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Environmental issue of

Made by:Sergentu Pavel
The major environmental problem facing the world today
are deforestation,consists of the total removal of forest
woody vegetation from a given area, without being followed
by its regeneration, including the removal and removal of
roots and shrubs, with changing land use and destination.
Complete removal of forests on a certain area, by cutting
them, is done for the purpose of using the land for other
purposes (agriculture, grazing, construction) or the use of of the worst global environmental
problem.Deforestation can affect biodiversity,the
atmosphere and the terrain.The loss of forests means the
loss of many habitants because they will not have shelter
and food for their species.Current statistics show that up to
100 species become extinct every day,many of which are
attributed to deforestation.This unnatural extinction of
species endangers the world’s food supply.Threatens many
human resources and has profund implications for biological
diversity.Lack of biodiversity and a small pool of planetary
genes could have many unforessen ramifications,some of
which could be fatal for the.
The forest provides the largest amount of oxygen,so that about 2/3(two threeds) of the oxygen consumed by
humans,animals,industry,agriculture.Only one shaft with a crown with a diameter of 15 m produces, in a single day, the
necessary oxygen, for 24 hours, for a number of 14 people. The air in the forest contains appreciable amounts of negative
oxygen ions, which are more numerous in summer. These ions, stimulate all the functions of the human body and
contribute to the delay of aging, through an efficient process of oxygenation of the brain. Those suffering from asthma,
allergic rhinitis, migraines, neurosis, insomnia, etc. benefit from these natural medicines.By the supply of trees and
shruls,or wind,filters water from rainfall,draining it between the layers of moss and dead leaves,ensuring a clean water.
“Medicines" that the forest is constantly making are phytoncides (volatile substances),
which contribute to the destruction of fungi and bacteria. Thus, the phytoncides
produced by the oak leaves destroy the dysentery bacillus, the fir products on the
diphtheria bacillus, the tuberculosis bacillus being killed by the phytoncides emanating
from those of pine and other conifers. In this vast natural "pharmacy" there are many
medicinal plants, regardless of the leaves, bark, fruits or buds of trees, which can be
used in various forms in the treatment of many diseases.
Deforestation contributes to soil degradation, increased wind speeds and catastrophic floods. Another consequence of deforestation is the
phenomenon of siltation. This phenomenon occurs in areas where firs, oaks grow. The forest provides the greatest amount of oxygen,
fixes the soil, filters water from precipitation, reduces wind intensity. deforestation has led to the degeneration of flora and fauna and is
the main reason for global warming.Also, the reduction of some areas can cause effects on some tree species, making them less resistant
to pollution. Through logging, a large number of forests are cleared, which affects the soil and, over time, the trees will not be able to
grow as well.

In conclusion, I can say that deforestation

has led to the degeneration of flora and
fauna and is the main reason for global
warming. In the protection of forests we
must create natural parks, avoid pollution,
eliminate poachers and illegal loggers.

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