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by 1st group: Catherine Eripto, Enrico Wongso, Jovyanca Dina
Putri, Kenny Liu, Marvin Sutrisno
What is Sentences?
The sentence is generally defined as a word or a group of words that
expresses a thorough idea by giving a statement/order, or asking a
question, or exclaiming.
A sentence must contain :
• A subject (what the sentence is about, the topic of the sentence),
• A predicate (what is said about the subject)
https://www.grammar- https://www.learngrammar.n et/english- /grammar/sentence/what-is-
ces.htm#:~:text=A grammar/sentence-definition- a-sentence.htm
%20sentence%20is%20a n-types
The advantage of the first site The advantage of the second The advantage of the 3rd site
is that it defines sentences in a site is that among other sites is that it has told about what
short, easy-to-understand on this site it provides the is contained in a sentence and
explanation. The weakness of most complete explanation of what is contained in a
this first site is that the the sentence. The drawback is sentence has also been
explanation is not detailed that unlike other sites on this explained. The weakness is
enough, only explained in site it does not explain what is that it only explains what is
general. contained in a sentence. contained in the sentence and
does not give an
understanding of the sentence
Types of Sentences

There are 4 types of sentences (based of function) 4 types of interrogative sentences

-declarative (statement, declaration) ~ ends with . Yes/No Interrogatives (yes/no only answers)
>subject + verb… >Auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + main verb
>modal verb + subject + main verb
>can cover all tense Alternative Interrogatives (choice)
-imperative/directives(command, request, instruction, >Auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + main verb or
invitation, demand) ~ ends with ! Or . >Modal verb + subject + main verb.
>base verb… Wh- Interrogatives
-interrogative (questioning) ~ends with ? Or . >(wh-word +) auxiliary + subject + verb…
Tag Questions (attaching question tags onto the end of a declarative sentence)
Indirect questions/Embedded questions (questions embedded in a statement)

-exclamatory (excelmation, expressing emotions ) ~ ends with !

>What (+ adjective) + noun + subject + verb
>How (+ adjective/adverb) + subject + verb
>usement of such and so

All sentences can be positive or negative except for exclamatory sentence (negative emotion doesn’t
Just for your information. There are more type of sentences, like based on the structure
-Simple sentence
-Compound sentence
-Complex sentence
-Compound-Complex sentence
writing-resources/types-of- ammar/sentence/type.htm

The first one is a small one, it The second one is pretty detailed The third and last one is a really
contains just the explanation and in my opinion, a quick summary long one, it even has another type
the example. To people who need at the top and more explanation of sentence that i didn’t cover. It
fast explanation and no further as we scroll down. Does have gives very detailed explanations
depth this should be excellent but grammar and stating some about the sentences and cover all
for providing information, it’s not negative sentences, even possible examples from the
the best. Doesn’t tell the grammar sometimes using tables which sentences. I found so many new
and other things, unlike the other add a nice touch to be read and things that is not covered by the
two enjoy. I like this one by most but two other one which is great. The
sadly the information it provides website itself has paragraf stamp
still lose from this final website so it’s pretty easy for m to fins
what i wanted. Despite lacking of
design and cool touches at the
website, i think it’s very good and
really detailed guide to those who
wish for learn deep about types of
sentences and master it. Even I
feel smarter after reading half of
the page there.
What is Verbs?

- Verbs are used to indicate the - Verbs play an important role

actions, processes, conditions, to the structure of a sentence so
or states of beings of people or we cannot have a sentence
things. without a verb.

- Verbs are one of the four major

word classes along with nouns,
adjectives, and adverbs.
ontent/grammar-rules/verbs/ /Verbs.htm ammar/british-grammar/verbs

The advantage of the first site is the The second source has the most The strength of the third source is
explanations are easy to understand, complete explanation about verbs the explanation is short and really
uses simple words, and tells about and what verb do in a sentence but simple. While. The weakness is the
how to recognize a verb. Meanwhile, the words used is mostly difficult to third source just explain verbs in
the drawback is the design of the understand. general so there is no detail
site is too ordinary. information is this site.
Types of Verbs
There are 10 types of verbs:
1. Regular Verb: A verb that’s past and past participle is made by adding ‘d’ or ‘ed’ is called
regular verb. Example: walk, walked, walked, and amuse, amused, amused.
2. Irregular Verb: A verb that’s past and past participle is not made by adding ‘d’ or ‘ed’ is called
irregular verb. Example: drink, drank, drunk, and rise, rose, risen.
3. Action Verb: A verb that express action or possession. Action verbs can be transitive or
4. Transitive Verb: An action verb that requires a noun, called the direct object, to completes
itself. Example: Melissa painted the wall, and Erwin raises his hand. A transitive verb can also
have indirect object. Example: Ronny told Leonard the answer.
5. Intransitive Verb: An action verb that never requires a noun to completes itself. Example: he
slept on the bus, and she screams loudly.
6. Linking Verb: A verb that connects the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective that
renames or describes the subject. This noun or adjective is called the subject complement.
Example: he remained silence, Lisa is in love with Steve.
7. Auxiliary Verb: Also called helping verb, is a verb that extends the main verb to convey
additional information regarding tense, possibility, and time. Example: Don’t waste your
time, and he has seen the movie.
8. Modal Verb: A verb that similar to auxiliary verb. It assists the main verb to indicate
possibility, potentiality, ability, permission, expectation, and obligation. Example: Viona will
recieve the shipment next week, and one must pay to enter the competition.
9. Finite Verb: A verb that can change form as one of the twelve forms of tense in accordance
with the subject. Example: I am a student, he is a student, and they are students.
10. Non-finite Verb: Is not an actual verb. They do not work as verbs in the sentence rather
they work as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc. The forms of non-finite verbs are – infinitive,
gerund, and participle. Example: Alex promised to take us to the pier. (Infinitives), he played
the game with a damaged shoes. (Past participle), Swimming is a good exercise. (Gerund).
english-grammar/verb -of-verbs-examples-list/ ter/docs/handouts/grammar/
This first web is the best web out The second web is okay. The only The third web is also not bad. It is
of all three. This web is friendly advantage from this web that the not really a web, it is more of a
for those that are very new to other web doesn’t have is this pdf file that was uploaded to the
learn about this topic. The web come with a picture version web. It has the look of a
explanation are easy to of worksheet
understand and quite detailed. the content. The explanations are that we find in school. The
Feels like direct with not much detail. This content aren’t very complete.
they know the hard part and gives web also gives enough example They
more explanation to it. This web for its explanation. For me, this don’t explain the basic types of
has complete explanation of the web is best for those who already verbs, only the types after the
topic, and also give some familiar with the topic and just basic. For the topic that they
examples for each explanation. It looking for a quick reminder of it. explained, they done it
also has a nice web looks, the excellently.
font choice and the typing style.

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