Azərbaycan Dövlət Dəniz Akademiyasi: Tərtib Edən: Osmanov Elçin

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Tərtib edən: Osmanov Elçin

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin
Subject : Marine Astronomy

Mövzu 23 The use of the surveyed latitude parallel in determining a

ship's position.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 2


- Determining a position by the Sun, one of the heights is meridional.

- Determining a position at dusk by simultaneous observations of the
luminaries when one of them is Polaris

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 3
Determining a position by the Sun, one of the heights is meridional.
The surveyed latitude parallel for both daytime and twilight observations can be used
instead of the altitude position line. In this case, there is an advantage in calculation time,
as the labor intensity of obtaining the surveyed latitude from the meridional altitude of the
Sun or from the Polar altitude is much less than the calculation of the position line
Depending on the time of observation, this technique is called "morning-midday" or
If "morning-midday" is used. The first observations of the Sun are made before noon. From
these observations, the position line elements I-I are calculated. At noon the meridional
altitude of the sun is measured, from which the surveyed latitude of the ship φc is
calculated. The I-I position line obtained from the morning observations is transferred
along the course and heading S to the second calculated point Ms, corresponding to the
ship's midday observation time. The intersection of the position line I'-I' with the parallel
surveyed latitude φ0-φ0 gives the surveyed position M0.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 4

In practice all constructions are carried out from the second calculated point Mc. If
the plotting is carried out on paper, the difference in latitude φ0-φ0 is calculated
for the parallel to be plotted: Δφ= φ0-φc
If the "noon to evening" method is used first, at noon the surveyed latitude φc is
determined and the latitude difference Δφ= φ0-φc1 is calculated. After the sun's
azimuth has changed by the required value, a second observation is made, the
results of which are used to calculate the elements of the II-II position line. The
entire plotting is carried out from the second calculated point Mc2, strictly related
to the first

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 5
Determining a position at dusk by simultaneous observations of the

Usually the computed noon coordinates are not corrected by the surveyed latitude
and the second computed point Mc is calculated from the coordinates φc and λc. In
this case the parallel obtained at noon is drawn to N or S from the calculated point M
( φc , λc) by the value of the difference in latitude Δφ= φ0-φc
The position line II-II is plotted as usual.
If the computed coordinates at noon have been corrected by the surveyed latitude φ0
and the further survey is made from the point D with coordinates φ0 and λc, the
surveyed position of the ship is established in the crossing of the "evening" II-II
position line with the transferred computed surveyed parallel.
Observations and calculations for determining the position line and surveyed latitude
elements are performed in the usual manner.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 6
Determining a position at dusk by simultaneous observations of the
luminaries when one of them is Polaris
When it is convenient to observe Polaris in combination with other stars or planets when
determining the position at dusk, the altitude parallel of the surveyed latitude can replace one
of the position lines.
The selection of stars or planets when determining the position by two, three or four
luminaries, when one of them is Polaris, is carried out according to the usual rules. For
example, when determining the position by the heights of Polaris and two other luminaries,
the latter should be located at azimuths close to 120 and 240. The measured altitude of Polaris
is used to calculate the surveyed latitude φ0 and the position line elements for the other
The heights of the luminaries should be given to the zenith of the last observations. If Polaris
was not observed last, the difference Q=360-TC is taken to calculate its course angle, which is
necessary to enter Table 16 of MT-75 when calculating Δhz.

If the map is plotted, the parallel of the surveyed latitude is plotted at the calculated φ0.
If the survey is carried out on paper, the difference in latitude Δφ = φ0-φc is calculated, which
is plotted to N or S from the calculated point and the parallel is drawn through the resulting

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 7

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 88
Azərbaycan Xəzər Dəniz Gəmiçiliyi


Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 9

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