Bradley Hosker - Assignment 1 Investigating Websites

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Bradley Hosker

Unit 13 Assignment 1
Hand in date: 14th Feb

Investigating Websites
In this presentation I am going to be comparing two different websites which both provide
people with news about different subjects.
The two websites in question are BBC News and Leeds United

The two websites are designed for different purposes and are catering to different types of
people. The first website will be BBC News which is a website designed to have news
about nearly anything happening in the world and gives the user one place to go for
everything they need to know.

The second website will be Leeds United which is all about football and only has news
about that one subject only. This can be good for people only wanting that type of
information but lacks in the information about everyday things whereas bbc news has
information about everything.

The two websites are both designed to inform the viewer about different news articles but
only BBC talks about news in general and not specifically centering around a certain sport
meaning that most users won't need to visit the site and will instead just use bbc.
Features used in both websites

● Hyperlinks to link the user to different ● An intuitive design which keeps the user
articles on the website which allows users interested and makes the website feel
to easily navigate through the website. more professional.
● Action buttons allow the user to control ● Security features to help protect the
certain features of the website and make website ald all of its user base.
the user able to choose what happens. ● Social media integration so it gives more
● Images allow the website designers to freedom to the users of the website.
show people information in an easier way ● Mobile ready interface to make it easier to
than just plain text. access for more people which may not
● Contact forms allow people to submit have access to a computer.
information for the staff to see and act on. ● A section of questions that people may
have to help them out.
On the BBC website there is also a section which talks
about the BBC app which is a very convenient way of
Hyperlinks are used well on BBC because it integrates accessing the website because you don’t need to search
well with the design of the website and also matches for the website and login every time that you visit. It also
the colour scheme. This makes it look very allows you to access the website in an offline mode for
professional and doesn’t look to obstructing.
when you don't have an internet connection.
There are also many action buttons throughout the
website which makes navigation really easy from
anywhere on the page, this is good for the user
because they don’t need to constantly need to scroll to
the top to change pages.

The sign in options are also very good because it

allows people to have more related news regarding the
content that they want access to most, it also makes
the site more secure as you need a username and
password to access it.
The presentation, usability, accessibility, and performance are
improved in the following ways.

The presentation is very compact and has lots of information in one

area giving the user access to lots of information without much

The usability is improved because people have access to different

parts of the site from many locations not just one location making it
easy to change areas.

The accessibility of the website is also very good because it gives

the user control of the colours used on the screen, and also on
screen reading.

The performance is also good because there isn’t too many features
that slow down loading and different sections of the website.
Leeds United

The presentation, usability, accessibility, and The performance is good because there isn’t much
performance are improved in the following ways. information for the website to load and so all
information that is present will load faster and switching
The presentation is good because the site doesn’t feel pages will also be much faster
too cramped as all information is spread out well
making it feel open and more professional.

The usability is improved because the user has easy

access t change pages to what is most important.

Accessibility is not very good because there isn’t any

options to change page settings such as onscreen
reading or different fonts and colours making it less
appealing for impaired people.
Leeds United

The hyperlinks stand out from the main website as they There is also a sitemap located at the bottom of the page
are encased within a coloured area which makes the which gives the user access to all parts of the website from
text more visible and look more professional this one location making it easy to get to the place that you
makes it easier to navigate and access. want.

There is also a collage of images on the main page

which is visible when you load up the website, this
makes the website more inviting because it isn’t all just
text and other information. Images make it feel more
structured and well set out.

The design of this website is also very compact and

doesn’t have too much going on to confuse the user
which makes it more user friendly towards people that
may not want too much information crammed into one
Features used in BBC
The menu bar is a very effective way of allowing people to
navigate around the website because it is right at the start
of the page and has clickable buttons that link to different
areas. This is very useful for when you are looking for news
about certain subjects such as the weather.

BBC also uses a lot if images which relate to the news

articles that they are talking about which make reading
the information more engaging because you know what it
is about just by looking at the picture. It also makes the
website feel more full because there isn’t much empty
space making it feel more professional and thought out.
Features used in Leeds United
The branding of the website is very user
friendly because it has the full name of the
website clearly visible on the top of the
page and it also matches the colour
scheme very well which makes it look well
suited for its purpose.

The website also has interactive elements which

some other websites don’t have such as the clickable
images which give you more information on the
players in the football team. This is very good for
users because they don’t need to look for a separate
button to get the information the image is the button.
Presentation - The features used improve the presentation of the website because they are the first
things that the users see when they visit the website. Things such as the tabs make sure the
information isn’t too cramped and close together and make it look more clean. Also the layout of
all of the information and where it is placed can affect how people view your website.

Usability - Easy navigation by using tabs and different sections make the usability much better
because they allow people to move around different parts of the website much easier and without
any trouble. It also allows information to be grouped into folders to help the website look less

Accessibility - The accessibility is a key point because it can allow certain features such as screen
color to be adjusted based on user preferences such as someone with impaired vision can have all
the text colors changed. It makes the website more user friendly and inviting to new users because
they can tell you have spent time making it easy to use.

Performance- The performance of the website is also a point because the user needs to have a
smooth experience without any lag or stuttering which makes the experience much better overall
for everyone. Things such as the loading time between pressing a button and the page redirecting
to the desired page all have an affect on the experience.
Strengths and weaknesses of BBC News

Strengths: Weaknesses:

● Lots of information to suit many people’s ● Seems a bit outdated compared to other
needs news websites
● Well laid out sections for different articles ● Can be overwhelming when new users
● A good colour scheme that isn’t too first visit
overpowering ● Adverts can become an annoyance
● Easy to navigate for users because of the ● Maybe needs more interactive areas for
buttons more advanced users of the website.
● News articles about different subjects
● Very responsive to interactions
Strengths and weaknesses of Leeds United

Strengths: Weaknesses:

● Very clean and well laid out ● Only covers football news
● Lots of buttons to quickly navigate to ● Some areas have too much going on and
different areas can seem cluttered
● Shows lots of information and keeps the ● The text fonts change throughout the
user interested website
● A good colour scheme that makes the ● Adverts randomly appear and block
website look professional screen view
● The website redirects to desired pages

In summary the two websites are designed to inform the viewer about events and
keep them up to date with what is happening in the world.

In my opinion I think that the BBC News website is far superior to Leeds United
because it gives a much wider range of information that just can’t be matched by
the other website. It also has information about football in detail meaning that there
isn’t any real point in using leeds united unless you are wanting specific information
that a regular user wouldn’t care for. It has much more diversity and functionality
that makes the reader feel more comfortable and relaxed when using the website.

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