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Session 15: Zero Defects and Poka Yoke

Zero Defect Program

• In a competitive world, organizations has to manufacture high-quality, defect-free
products at optimum cost.
• This gave births to new ways to improve quality of products.
• Some such tools includes: zero defect program, six sigma, JIT, Kai-zen, Poka Yoke etc.
• Coined by Phillip Crosby and implemented at The Martin Company-manufacturing
aircraft & aerospace materials.
• Established a production line inspection by operators who are individually pledged
to achieve the necessary quality standards at “first time” manufacturing.
• Slogan was: “Do It Right Time Do It Right Every Time (DIRFT-DIRET).
• Crosby’s 6Cs: Comprehension, Commitment, Competence, Communication,
Correction and Continuance. Part of Crosby’s 14 points.

• A management program which seeks the voluntary participation of working people

in undertaking personal responsibility for the quality task in hand.
Zero Defect: As Concept and Slogan
• Securing a high-level error free work performance.
• To produce defect-free product (DRIFT) on a continuous basis (DIRET).
• Demands defect free product.
• Looks into zero defect as long as the product is alive in the market.
• Long term objective and need for never-ending improvement.

• Zero defect program demands the organization to make “zero defect” a

• Motivates, reminds, or alerts the organization to improve quality.
• Comparable to adopting an appealing brand name.
Four Absolute of Quality by Crosby
• Quality means conformance, not elegance:
• Must be seen with the conformance of a product and service to requirements, but not on
the basis of elegance.
• The system of quality is prevention:
• It is better to identify all opportunities for error and see that it will not occur.
“Prevention is better than cure”.

• The measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance:

• The cost incurred on inspection is the price of non-conformance. Zero defect attainment
depends on how much the company is able to reduce its cost of conformance.
• The performance standard is zero defect:
• Any deviation from target is loss. So it is always cheaper to do the job right time, on time
and every time.
Role of Management and Workforce
• Many studies on quality issues, observed that the operators are controlled for quality.
• Generates negative attitude and indirectly reflects in productivity.
• Remedial action is to educate the employees about the significance of their job.
• Management should adopt “the self control” philosophy.
• Operator must be provided with the knowledge of
• What the operator is supposed to do?
• What the operator is actually do?
• What action is to be taken if it goes out of track?
• Individual training is important rather than a general training.
• Operator controllable defects occur:
• lack of skill
• conscious errors
• inadvertence errors
Implementing Zero-Defect Program
• Personal Challenge: Employees should be challenged to attempt error-free
• Identifying the cause of defect: Problems which obstruct the zero-defect
objective should be identified.
• Inspection: Play vital role in achieving zero defect from three dimensions-
identification, prevention and elimination.
• Motivation: Management should provide continuous Motivation through the
use of “attention-getting techniques” like recognition certificates, plaque,
awards etc.

• Organization needs to create a suitable environment and build a culture

among its employees.
Poka-Yoke System (Shigeo Shingo)
• Focuses on the concept of “mistake-proofing”.
• Believes in prevention is better than cure.
• Any idea generation or mechanism or a quality improvement strategy for
mistake proofing by preventing defects or nonconformities that arise during
production process.
• Preventing defects at source.

• The causes of defects lie in worker errors, and defects are the results of
neglecting those errors.
• A defect or imperfection exists in any of the three states:
• Defect is about to occur
• Defect is occurring
• Defect has already occurred.
Types of Poka-Yoke
• Depending on the three states, Poka-Yoke is classified into two:
• Prevention based and detection based
• Policy 1: If the defect has not occurred-prevention based Poka-Yoke.
• Shutdown Poka-Yoke: check critical process parameters and shutdown when the situation is
moves out.
• Warning Poka-Yoke: Signals the occurrence of deviation through buzzers, light or other
warning devices.
• Control Poka-Yoke: Installed on process equipment and restrict the flow of nonconforming
product to next process.
• Policy 2: If the defect has already occurred- detection based Poka-Yoke.
• Contact method: Detects any deviation in shape, color, dimension or any other characteristics
• Fixed-Value method: Used in sequentially performed operations. Uses automatic counters or
optical devices to control the move.
• Motion step method: Ensures that a process or an operator does not perform a step
erratically by taking a part which is not of normal process.
Installation Procedure & Five Building Blocks
• Identification of problem, Observation at workstation and collect data
• Root cause analysis, Brainstorming for idea, Selection of one best solution
• Designing suitable Poka-Yoke device, Installation of Poka-Yoke device
• Monitoring and feedback

• Customer focus
• Quality ownership at source
• Distinction between good and bad quality
• PSP philosophy (pre-inspection, self-control and post-inspection at source)
• Feedback and corrective action

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