Azərbaycan Dövlət Dəniz Akademiyasi: Tərtib Edən: Osmanov Elçin

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Tərtib edən: Osmanov Elçin

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin
Subject : Marine Astronomy

Mövzu 4 The Moon's movement

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 2


- General characteristics of the Moon

- Nature of the Moon's natural movement
- The phase and age of the Moon.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 3
General characteristics of the Moon

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. The average distance from the Earth to the
Moon is 384 404, 377 km. the diameter of the Moon is 3 476 km, 4 times smaller than on
Earth. The moon has a mass of 7.35 - 1025 g (about 1/8153th of the mass of the earth).
The force of gravity on the surface of the Moon is 1/6th of that of the Earth. The moon
orbits at a speed of 3.693 km/h (1.02 km/s).the moon shines only with reflected light from
the sun. Its surface reflects only 0.07 (albedo of the Moon) of a fraction of the incident
sunlight. The Moon always moves in a straight line, i.e. in the direction of its own motion
with a very high angular velocity (- 0.5° per hour).The Moon's orbit is elliptical, with
eccentricity e= 1/18. The Moon's orbit has an orbital radius of 363 300km to 405 500km.
the apparent orbital tilt to the ecliptic is about 5°09' (4°58' to 5°20'). the period of
regression (change of positions) of lunar nodes (points of intersection of the lunar orbit
with the ecliptic) is 18 years and 7 months (6. 793 days).With a period of 9.3 years, the
maximum declination of the Moon varies from± 28°36' to± 18°18'.The declination of the
Moon can vary by almost 18' per hour, and its direct ascent by 2.8' ± 1.7' per hour.

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General characteristics of the Moon

The line of apices ("apogee - perigee") rotates in the plane of the orbit in the
direction of the Moon's own motion. This line, and the apogee and perigee
points together make a complete revolution in 8.85 years (3,232 days). The lunar
day lasts about 15 Earth days and during that time the temperature on the
surface can reach +134°, and during the lunar night it reaches -170°. The lunar
surface heats up and cools down almost instantaneously. This temperature
difference is particularly noticeable near the terminator-the boundary between
the illuminated and unilluminated parts of the Moon's surface. The fact that one
side of the Moon is facing the Earth means that the period of revolution of the
Moon around its axis is exactly equal to the period of its revolution around the
Earth. As the Moon's axis of rotation is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit

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Osmanov Elçin 5

Lunar rotation axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit,

therefore the Moon experiences librations (wobble) and we view
from the Earth not 50 but 59% of its total surface Radio emission of
the Moon at 1.25 cm wavelength comes not from the Moon
surface but from a certain deep heated layer. As a result of variable
disturbing forces from the Sun, the planets, the Earth's
compression and other factors, the Moon's motion is very complex.
The Moon is the main cause of tidal phenomena on the Earth,
which in turn cause the Earth's rotation speed to slow down.
Because of tidal friction, the Earth's rotation slows down by 0.0016
s every 100 years.

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1 - The Moon's culminations in relation to the stars and the Sun are delayed daily. 2 -
Azimuths of rising and setting of the Moon and values of its meridional height change. This
is because the Moon has its own motion around the Earth. According to Kepler's 1st law, the
Moon's orbit is an ellipse with the Earth at one of its foci. In accordance with 2 Kepler's law,
the velocity of the Moon's orbit is variable: at perihelion it is the greatest and at aphelion it
is the smallest. Besides, it is noticed that the Moon's orbit changes its position by
performing complex oscillations. By constructing the celestial sphere and extending the
plane of the Moon's actual orbit to its intersection with the sphere, we obtain the visible
orbit of the Moon. The points of intersection of the ecliptic with the visible orbit of the
Moon are the lunar nodes:
ascending ( )The point of intersection .of the Moon's visible orbit with the ecliptic at which
the Moon transitions to a position north of the ecliptic, moving towards the north pole of
the World(RN);

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Downward ( )The point of intersection of the

Moon's visible orbit with the ecliptic at which the
Moon moves to a position south of the ecliptic,
moving towards the south pole of the World (Ps).
The direction of the Moon's proper motion is the
same as that of the Sun (towards the apparent
diurnal motion of the luminaries), from W to E, but
the speed is much greater ~13°/day. The diurnal
variation of the Moon's forward ascent can also be
assumed to be ≈13°. The position of the Moon's
orbit changes in space, so the angle between the
lunar orbit and the ecliptic (i) changes as well and
averages 5°09' (4°58'+5°20'.)

