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Thomas Edison

Also called as the ´wizard of the Menlo park’ and has more
than 460 inventions on his name. The most famous invention
is bulb and his first carbon bulb worked for 13 hrs.
Maria Telkes

Born in Hungary and the inventor of the ‘dovers

solar house’ and the solar still which were
approved for the soldiers and people. She had
worked in various places like the Massetussets.
Percy Spencer

The inventor of the microwaves and had also worked in

army as a wireless operator. He was a complete ‘made by
himself physicist’ because he learned calculus, physics and
chemistry all by himself.
Charles Barbier

In 1800s soldiers used lamps to read the messages which detected their enemies
where they were and they got disturbed next day a man called Charles Barbier
saw this problem and made a night writing system for them which was useful and
he was then being appointed as a teacher in a school of young blind students to
teach them the night writing system.
Louis Braille

Born in 1821 and was blinded at a very young age and

started improving Charles Barbiers night writing system
by removing 6 dots from each letter which made the
blinds read and write easily. Thus evolved a widely
accepted “Braille script” used by blind people.
George Stephenson

Richard Trevithick George Stephenson Locomotion

A man called Richard Threvithithic had invented train called the locomotive. He did this
by burning coal in steam engine which made the piston move but invention was doubtful
because it broke many cast iron tracks and he left it and started working in south
America. The locomotive was left untouched for 20 years.
Then a man called George Stephenson was asked to work on improving the track. He
improved it by putting wrought iron tracks. He also studied the train and understood
that it created low energy, so he increased the quantity of coals in it and it worked well.
And that’s how we got the father of rails.
And now we also have the maglev train technology which increases the speed and
decreases friction.
Stephen Hawking

He was a great American scientist. He was a theoretical physicist,

cosmologist and an author. He is best known for his attempts to explain
the “origin of universe” using the famous Big bang theory. His worked on
black holes and had also found one and proposed laws for black hole
mechanics. He suffered severely from motor neuron disease which had
left him paralyzed completely. Despite of this he continued to work.
Grace Hopper

She had designed the mark 2 computer by studying the mark 1

computer and had made its’ different types: a0,a1,a2,a3,b0 which
made a new computer language called Cobol. And that’s how we got
the mother of Cobol and she had also worked in the army as an
Alexander Graham Bell

He invented the telephone which worked from

the Morse code the. Radioactive waves were
transferred from a telegram to other phone.
Martin Cooper

He invented the mobile phone and its new stages and

he used the Morse code to send the radioactive waves
through a telegram in other phone.
Cai Lun, Marqui Tsai

Cai lun had invented the first paper and it was called the paper of
“Marqui tsai” because he was the emperor of the Han dynasty and
Cai Lun lived in it. Some say that a honeybee bit him and he got the
idea of making paper by knits, saliva and heating it.
She Lang Hsi

She was the inventor of silk and wife of Huang Ti. One day a larvae had fell
into her tea when she was about to take a sip. But she saw it which gave her
the idea of making silk. After some months China had a monopoly over silk
trade but which din´t last longer because some people from the emperor went
to Italy, France which spread to India and Korea. But again China has a
monopoly over it because silkworms are mostly found in China.
Jagdish Bose

He invented the crescograph which could see the plant

tissue and he also worked on radios and radioactive waves.
Srinivasa Ramanujan

He had invented the magic square and had also got the
noble prize. In his square if you add the numbers any how
you will still get the number 139.
Jayant Narlikar

Jayant Vishnu Narlikar (born 19 July 1938) is an Indian astrophysicist. He

developed the conformal gravity theory along with Sir Fred Hoyle known
as Hoyle–Narlikar theory. It synthesizes Albert Einstein's theory of
relativity and Mach's principle. He has several contributions in the field
of astro physics. He provided an alternative model to the Big Bang theory.
J.K. Rowling

She has written 8 novels on Harry Potter and is a

British author. She also wrote a funny story in her
childhood called ‘A rabbit’.

He had found/ calculated the time that earth takes

to revolute around the sun. And he was a great
mathematician and scientist.

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