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Case Study: JIT in Action

Presented By:
M. Talha Naeem.
M. Haris Bangash.
Muhammad Junaid.

Presented To:
Dr. Imran Malik.
(Production & Operations Management)
What is JIT
 Stands for Just In Time.
 It is manufacturing management process.
 It focuses on waste and variance.

 Zero Inventory.
 Zero Lead Time.
 Zero Failure.
History of JIT

 It evolved in Japan after World War II.

 Toyota Motors was the first company to use this technique.

 This was done to gain the most efficient use of limited resources.

 The main goal was to work on low cost with high quality.
JIT Inventory System
Take Order

Manage Sales
Prepare Order Inventory Forecast


Served To
Benefits of JIT

 Reduction in inventory.
 Improved quality.
 Reduced space requirements.
 Increased productivity.
 Lower production cost.
 Increased machine utilization.
NaaR Clothing Inc.

 It’s management consist of young graduates.

 Provides reasonably priced custom jeans for women.
 Market for women’s jeans is growing at fast pace.
 They are introducing JIT system.
 Orders will be taken electronically.
 Order will be delivered in 10 days.
Question: 01

Do you think Naar’s strategy would work? Why or why not? Provide
Question: 02

Will customers wait for 10 days to have jeans delivered? What ca NaaR
do to compete on customer service if delivery takes this much time?
Question: 03

Comment on the necessity of a robust supply chain in the context of NaaR

Clothing Inc.

I. Reliable Internet.
II. Good order processing system.
III. More Suppliers.
IV. Logistic Provider.
V. Quantity Control System.
VI. Develop a Policy.

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