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Name: Shakila Mumtaz

Roll no. By670039

Class : B.ed 1.5

Subject: Research Project

Course code: 8613

Course Instructor: Muhammad sharjeel

Semester: 3rd (Autumn 2020)




Reason of choosing this topic:

 This topic has been chosen because it is very important for children
to learn from their mistakes and errors in order to develop positivity
in their attitudes.
 Another important reason is that children will be able to develop
creativity in their tasks.
 Admitting when you're wrong builds trust and shows integrity.
 It helps them to make a honourable person.
Mistake: A mistake is an error, a goof, a slip-up. When you make a mistake, you've
done something incorrectly.
Mistake has a lot of uses, but they all have to do with doing the wrong thing.
A mistake in math class will result in the wrong answer, but a mistake with a gun could
get someone killed.

Error: An error is something you have done which is considered to be incorrect or

wrong, or which should not have been done.
An error is a more formal word and is generally used when the chosen action is compared
to a set of rules.
Why are we so afraid of mistakes?

 Most of us are products of a learning environment that championed the technique

of 'error-free learning'. Regular tests are often seen as demonstrations of
knowledge rather than a learning process in themselves.
 We are often taught to be ashamed of our mistakes.
 Under this system, most people lean towards trying their best to avoid mistakes at
all costs.
 The truth is that 'error-free learning' makes us cautious and afraid of taking risks
that may not turn out perfectly on the first attempt. So, it's time to bin your perfect
scores and put some blunders back into your learning process.
The power of learning from your mistakes:

 Getting it wrong is the best way to learn

 Mistakes are good: the evidence
 The study by Hays, Kornell N and Bjork RA, 'When and Why a Failed Test Potentiates the
Effectiveness of Subsequent Study' revealed that memory improves if people are given a
test they will inevitably fail. Essentially, trying and failing to get the correct answer is very
helpful to learning.
 Findings by Baycrest researchers in their study 'Learning from your mistakes' suggest that
near-miss mistakes help people to learn information better than if no mistakes were made
at all.
 A study by Potts and Shanks, 'The benefit of generating errors during learning' showed that
when people initially make an incorrect guess and then are given the correct answer, they
are more likely to remember the correct information than if they didn't guess to start with.
9 Ways To Help Students Learn Through
 See mistakes as a source of understanding
 Improve motivation and self-esteem by responding to and overcoming mistakes
 Honour mistakes as guidance for the teacher, too
 Allow mistakes through the learning atmosphere
 Allow a variety of mistakes
 Provide timely feedback so mistakes can be responded to
 Analyze root causes and sources
 Encourage independent mistake correction as a matter of habit
 Use technology that supports mistakes and personalized mistake analysis
How to include mistakes in your learning?

 It's all very well appreciating the benefits of mistake-making in learning, but how can you
incorporate this into your own study? Here are a few tips:
 Test your failing: We know what you're thinking, 'What does that even mean?' Obviously
don't try this out in the real exam, but when going through your study notes a few weeks
beforehand, try to test yourself before you think you're ready.
 Test yourself before you've even read through your notes, and see what you can learn
from the mistakes you make in the practice environment. It is a fantastic way to challenge
yourself, and remember that if you're not making mistakes it's clearly too easy.
 Use testing: Testing yourself is a great way to solidify your knowledge, so don't
be frightened by the possibility of not getting 100 per cent. Use practice exams,
look up questions online or simply interrogate yourself on what you've just read

 If you don't know, guess: If you're not totally sure, go for it regardless. Whether
you get it right or wrong you will know for next time. Take a bit more risk and
don't be afraid of the outcome.

 Be positive: Revising for exams can be a stressful experience and if you are
fretting over your mistakes it's going to make it even worse. Just remember how
valuable getting it wrong really is, and be positive!
 Active Generation Is Beneficial to Memory for Correct Responses

 Knowledge of Student Errors Helps the Teacher

 Consideration of Errors Offsets Overconfidence

 Errors enhance later memory for and generation of the correct responses,
 facilitate active learning,
 stimulate the learner to direct attention appropriately, and
 inform the teacher of where to focus teaching.

Of course, sensitive handling of errors and avoiding gratuitous punishments—verbal

or otherwise—is essential.

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