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Building standards and


Difference b/w Hotels and Motels
Hotels and motels differ in layout and
construction. Hotels can contain hundreds of rooms
and several floors; they generally have staircases,
elevators and internal corridors that lead to the
rooms. Motels commonly have a one- or two-floor
layout and guests access their rooms directly from the
parking lot.
A motel can be defined as any type of sleeping
accommodation designed and operated especially for
the traveler who travels by car . It may be the most
primitive structure, or a virtual palace . It may be
called a cabin, a court, a lodge, an inn or simply a

Growth of the motel business

The average size, which was only 15 rooms in 1952, had
by 1959 increased to 35 rooms ; motels with 100 or
more rooms are not uncommon since large
corporations have entered the field.
Essentials for success
The success of every motel is influenced by three factors,
all of immediate concern to the designer :
(1) Good location
(2) Attractive appearance
(3) Quick, pleasant, and economical service.

There are two main types of motel patronage :
1. Transient- wants ready access to his car and quick service
2. Terminal- wants pleasing surroundings and recreational
The forecast should be followed by selection of the
site, working out of the financial plan, and finally,
determination of the functional scheme : the number,
types, and sizes of guest rooms, public spaces, and
food and beverage facilities, the type of building
construction, and the extent of mechanical services
Site location is of paramount importance. The
preferable locations are discussed below.
Differentiated by their location and purpose:
1. The city motel
2. The motor annex
3. The highway motor
4. The resort motel
5. The airport inn
Site plan
Designed for the convenience of the motorist, each room of
the motel should have, if possible, at least one window with a
desirable view or private outlook on a quiet area (for which
landscaping may be required) Bathrooms and clothes closets
should be placed along the driveway side of the rooms . The
room layout should follow the usual hotel guest-room
arrangement, with the central guest corridor replaced by an
access driveway . Convenience, privacy, and rooms that are
both quiet and cheerful are the objectives The shape,
orientation, dimensions, and topography of the individual
site, of course, may necessitate some deviation from the ideal
layout .
•Room have front views
•Washroom side touches parking slots
Parking slot

•No views
•Allow privacy
•Back to back rooms
•Parking between rooms
•Side by side rooms
•Clear view
•Interest developed
protect the guest in bad weather
a great help to maid service- can serve 14-16 r00ms
Absence of corridor lead to serve max 10-12 rooms
Provide easy management and secure feeling
Privacy would be greatly improved by placing the public walkway 15
ft or more away from the building, with suitable planting between.

Two-storey guest-
room buildings with
open corridors

Two-storey guest-room
buildings with interior
The motel guest wants much the same things in his room as he would
want in a hotel. A motel will often increase the length and width of a
similar room by a foot or two, however, to provide a greater
spaciousness than would be feasible in a commercial hotel in the city .
Some experienced motel operators say that 13 by 16 ft of net bedroom
area is the best minimum size for a room to accommodate two persons

Complete factory-assembled kitchenettes are available in
30 to 72-in. lengths.
 Features included are
 a range top with 2, 3, or 4 burners (either gas or electric),
 with an oven underneath ;
a sink, with a utensil storage cabinet underneath ;
 and a worktable area, with a refrigerator underneath .
 A storage cabinet for china and non-refrigerated
foodstuffs is usually provided on the wall above the unit .
Partition reduce sound transmission by at least 45 decibels
will be adequate.
In wood frame construction, 2 by 4's are often staggered on
8-in . centers, with a sound-insulating blanket between
the designer should consider materials, labor, suitability,
fire hazards, transmission loss, and cost,


The minimum number of guest rooms run from 64
rooms for the less elaborate forms of operation to 100
rooms for those organizations that intend all guest
conveniences and services to be distinctly superior .
Space allotments are directly proportional to the
number of guest rooms
Typical 100-room motel can be adjusted to suit any
other size . (For a 60-room motel, multiply by 0.60; for
130 rooms, by 1 .30.)
The manager's office and the secretary's office, as each
would still need about the same area .
Public space Area, Food and beverage service space
Lobby 1,100 Dining room (110 seats) 1,700
Front office 100
Coffee shop (70 seats) 1,100
Lounge 500
Bar and cocktail lounge (50 seats) 800
Corridors adjoining 300
Private dining rooms (75 seats) 900
Men's toilet for guests 140
Women's toilet for guests 120 Employees' dining room (20 seats) 260

