Management Process Isa-3

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Management processes

Leadership Styles
Energising leadership
Group 6:
Alonny- R/TT-19-02
Amisha- R/TT-19-03
Miraan- R/TT-19-23
Ninoshka- R/TT-19-27
Swanza- R/TT-19-42
Valusha- R/TT-19-44
1. What is leadership? 6. Energising leadership.
2. Characteristics of effective 7. Strengths of an energising
leader. leader.
3. What is leadership style? 8. Characteristics.
4. The Energizing dimension of 9. Potential failings.
leadership. 10. Examples of energising leaders
5. Management and Energising 11. Elon musk
12. Conclusion
What is leadership?
The ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or
guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.
The process of encouraging and helping others to work
enthusiastically towards objectives.
Characteristics of effective leader

Takes the challenges to grow.

Takes calculated risks.
Adopt the leadership style that fits you and your
Have courage at the time of controversies.
Accepts their mistakes.
What is leadership style?
Leaders’ styles encompass how they relate to others
within and outside the organization, how they view
themselves and their position, and—to a large extent—
whether or not they are successful as leaders.
The Energizing dimension of leadership

The leadership styles based on the charismatic and

transformational theories are classified into envisioning,
energising and enabling.
• The transformational leaders raise the motivation and morality of
both the follower and the leader.
• As per Bass, transformational leader, “attempts to induce
followers to reorder their needs by transcending self-interests and
strive for higher order needs".
Management and energising leadership
An energising leader basically aligns peoples energy
with the purpose of the organisation. This is done by
not on showing how smart and brilliant they are at the
expense of giving their people an opportunity to shine
and grow.
Energising leadership
As quoted by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Nothing great
was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
Energizing leaders pump up the energy around them.
They tend to be spontaneous, outgoing and
encouraging. Ideas flow from their lips. They try to
create innovative environments around them.
Strengths of the energizing leader

• They’re able to rally people around group goals.

• They tend to look on the bright side.
• They’re comfortable being in the spotlight.
• They’re often accepting of other people’s ideas.
• They take time to celebrate accomplishments.
• They build solid professional networks.
• They have a knack for selling ideas.
• They show appreciation for other people’s
• Energetic leaders are able to make visions come alive.
• They do this by being inspirational, passionate and by breathing
life into the vision via their enthusiasm and energy.
• Enthusiasm is infectious and makes leaders more credible.
• It’s the exact opposite of being dull and boring. It’s the
enthusiastic transmission of energy that brings a vision to life for
the leaders followers.
Energizing leadership invites others in, welcomes them
to the party, and celebrates everyone’s successes.
 Making time for team-building events, socializing and
off-site meetings can engage your team and align their
efforts towards a shared vision.
Potential failings
The energizing dimension has its potential failings, too.
 New ideas can distract you from the routine details and obstacles
that need to be taken care of.
 You can appear to be scattered and inconsistent.
Your excitement and optimism can lead you to neglect or discount
potential problems. 
Energizing leaders can have a hard time slowing down long
enough to address details and obstacles.
 Often an energising leader has to dig into big data and analysis.
 If a leader rushes too quickly, his followers might see him as
distracted, disorganized, or flighty. 
 the energizing leader often has a low tolerance for negative
emotions or conflict. 
Thus the energising leader could avoid conflicts that could have
led to better decisions or to innovative processes. 
Examples of leaders

Elon musk Bill Gates Barack Obama

Elon Musk
• Elon Reeve Musk was born on June
28 and is the CEO of private space
transport company SpaceX and
leading electric car company Tesla.
• His vision is so strong and
compelling that he inspires other
like-minded capable individuals to
join his companies and work towards
those goals.
• Works on Ground Level and Loves to
Celebrate Success
SpaceX which has become the first private
company to successfully launch a rocket and
dock at the International Space Station
He values feedback, contribution and ideas
from his employees, both good and bad, as
it helps him refine his ideas and execution.
He also uses the feedback loop as part of his
self-reflection and self-improvement.
he displayed outright determination to
continue and keep moving forward through
all disparities even after three launch failure
attempts of the SpaceX rocket.
• He seeks solutions for important, large-scale issues that will change
the way we live.
• Elon Musk proved us that serial entrepreneurship is not a bad idea,
Through his company PayPal, he showed us to make payments within
seconds, and thus entirely modifying worldwide ecommerce.
• He works for 100 hours a week. Elon Musk is undoubtedly the hardest
working employee of the company and has set standards for his
colleagues to achieve.
• Elon Musk built his team mainly with the fresh talent for both his
companies, SpaceX and Tesla. He even contacts the young and
talented engineers himself directly.
Such leaders gives proper direction to the organization, the
communications system and the structure. The leader ensures that the
long term objectives are translated into concrete plans of actions and
understood and supported by people working at various levels. These
plans are ultimately implemented through the organization structure.
Thus Energising leaders are an asset to any organisation as they build,
motivates and play an important role in the success of an organisation.

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