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Persuasion Plan For

Terrance Robinson
Submitted by – Group 5
Brinda Prajapati
Hardik Dhiman
Harsh Bhat
Priyal Patel
Sanket Pandya
Shivani Jain
Suraj Kumar
Manan Pathak
Know Your Product
• Applications of WaterWheel
• Raw materials required
• Suppliers of raw materials
• Durability of waterwheels
• Size, shape and handle – how do they make product ergonomic
• Cleaning, opening, cap-in-cap design – how do they facilitate hygiene as well as
easy pouring
• Conduct a survey to estimate the demand of this product
Know Your Company
• Identify the potential helpers amongst the stake holders in the company
• Identify the road blockers- mainly the financing department as all the business or products
brought for social welfare do not necessarily bring returns
• Identify the potential team that can work with you on this project
• Prepare answers to potential resistors well in advance
Know The Numbers
• Estimate the Income statement and Balance sheet
• Calculate BEP as no company will invest without knowledge of numbers.
• Make sure the product complies with the High level filter ( Appendix A) that will help
decision making process.
Make Proposal And Follow Up
• Draft an ideal proposal and give it’s hardcopy to Manager as E-mail might get
ignored or missed
• It is necessary to take manager on board as Robinson is young and new and lower
at his post
• Send a follow up E-mail asking if he has read the proposal and it is a good idea to
ask for his ideas and improvements required as it will look inclusive and will satisfy
manager’s ego
• Good time to present will be in the Cascade town hall meeting as it has festive vibes
and good interaction amongst employees
• Good time to send proposal is 15-20 days before meeting
Preparation Before Presentation
• Know the audience - As it is the first time for Robinson in the meeting, he must
collect information on the culture, his peers and superiors and understand the flow
of the meeting
• Medium – Decide whether visual presentation is needed or oral presentation of plan
will be sufficient
• Decide the ideal time you will be speaking and accordingly structure your speech
• Decide what you are wearing because what you wear matters
Content For Presentation
• Establish a common ground by saying how the core values of company has inspired
• Describe the current scenario of water carrying facilities in the rural areas of
developing countries
• Explain how your product will solve those issues and what benefits will it add to life
of people
• Highlight how this will impact the triple bottom line (profit-people-planet) of the
company and how it will add value to core values of the company
• Star moment by speaking the tag line for product (should be made well in advance)
• Closure with welcoming the questions – As this is a new product idea coming from
someone at a low position and not much experience, there will be many questions

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