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Tərtib edən: Osmanov Elçin

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin
Subject : Marine Astronomy

Mövzu 16 Plotting the altitude position lines on a map in Mercator


Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 2


- Determining the surveyed coordinates of the ship's position on the route

- Graphical plotting on paper

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 3
ADDA Determining the surveyed coordinates of the
ship's position on the route map

In order to get the ship's surveyed

position, at least two position lines
corresponding to the same point in
time must be plotted on the
navigation chart. The intersection of
these position lines will give us the
ship's surveyed position. Let's look at
an example

Task: Calculate surveyed coordinates of ship's

location, determined astronomically by
measured heights of two stars, at
Tc= 19h 20m 20.09.2000 r

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 4

APL elements:
*а Aquila : Ас1 = 35,0°SE (АКР= 145,0°),
п1 = h1 - hc1 = +6,0'
*а Andromeda : Ас2 = 70,0°NE (АКР=
70,0°),n 2 = h2 - hc2 = +4,0'.
1 - At Tc = 19h 20m, plot the calculated position of the vessel
(Mc) on the navigational chart.
2 - From the calculated position of ship (t. Ms) we draw (thinly)
azimuths (bearing) to. luminaries (and Eagle - IP = 145,0° and
Andromeda - IP = 70,0°).
3 - On the azimuth lines, from the ship's calculated position (,
we plot, at map scale (1.0':1.0 miles), the corresponding values of
the altitude line transpositions
position (6.0' = 6.0 miles and 4.0' = 4.0 miles) and obtain defining
points K 1 and K 2

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 5

4 - Through the defining points

(tg. K1 and K2) we draw straight
line segments, which should be
perpendicular to their respective
azimuths (I-I .l.AC1 and11-11
.l.AC2). The intersection of the
elevation lines (I-I and II-II) gives
the position of the surveyed ship's
position on the map (t. Mo).

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 6

5 - Take the values of the surveyed coordinates

(φ0, λ0), as well as the values of the direction
and the value of the discrepancy of the
calculated location (C= 128° - 6.4 miles); make
an entry in the logbook. The direction of the
misalignment (128°) is determined by the
direction from the calculated location (from
Mc) to the surveyed location (M0). The
discrepancy value is measured with a circular
gauge as the distance (in miles) between the
calculated point ( and the surveyed point
(t.M0 ) on the scale of the navigation chart (on
its side border in the area of the surveyed
point of the ship).

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 7
Graphical plotting on paper

On a mercator map, the linear value of one

minute of the meridian arc is sesφ times the
linear value of one arc of the equator. This
relationship can be expressed graphically by
drawing an angular scale. In it, the horizontal
line represents the angular minutes of
longitude (Fig. 1, a), while the slanting line,
drawn at an angle equal to the calculated
latitude φC, gives the angular minutes of
latitude. One can easily see this by considering
the triangle oab on an angular scale. There oa
= ob cos φC, hence ob = oa cos φC.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 8

Draw the scale of the scale.

At the bottom of the sheet draw a horizontal line oa (Fig.1), and at an angle of φC an
oblique line ob. On the latter, a segment of 1 - 2 cm,
taken as 1′ of the lateral frame of the map, i.e. a mercatorial mile. The obtained points 1,
2, 3 ... are projected vertically on the horizontal line oa and the corresponding points 1′,
2′, 3′... . Considering the shaded right triangle oba, we find that its side oa = ob cos φC.
From this it is clear that each division of the horizontal line oa represents one equatorial
mile. In other words, the horizontal
line oa corresponds to the lower or upper frame of a mercator map.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 9

The computed place Mc can be located outside the circle of equal heights, inside the
circle, as well as on the circle itself.
In the first case, the transfer Δh = h0 - hc will be positive, as the radius of the computed
circle is larger than that of the circumscribed one. The determining point K with respect to
the enumerated place is situated in the direction towards the illumination pole.
In the second case, the transfer Δh will be negative, as the radius of the enumerated
circle here is smaller than that of the observed one. The defining point K with respect to
Mc will be located already in the direction from the illumination pole.
If the computed point Mc is located on a circle of equal heights, the transfer will be zero,
as the radii of both circles are equal. The point K will coincide with Mc. Thus it is possible
to formulate practical rules to be followed when laying out height position lines in various

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 10

Laying the PLL on map and paper

An arbitrary point on a sheet of paper Mc is taken as the calculated location of the
vessel (φC, λc). From this point the azimuth lines A1, A2 are plotted. With a compass-
measurer, the transpositions (height differences (h-hC)1 and (h-hC)2) are taken from the
slanting line of the scale, and the azimuths are plotted on the line of azimuths. By
passing through the points K1 and K2 the position lines I - I and II - II, at their
intersection the surveyed place M0 is obtained. To calculate the surveyed coordinates
use compasses RS and RD to measure M0 related to the calculated location Mc. The
difference in longitude between the surveyed location and the meridian of the
calculated point is determined using the scale.

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 11

The value of RS is obtained from the slanting line of the scale and RD from the horizontal line
of the scale.
Now φ0 = φC + RS; λ0 =λc + RD.To determine the coordinates of the surveyed place we plot the
arbitrarily computed position of the vessel C (φC, λc). Plot azimuths A1 and A2 (Fig. 1, b). We
plot the height differences (h-hC)1 and (h-hC)2 using the slanted scale of angular scale.
Through obtained defining points K1 and K2 we draw position lines. The final geographical
coordinates of the surveyed place are:

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 12

Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 13
Azərbaycan Xəzər Dəniz Gəmiçiliyi


Tərtib etdi:
Osmanov Elçin 14

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