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Tərtib edən: Osmanov Elçin

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin
Subject : Marine Astronomy

Mövzu 18 Determining a ship's position at dusk by observing 2 stars

Tərtib etdi:
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- Rationale for the method

- Reducing the heights of the luminaries to a single location
- Practical execution of the location determination

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Osmanov Elçin 3
Rationale for the method

Observations of stars and planets are made during the navigational twilight period,
which must be calculated in advance for a star globe setting.
Research shows that to reduce the combined effect of these errors on observing
accuracy, two luminaries with azimuth differences close to 70° to 80° should be
selected. If this requirement cannot be met, the azimuth difference must be at least
30° and less than 90°. It is possible to select two luminaries to observe directly from
the starry sky. A compass is used to control the difference in azimuths, and an
approximate bearing of the two luminaries is obtained from it. A successfully selected
pair of luminaries can be used to obtain a location for several days of sailing.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 4
Reducing the heights of the luminaries to a single location

The surveyed position of a ship is taken at the intersection of two position lines,
which are calculated from the observations of each of the luminaries. A prerequisite
for this is that each of these lines corresponds to the same position of the observer
on the Earth's surface. In practice, in order to reduce the influence of random
errors, three to five heights of each luminary are measured, noting simultaneously
the moments on the chronometer. The heights and moments are averaged. A
certain interval of time passes between the average moments of the
measurements, during which the ship moves. Depending on the experience of the
skipper, the number of heights in each series and the conditions of observation, this
interval may be from 5 to 15 minutes or more.

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The heights of the luminaries must therefore be reduced to a single observation point
or, as is common in nautical astronomy, to a single zenith. For this purpose, a correction
Δhz must be added to the results of the observations to account for the change in the
height of the luminary due to the movement of the ship. Usually all heights are given to
the zenith of the last observation.
Hence, when determining the position of the ship by two luminaries the height of the
second luminary hz and the height of the first luminary, brought to the place of the
second observations,
hpr = h1 + Δhz
are taken into account.

Correction Δhz is calculated according to the formula

Δhz = S cos ( A - TC ),
where S is the sailing time between observations;

A - TC = Q - course angle to the luminary.

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ADDA Practical execution of the location determination

Preparing for the observations.

1. Before dusk, prepare the sextant for night observations by checking that the mirrors are
perpendicular to the limb plane.
2. Adjust the chronometer to the moment of observation.
3. At dusk, select stars for observation, if they have not been selected earlier from a star

1. In rapid succession, measure three heights of each star, noting the moments on a
chronometer or deck watch.
2. When measuring the average height of the second star, note the ship's time and the lag
3. Record the IR and the ship's speed. If altitudes do not exceed 50°, measure and record
air temperature and pressure.
4. Using one of the stars, determine the index error of the sextant before and after

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1. Calculate the average sextant reading and the average chronometer moment for each luminary.
2. Using the observed ship's time and lag reading, take the calculated coordinates off the map to the
nearest 0.1'.
3. Calculate approximate Greenwich time and Greenwich date from the observed ship's time and
time zone number. 4.
4. Using average chronometer moments and its correction, obtain accurate Greenwich time
observations of each luminary.
5. Using the MAE from Tgr of observations and λc to obtain the local practical hour angles, as well as
the declination of the luminaries.
6. Using the formulas of spherical trigonometry with the help of tables (BAC-58, TVA-57) or PC
calculate the computed heights and azimuths of the luminaries.
7. By correcting average readings of sextant with all corrections, obtain the observed heights of the
8. The first surveyed altitude to the zenith of the second observations.
9. Calculate the transfers.
10. Plot position lines on a map or paper.
11. Analyse the results of the observation.
12. Record the surveyed coordinates, the misalignment, Tc and oL in the ship's log.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 8

