Designing HOTS

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Pre- activity

Aims : building knowledge of the engagement

What to discuss : Implisit discussion
Media/ activities : Text sample

What picture do you see ?

What information do you find on the picture ?
What kind of picture do you think ?
If it is a certain text, can you
mention what kind of the text ?
Where did you usually find the text ?
• Teacher should give many questions to the students
related to the picture …

More pictures is better because students will be asked to

compare in the next activities
It’s good to give students an educated message through the
example of the material/lesson. And of course with some
questions :
- What is the public text about ?
- Is it a notice ?
- Do you agree with the notice ?
- etc
The other example
Main- Activity ( MODELING )
Activities : Analyzing the generic structure and language feature
Comparing the generic structure and language feature of two notice

 Look at this paper sheet I will give to you ?

( The paper sheet will give students Some Notice and also the material
summary )

 How are the sample similar ?

Generic structure
Language Feature

 How are the samples different

Main – activity Aim:
Constructing particular text type together (teacher-students, student-student)

 Please make a group of 4 or 5 students

 Each group must prepare 4 examples of notice and prepare the explanation
about them . They will discuss together.
 Each group will make presentation from the discussion

 Every students must create a notice

 Students must make the notice in different way.

 Notice is written or statement that gives information, instruction

or warning to people.

 Notice / caution is a form of functional Text used as instruction

or guidance to someone doing or not doing something.
Generic Structure

 Attention gather means using expressions or phrases that can attract readers’
or peopAttention gather (optional)
 le’s attention such as Notice, Warning, or Caution.
 Information
 Information here can be defined as the messages or information of the text
that want to be delivered to people.
 Closure (optional)
Language Feature

 Using Imperative mood (imperative sentence)

 • Using Declarative reference
 • Not necessarily sequenced in time Spoken / written
language features

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