Athens government
did not employ a suitable management policy on how to utilize
Construction loans

 Many cities will end up going into debt because they hosted the games.
Economists questioned how badly the 2016 Olympics would hurt Rio, since
Brazil was facing the worst recession since the 1930s at that time. Even with
the downturn of the economy, the Brazilian government authorized an $850
million loan to Rio to build its Olympic infrastructure.
 Politicians have justified the high costs of the games as a chance to boost
overall profits and economy. However, that is not always the case. Rio
originally budgeted $2.8 billion in its bid. With the final price tag coming in at
$13.1 billion, that represents a cost overrun of 368%. Most of the 2016
Olympics venues were abandoned after the games, and Brazil's GDP
contracted by 3.3% in 2016.
Use of the constructed areas

 Within basketball and fencing venues, cultural events, exhibitions,

commercial shops and food courts were allowed. Within baseball, softball and
hockey venues, athletic uses, cultural events and assemblage public domains
were allowed. Within the existing installations of the canoe-kayak-slalom
venue, shops selling or renting sports gear and assemblage public domains
were permitted, while in the surrounding areas a theme (sports) park and a
hydro park were also permitted (Milionis 2010). HOP, a management authority
established exactly for the purpose of securing the post-Olympic use of most
of the Olympic properties was also legislated via the same legal framework.
 On the day of the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 games the newspaper
Kathimerini reported that:

 Mega-events force the host city to improve some aspects to be qualified for the
event. As the Olympic Game is a sporting event, venues and transportation have
become the main aspects in improvement in Beijing. All these changes are the
legacy for Beijing in the future. Through these improvements Beijing’s
infrastructure could be much better than previously and they can make people’s
lives more comfortable and easier. Improved infrastructure is helpful for the
construction of Beijing’s image. In order to be a global city, Beijing needs more
improvements in different fields. The improvements should be continued after the
Olympic Game. The close of the game is not the terminal of the improvements and
it should be the beginning of change.
 Besides of this, Beijing also needs to make good use of the improved
infrastructure after the game. Make these infrastructures do their contribution to
economy growth and city development. Thus, Beijing will be on the right way to
be a global city and all these improvements would be valuable.

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