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The lunar node line ( )rotates to the daily rotation of the sphere
(inverse of the Moon's own motion) by about 19.3° per year,
making a complete revolution in 18.6 years (6.793 days). If the
Moon, the Sun and a star are on the same meridian, then in
exactly 24 hours a star that has no proper motion will return to the
same meridian; the meridian of the Sun will lag behind the
meridian of the star by about 1°, and the meridian of the Moon
will lag behind the meridian of the star by an average of 13.2°.

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The daily lag of the Moon from the Sun will be 12.2°. All this means that the rising,
culmination and setting of the Moon occurs 53 minutes later in relation to the stars, and
49 minutes later in relation to the Sun. Duration of a complete revolution of the Moon in
orbit in relation to the stars is 360° / 13°,2 = 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 11 seconds ≈ 2d7
32- is sidereal or sideric month (27.32166 average solar days).
Duration of a complete revolution of the Moon in orbit in relation to the Sun is 360° / 12°,2
= 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 03 seconds ≈ 29d 53- is a lunar or sideric month (29,53059
average solar days). As the lunar nodes move towards the Moon, the maximum declination
of the Moon during a given month varies and ranges from 28°36' N or S (e + i) to 18°18' N
or S (e - i).
When the ascending node coincides with the point of the vernal equinox the maximum
value of the Moon's declination δ mah =ε + i = 23°27' + 5°09' = 28°36' N or S. When the
descending node coincides with the point of the autumnal equinox the maximum value of
declination of the Moon δ mah = ε - i = 23°27' - 5°09' = 18°18' N or S, i.e. the value of
declination of the Moon is minimal.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 10

Phases of the Moon and its age.

The Moon shines with the reflected light of the Sun and taking different positions relative
to the Earth and the Sun it has different appearance to the observer, i.e. it is in different
L1 - New Moon - the Moon is not visible from the Earth as the Sun illuminates the opposite
side of the Moon. Vl=0(30)dn.
L2-1st quarter- half moon is convex to the right
L5- Full Moon- entire disk visible.
L7-last quarter - half disk bulge to the left

Phases of New Moon and Full Moon are called Sisygia. The phases of the first and last
quarters are called Quadratures. The interval of time from the New Moon to a given phase
of the Moon is called the Age of the Moon (ALL). In MAE the age of the Moon is given with
an accuracy of 0,1 day, there are also given the moments and dates of the Moon's four
main phases. Full change of phases occurs for synodic month 29,5 days≈30 days.
Therefore, the duration of one quarter ≈7.5 days. The age of the moon with an accuracy of
1-2 days, can be determined by the formula: Vl = D + N + L

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where Vl- age of the Moon, D-date, No.- number of

month in the year, L- lunar number (an empirical
number taken from the table)

Every year the lunar number increases by 11.

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Osmanov Elçin 13

Calculation example:
On 22.10.2001. B= 22+10+3=35-30= 5 d.
On 10.05.2005. B = 10 + 5 + 17 = 32-30 = 2 d.
As of 20.09.2012. B= 20+9+5=34-30=4 d.
On 25.11.2012B= 25+11+5=41-30=11d.

Knowing the age of the Moon allows you to approximate in

advance to determine the time of its highest culmination, rising
or setting and solve some other problems.
Local time of the upper culmination: Tk = 0.8h - V ± 12h.
The time is counted from midnight ± 12h so that it is no more
than 24h.
Local time of sunrise: Tvoskh = Tk - 6 h,
Local time of sunset: Tx = Tk + 6 hours
Direct ascent : αl = αʘ + Vl * 12

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 14

During a synodic month there will be on the average 29,5306 culminations of the Sun,
and one culmination of the Moon - 28,5305. Consecutive culminations of the Moon daily
lag behind on the average by 49 minutes, and so time of the moment of culmination of
the Moon on the given meridian daily increases by 49 minutes. Joint upper culmination
of the Sun and the Moon at noon is observed when they are located on the same
meridian (new moon), In the first quarter the Moon culminates 6 hours after the Sun
(evening) and can be observed from noon to midnight. At the full moon the upper
culmination of the Moon will be 12 hours after the Sun's culmination, i.e. at midnight
and the Moon will be visible from evening to morning with the angle between them
close to 180°. In the last quarter the Moon will culminate 18 hours after the Sun, i.e. in
the morning, and be visible on the sphere from midnight to noon. Around the first
quarter, the Moon is conveniently observed at the same time as the Sun in the evening,
with the angle between them close to 90°. In the last quarter, the Moon and the Sun are
also visible in the morning with a difference in azimuths close to 90°. In northern
latitudes, the Moon is best seen in the evening in the first quarter in spring and in
autumn in the morning in the last quarter. In winter, the moon is best seen during the
full moon at night.

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Azərbaycan Xəzər Dəniz Gəmiçiliyi


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