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Tickler file & Code Indicator

What is a
Tickler file?
Tickler file

 A tickler file is a reminder system that is designed to keep track of

 Inrecords management a tickler file alerts the records clerk that a file
has not been returned.
 Each time a record is borrowed, an index card is filled out with the
file name and borrower’s name.
Tickler file, cont’d.

 The index cards are filed


 Chronologicallymeans
arranged in the order of
Tickler file, cont’d.

 If
the file is not returned after a specified period of time an enquiry is
 The use of tickler files helps to ensure that borrowed records are
returned promptly. This helps reduce the risk of files being
misplaced, lost or damage.
Card Indicators
Card indicators

 Card indicators are similar to the cards that are found in the books
of libraries that use a manual lending system.
Card indicators

 The card shows the index name or number of the file and is affixed
to the relevant file.
 When a file is borrowed, the indicators is removed and placed in a
tray or box, usually in alphabetical or numerical order.
Card indicators, cont’d.

 The borrower’s name and the date of borrowing are usually entered
on the card, similar to the way these are entered on an out sheet.
 When the record is returned the card, indicator is reaffixed before the
file is placed in the drawer.
 The
use of card indicators eliminates the need to physically check
whether a file is in the filing cabinet

 A tickler file is a reminder system that is deigned to keep track of task.

 In records management a tickler file alerts the records clerk that a file has
not been returned.
 The index cards are filed chronologically.
 Card indicators are similar to the cards that are found in the books of
libraries that use a manual lending system.
Summary, cont’d.

 The card shows the index name or number of the file and is affixed to the
relevant file.
 The use of card indicators eliminates the need to physically check
whether a file is in the filing cabinet
Class Activity

 You are required to research additional indexing indicators and

present your findings to the class. You can work in groups of two
or by yourself.

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