Kitchen 1,300
Women's restroom 100
Coat checkroom 100 Steward's storeroom 300
Concessions and sub Walk-in refrigerators 150
Beverage storage 180
Rented stores 2,000
China, glass and silver storage 200
Receiving room 200
Garbage room 100
General service space
Manager's office 130
Secretary's office 90
Accounting office 130
Linen room 350
Laundry 600
Men's toilet for
100 Extra items (if needed)
•Garage for motorized lawn mowers and
Men's locker room 150
snow plow
Women's toilet for 120
employees •Swimming pool filters, chlorinator,
Women's locker room 170 pump, and heater
•Storage for lawn furniture and
Maintenance shops 600
recreation equipment
Furniture storage 250
General storage 600
Boiler room 750
Transformer and 150
switchboard room
Food service is not a lucrative part of the motel
business ; money invested in rooms would pay
better dividends.
For the larger motel, a dining room, coffee shop,
and bar with cocktail lounge may all be needed
If the motel is near a city, private dining rooms
are usually added as well .
y. The larger, more spectacular motel
restaurants may derive as much as 75 per cent of
their business from persons who are not
overnight guests
The lobby should be designed to impress the
prospective guest favorably and bid him
the guest, standing at the registration desk, can
look through a large plate-glass window and see
the swimming pool, attractive landscaping, or a
scenic view, room sales will be greatly aided.
Parking spaces, preferably in separate areas,
are generally required as follows
(1) I parking space for each guest room (may
sometimes be reduced to 0.8 per guest room)
(2) 1 parking space for every 5 restaurant seats
(3) 1 parking space for every 3 employees
(4) 2 parking spaces for delivery and service
trucks (in addition to space for a truck at the
service entrance).
•parking stalls 11 ft wide by 23 ft long,
•allowing 4 ft behind a 19-ft car for loading and
• Parking spaces under buildings should be 11 ft
wide and have a clear height of 7 ft In the design of
sidewalks adjacent to parking areas,
• consideration must be given to the overhang of
the car beyond the curb or wheel buffer ;
•this overhang may be as much as 2t/z ft in front or
4 1/2 ft in the rear of the car.
The width of a parking space shall be increased by one foot if either side of this space is
adjacent to a wall, fence, support, column or other structure.

Minimum Recommende
Width d Width
One-way 9’×9” 14’
Two-way 14’×7" 19’×6”

Max slope of ramp is 20% (recommended 16%).

The turn-off from the highway to the motel should be at an angle of 30 to 45
deg; sharper turnoff angles are inadvisable.
 The driveway should be 20 to 25 ft wide, and the radius of the curb on the
driver's right should be at least 50 ft .
 If a restricted site frontage should require a right-angle turnoff, then the
driveway should be 25 ft wide and the curb have a 30-ft radius .
 A curb radius of less than 30 ft is inadvisable under any circumstances.
 A slope of 6 per cent is the usual maximum for turnoffs from state highways .
 A slope of 12 per cent is customary for ramps, but can be as much as 15 per
The parking lot should be nearly level.
 The central driveway may be crowned, with a 1 per cent slope to the edges, so
that persons on foot will find it relatively free from water after rain or from ice
in winter.
gasoline and oil, and possibly tire, battery, lubrication,
and car-washing service

Surround by a 10’ terrace
If driving board provided, terrace should be 20’ wide.
The minimum size recommended for the pool is 20 to
40 ft, which is large enough for about 15 people, 24 to
48 ft standard size.
Minimum depth for swimming is 3’×9”.
operating motels of 150 rooms and more, considers 35 by
75 ft to be the minimum.
A children’s play yard, and areas for adult games may also
be desirable.
Games width× length, ft
Clock golf 40×40
Table tennis 12×20
Tennis 60×120
Handball 30×45
Area of about 15 by 20 ft is generally ample.
the things the guest sees first
a television room,
neatly defined lawns and
 one or more card drives will make a favorable
rooms, impression
 reading room and The right varieties of trees
will provide attractive shade.
library, Undesirable views should be
 table tennis, screened by dense plantings,
 movies, trimmed hedges, stone walls,
or louvered fences .
and electric organ
Outdoor advertising Heating and air
Signs conditioning
The entrance sign should Organized water
be plainly visible a good
hundred yards from the
turnoff, with letters at least motor-driven fan
18 in . High Zoning i.e., lobby,
Simplicity is effective.
entrance, etc
Light used for outside sign
Ample exhaust
The sign at the motel
customarily has a "Vacancy-
ventilation for kitchens
No Vacancy" indication .
Employees dining: Employees/staff room:
An employee’s dining room is Each room of 10 ft by 14 ft.
provided for the bellman maids
elevator operators Andy like other
employees such as the staff from the
front office and the accounting
Department . Employees Toilet:
The necessary space including the The minimum size shall be
serving counter should be determined
on the basis of 13 sq ft per seat and 4.7 ft by 5.7 ft.
the number of employees to be seated The W.C sheet shall be 1.6
at one time. The dining room for 20
ft from the floor
seats have area of 260 sq ft.

A Shallow Site A Narrow Site at For Greater Density

Parallel to the Right Angles to
Highway the Highway
the disadvantage of a road
If Parking Need The Bathroom Spine
down the center is
Not Be at the Unit Plan May Be
counterbalanced by the
Entrance Improved
convenience of unloading
baggage at the entrance .
Road Parking Strip
and Carport Strip The U Court Comes in All
Compared Patterns, All Sizes
It's the Corners That Count

With parking on the With parking on the the U becomes two L courts
outside front inside front

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