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Digital Portfolio

Storyboard : Daniel Ikegwuru

Information & Creative Technology
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
My Portfolio is mainly aimed at employers, looking to employ future Unit 11
Unit 13
students into the computing field. The main purpose of my portfolio is to
showcase myself to the employers, to emphasise how brilliant I am when
it comes to the assigned task/work and in the portfolio it includes my
best works from the different Units in the course.
About me
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

Hi there! My name is Daniel,

I am 17 years young and I am currently studying Information and
creative technology at Shipley College. So far so good I am enjoying it
here, really getting on with people and teachers, and also my works. In
my spare time I like to play videos games, do a bit of reading, watch
films, go on walks/jogs and also help out at home.
Sample Design for Website Homepage
Future Page
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

This page will have details on my future goals and this allow my viewers understand what I want to
achieve in the future.
Sample Design for Website Homepage
Contact Details
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

Sample Design for Website Homepage
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

This course will cover 6 different topics, which will help us have a better understanding/knowledge within the IT sector. The
following topics are as followed:
● The Online World
● Technology Systems
● A Digital Portfolio
● Spreadsheet Development
● Computer Network
● Website Development
Sample Design for Website Homepage
Unit 1 : The Online World
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

Unit 1 is an exam unit about the online world.

Sample Design for Website Homepage
Unit 2 : Technology Systems
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

Unit 2 is also an exam unit and it looks at how technology works

Sample Design for Website Homepage
Unit 9 : Spreadsheet Development
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

Unit 9 mainly looks at spreadsheets and will give us the understanding of spreadsheets and
the features available
Sample Design for Website Homepage
Unit 11 : Computer Networks
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

For Unit 11 i am asked to build a network using my own preferred design, and mainly focusing
on the important use of hardware and software components
Sample Design for Website Homepage
Unit 13 : Website Development
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13

In Unit 13 I will be creating a website of my choice, adding things such as my work from other units and
i will also be testing the website out for any faults.
Alternative Designs
Unit 13 : Website Development
About Me
Future Page In Unit 13 I will be creating a website of my choice, adding things such as
Contact my work from other units and i will also be testing the website out for any
Unit faults.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 13
Unit 13 : Website Development
Home About Me Future Page Contact Unit
In Unit 13 I will be creating a website of Unit 1
my choice, adding things such as my Unit 2
Unit 3
work from other units and i will also be Unit 9
Unit 11
testing the website out for any faults. Unit 13


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