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Cultural Studies as a Dicipline

Mohd Haziq bin Kasim 2009762377 (CT227)
Muhammad Syakir Bin Norazhar 2009985181 (CT227)
n in Key Intellectua
Definition Conclusion
Culture Concept l Strands
• Culture - the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material
object that are passed from one generation to the next.

• Cultural studies - combines sociology, literary theory, film/video studies, and

cultural anthropology to study cultural phenomena in industrial societies.

• Cultural studies concerns itself with the meaning and practices of everyday life.

• The form of power that culture explores are diverse and include gender, race,
class, colonialism, etc. (Bennet,1998)
Foundation in Culture Studies
• Language

• Politics
Key Concept in Cultural Studies
1. Cultural and Signifying practices
 grounded terrain of practices, representation, languages
and custom of any specific society.
 We must explore how meaning is produce symbolically.
2. Representation.
 How the world is socially constructed and represented.
 Cultural representation and meaning have certain
 They are produced , passed, used and understood in
specific social context.
3. Text And Readers
 Text
 can be define as a concept that is not simply just a written
word. It also can be interpret as a sign.
 Meaning by “OSAI” (Objects, Sound, Activities and
Images). This is a sign system. Same mechanism as a
language. Also can be refer as a Culture Texts.
 Readers
 can be describe as the people or the audiences of the sign
(cultural texts).
 The one who give life to the word and image. Not
necessarily share the same meaning. Contain a plenty of
difference meanings.
4. Subjectivity and Identity
 The processes of knowing a form or subject.
 (subjectivity) What it is to be a person
 (identity) How we describe ourselves to each other.
In other words:
 how we come to be the kinds of people we are.
 how we are produced as a subjects.
 how we identify by describing ourselves as male or female,
good or bad, young or old.
Barker, C. (2003). Cultural studies: theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publicatios Ltd.
Henslin, J.M. (2003). Sociology: a down to earth approach. Boston, MA: Allyn
and Bacon.
During, S. (2005). Cultural Studies: a critical introduction. Madison Avenue,
NY: Routledge.

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