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Submitted by : Annas khan
Ehtisham asghar
Awais ahmad
Adnan sattar

O A cooling tower is an equipment used to reduce the

temperature of a water stream by extracting heat from
water and emitting it to the atmosphere

O Wet cooling Towers

O Dry cooling Towers
Dry cooling Towers

O In dry cooling tower water is passed through finned

tubes over which the cooling air is passed. All the heat
rejected from the circulating water is thus in the form of
sensible heat to the cooling air.
O It may be mechanical draft or natural draft
Wet Cooling Towers

O Wet cooling tower dissipates heat rejected by the plant

to the environment either by addition of sensible heat to
air or evaporation of portion of re circulated water
O It may involve natural draft or mechanical draft
Natural Draft

O The natural draft or hyperbolic cooling tower makes

use of the difference in temperature between the
ambient air and the hotter air inside the tower. As hot
air moves upwards through the tower (because hot air
rises), fresh cool air is drawn into the tower through an
air inlet at the bottom. Due to the layout of the tower,
no fan is required and there is almost no circulation of
hot air that could affect the performance. Concrete is
used for the tower shell with a height of up to 200 m.
These cooling towers are mostly only for large heat
duties because large concrete structures are expensive.
Mechanical Draft

O Mechanical draft towers uses fans (one or more) to

move large quantities of air through the tower. They are
two different classes
1) Forced draft cooling towers
2) Induced draft cooling tower
Forced Draft

O The forced draft tower, has the fan, basin, and piping
located within the tower structure.
O In this model, the fan is located at the base.
O During operation, the fan forces air at a low velocity
horizontally through the packing and then vertically
against the downward flow of the water that occurs on
either side of the fan.
Induced Draft

O The induced draft tower show in the following picture

has one or more fans, located at the top of the tower,
that draw air upwards against the downward flow of
water passing around the wooden decking or packing.
Since the airflow is counter to the water flow, the
coolest water at the bottom is in contact with the driest
air while the warmest water at the top is in contact with
the moist air, resulting in increased heat transfer
Components of a cooling tower

O Frame and casing: Most towers have structural

frames that support the exterior enclosures (casings),
motors, fans, and other components.
O Fill: Most towers employ fills to facilitate heat transfer
by maximizing water and air contact.
O Splash fill: water falls over successive layers of
horizontal splash bars, continuously breaking into
smaller droplets, while also wetting the fill surface.
O Film fill: consists of thin, closely spaced plastic
surfaces over which the water spreads, forming a thin
film in contact with the air
O Cold-water basin: The cold-water basin is located at
or near the bottom of the tower, and it receives the cooled
water that flows down through the tower and fill.
O Drift eliminators :These capture water droplets
entrapped in the air stream that otherwise
O would be lost to the atmosphere.
O Air inlet: This is the point of entry for the air entering a
tower. The inlet may take up an entire side of a tower
(cross-flow design) or be located low on the side or the
bottom of the tower (counter-flow design).
O Louvers. Generally, cross-flow towers have inlet
louvers. The purpose of louvers is to
O equalize air flow into the fill and retain the water within
the tower. Many counter flow tower designs do not
require louvers.
O Fans. Both axial (propeller type) and centrifugal fans
are used in towers. Generally, propeller fans are used in
induced draft towers and centrifugal fans are found in
forced draft towers.
Tower materials

O Frame and casing  Wood, stainless

steel, concrete
O Fill  PVC, polypropylene, and other
O Fans Aluminum, hot-dipped galvanized
O Range
Range is the difference between hot water and cold
water temperature.
O Dew point
The temperature below which a vapor in a sample of air
begins to condense is called dew point.
O Saturated air
The air that cannot accept more water vapor at its given
temperature is called saturated air.
O Wet bulb temperature
The temperature is measured when a thermometer is
covered with a wet gauze on its bulb.
O Relative humidity
Partial pressure of water vapor in air Pv, divided
By the partial pressure of water vapor that would saturate
the air .
O Humidity ratio
The mass of water vapor present in a unit mass of dry air
is called humidity ratio.

The cooling tower is designed by SOCIETE


O Capacity 110000gal/min
O Hot water temp 109.4 ºF
O Cold water temp 93.2 ºF
O Cooling range 9 ºC
O Wet bulb temp 29 ºC
O Barometric pressure 14.696
O Height of the fan tower 11.5 m
O Air inlet 60ºF
O Air outlet 119.4ºF
O at T= 60 F

O Pv=0.5*.25611=0.128055
O Pv= Partial pressure of water vapor in air.
O At 119.4 F
O =0.0793
Using equation to find W

= 5.428
= = 167613.31lbm/min
O Amount of heat energy removed.
O Q=mCpdT
O Q=0.24*(119.4 – 60)*167613.31
O =238945.3btu/min

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