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Organizare Evenimente

Risk assessment + Evaluation

Mihai Vacariu
 Accesati linkul de mai sus pt un exemplu de evaluare
Health, Safety and Risk Assessment.

Risk Assessment - The 5 Steps

 Identify the hazards

 2 Determine who is at risk
 3 Determine if the existing controls are adequate and amend
 4 Record the findings
 5 Review the assessment as necessary
6.2 Hazard Categories

 Physical: noise, vibration, lasers and electrical hazards

  Chemical: toxic, corrosive, irritant, harmful materials and fire
  Positional: work at height, position near water, layout of site,
vehicles and use of temporary structures
  Environmental: heat, cold, wind, pollution and slopes
  Health: fatigue, dehydration, musculoskeletal injury,
psychological stress
Fire is sometimes considered as an individual category.
Determine who is at risk

 Children and those caring for them

  Older people
  Disabled people
  Volunteers
  Contractors
  New and expectant mothers
  Those whose first language is not your own
  Those affected by drink / drugs / substance abuse
The importance of identifying those at risk involves:
 their different vulnerabilities to hazards
  their different competencies and understanding
  their different perceptions of risk
  their different abilities to respond to information
  their different behaviour in certain situations
The Risk Assessment Form

 Complete the risk assessment outline for the event

  Use a simple Likert Scale (a numbering scale)
  1 -10 for Severity (S)
  1 being low and 10 high
  And a Scale 1 - 5 (1 being low, and 5 high) for the Likelihood (L)
  Enter what would be the existing control measures & attempt as a
management team to identify other issues.
  The Severity score is likely to remain the same, the likelihood
score will diminish.
  Attempt to complete all grids
  Detail and specificity is required here.
Key Definitions

 Hazard = something with the capacity to cause harm

 Risk = the likelihood and severity of the harm
 Risk Assessment = method to determine the risk
 Risk Control = means to reduce the risk
 Health and Safety Policy
 Organising
 Planning and Implementing
 Measuring Performance
 Reviewing Performance
Measuring Performance

 Checking compliance with procedures - SUCCESS ( = active

 • Logging and investigating incidents - FAILURE ( = reactive
Measuring what is being done right is termed “active monitoring”

 Checking for compliance with established policies and procedures

by questioning, observation, site inspection using checklists
  Checking that required paperwork is in place, that safety checks
have been conducted as planned and that necessary training has
been completed
Measuring what is being done wrong - termed “reactive monitoring”

 Investigating accidents and incidents

  Monitoring accident records and incident reports to find patterns
and weak spots
  Monitoring longer term ill-health among staff
Successful Health and Safety Management

 Define health and safety responsibilities clearly

 Integrate planning for health and safety into the overall planning of
the event - not as an afterthought
 Budget for the equipment, personnel and control systems that will
be needed to cope with the hazards and risks
 Train staff and use competent health and safety advisors
Monitoring and Evaluation

 “Event evaluation is the process of critically observing, measuring

and monitoring the implementation of an event in order to assess its
outcomes accurately.” Bowdin et al. (2001) p. 271
Event evaluation process

 1. Clearly define the evaluation criteria for the event

 2. Design an Evaluation Process
 – Informal and Formal
 – Feedback from client
 – Feedback from participants/visitors etc
 – Feedback from event management team
 – Individual
 3. Identify appropriate sources of information/data for evaluation
Evaluation and Monitoring

 • Summative – at the end of the event

 • Formative – considered throughout the event process
 • Active Monitoring throughout the event planning process is
required- review Watt (1998) and Shone with Parry Event Planning
Potential answers to why we should evaluate:

 • to identify or solve problems

 • find ways to improve management
 • determine worth of the event or its programme
 • measure success or failure
 • identify costs and benefits
 • identify and measure impacts
 • satisfy sponsors, stakeholders and authorities (accountability)
 • gain acceptance/credibility /support
Hard and Soft Criteria

Hard criteria
 • concerns the outputs, tend to be tangible and quantitative
Soft criteria
 • concerns the process and tend to be intangible and qualitative
Answers to hard (h) or soft (s) criteria – some answers are debateable

 • A co operative attitude - s
 Performance specifications - h
 • Ethical conduct - s
 A positive image -s
 • Cost requirements- h
 Total quality -s
 • Social benefits – s
 Resource constraints-h
 • Visitor flow rates- h
 Staff commitment – s
 • Exit surveys - s
 Visitor perceptions –s
 • Visitor profiles - h
 Management notes -s
 • Specific quality standards –h
 Sales data – h
 • Staff and volunteer feedback - s
 Visitor numbers – h
 Financial reports and accounts - h
 •Deadlines -h
Potential answers – Tools and Techniques of Evaluation.

 1) observation
 • 2) audio tape recording
 • 3) interviews
 • 4) focus groups
 • 5) video tape recording
 • 6) vox pops
 • 7) suggestion box
 • 8) Media monitoring – newspaper clippings etc
 • 9) photography
 • 10) mystery guest
 • 11) questionnaires
 • 12) personal log
 • 13) staff meeting

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