Analysis of an observation. Charting does not end the job of determining the position of a
vessel at sea. A survey analysis, i.e. the effect of assumed systematic and random errors on
the elements of the Ac and Δh position lines, must be carried out.
The altitude lines plotted on the map will correspond to the observer's position lines
only if their elements As and Δh do not contain any inaccuracies. If the calculated azimuth
As has only a small calculation error, random and systematic errors in the Δh transfer must
be taken into account.
The root mean square error in the transfer, which depends on the random errors in the
observed and computed heights, when measuring at least three heights can be assumed to
be: for the Sun and the Moon mlp = ±0.5'; for stars and planets mlp = ±0.7'. The
approximate value of the systematic error in the surveyed altitude can be 1-3'.Random
errors in the transfer indicate the presence of dispersion of isolines. Therefore, the actual
position line will be located somewhere close to the I-I line The width of the position band
is usually assumed to be twice the value of the assumed mean square error in the carry-
over, with its axis being the I-I line. The probability of finding a valid position line within the
strip is about 68 %. To increase the probability to 95%, the strip width should be increased
by a factor of 2.

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If, on the other hand, we assume a limit transfer error of Bpred = 3Vlp, then the probability
of finding a valid position line within the strip is 99.7 %.
If the surveyed height also contains a systematic error, the actual position line will be
shifted along the azimuth line by + Δln or - Δln. Therefore, in order to account for the
systematic error at the same time, the position line must also be shifted in both directions
by the assumed value of Δln .Now, the surveyed point obtained on the map in the
intersection of the altitude lines will generally not correspond to the actual position of the
vessel, which is located within some scattering area. The area of possible ship's position will
be determined by the area of intersection of two position bars, taking into account their
shift due to possible systematic error Δlp.
If the surveyed height also contains systematic error, the actual position line will be shifted
along the azimuth line by + Δln or - Δln. Therefore, in order to account for the systematic
error at the same time, the position line must also be shifted in both directions by the
assumed value of Δln .Now, the surveyed point obtained on the map in the intersection of
the altitude lines will generally not correspond to the actual position of the vessel, which is
located within some scattering area. The area of possible ship's position will be determined
by the area of intersection of two position bars, taking into account their shift due to
possible systematic error Δlp.
Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 10

The most complete and clear

representation of the accuracy of an observation obtained from two
position lines is given by the error ellipse. It is useful to use the
graphical method when constructing the
ellipse. This method is uncomplicated and therefore quite acceptable
for bridge operations.
Between the lines the two bisectors of
angles of their intersection (see fig.); one of
the lines
I-I, for example, is shifted parallel to the
to the value y=0,7mn, where mn is obtained for
is obtained from observation data or taken a priori.
Line I'-I' gives points on bisectors
A and B, determining ends of axes a and b. Plotting the points A' and B' on them, inscribe
the ellipse by hand.

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If the systematic error is negligibly small, the actual position of the vessel will be within
the ellipse with a probability of about 39%. Since the probability of 39% is insufficient for
practice, doubling the semi-axes of the ellipse will produce an ellipse of errors with a
probability of 86%.
If position lines are also subject to systematic errors, the surveyed ship's spot M0
together with the ellipse will be shifted by a jump to a new position along the mean
azimuth line AM0B, drawn through the surveyed spot M0. To find the shift of the
surveyed location, shift one of the position lines to either side by the assumed value Δln
We obtain two more surveyed locations M0′ and M0″ at the intersection of the displaced
lines with line AM0B. If at the points M0′and M0″ we construct mean square (or
doubled) error ellipses, then circle all three ellipses with a closed curve, the latter will
outline the total area of the possible position of the vessel at the assumed random and
systematic errors in the transpositions.

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However, when determining a location using two position

lines, it is not possible to detect errors in observations and
calculations, unless they draw attention to an unreasonably
high value of the carry-over. The resulting observation should
therefore be treated with caution. Some indication of the
reliability of the position obtained can be obtained by
comparing it with a point obtained at the same time as
another observer, and by matching the discrepancy with
possible errors of enumeration.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 13

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Osmanov Elçin 14
Azərbaycan Xəzər Dəniz Gəmiçiliyi


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