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Module 2


Mathematics in Nature
“The laws of nature are but the
mathematical thoughts of God.”

“Mathematics is the language in which God

has written the universe.”
Mathematics in Nature
Patterns in Nature
Every living and non-living thing of the
world seem to follow a pattern of its own
Self-organized patterns/inherent
Invoked organization
Self-Organized Patterns
This happens when individuals in a group
all follow the same behavior rules
Uses local information (that which exists
within its vicinity) to determine the
following subunit
Usually determined by evidence of
successive patterns
Self-Organized Patterns
Self-Organized Patterns
Self-Organized Patterns
Invoked Organization
Organizations which are architectural in
The pattern created is not necessarily
dependent on what appears locally
There is a practical reason why such kind
of organization exists and is a result of a
planned concept
These structures are built by an
“architect” that oversees and imposes
order and pattern
Invoked Organization
Invoked Organization
Invoked Organization
and the
The Fibonacci Sequence
Leonardo Pisano/Leonardo of Pisa (known
as Fibonacci) posted the following
problem in his book, Liber Abaci:
How many pairs of rabbits will be
produced in a year, beginning with a
single pair, if in every month each pair
bears a new pair which becomes
productive from the second month on?
The Golden Ratio
An amazing property of the Fibonacci
sequence is that the ratio between
consecutive terms tends to converge to the
number 1.61803399... called the Golden
Ratio, denoted by 
 is also called the divine proportion,
golden mean, or golden section
The Golden Ratio
Two quantities are in the golden ratio if
their ratio is the same as the ratio of their
sum to the larger of the two quantities
For two quantities a and b, a > b > 0
The Golden Rectangle
The Golden Rectangle
Golden Triangle
Starting with an
isosceles triangle with
base angles of 72,
bisecting one of the
base angles gives
another golden
triangle. Continuing in
this manner, we get
Whirling Triangles and
a logarithmic spiral
obtained by drawing
arcs on one of the
congruent sides.
Module 2: Assignment (Graded)
Take pictures of revelations or
manifestations of Mathematics in nature.
Differentiate those which exhibits Golden
ratio from those that exhibits Fibonacci

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